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American TV Journalist, who Exposed Turkey's Support to ISIS, Dies in 'Suspicious' Car Accident

An American TV journalist, who was accused by Ankara of spying - following her recent story blaming Turkey of allowing Islamic State militants to cross into Kobane, died in a car accidenton Sunday.

Press TV - the deceased journalist's employer.

According to the report, Shim was killed on Sunday in the city of Suruc in Turkey's Urfa Province, when her car collided with a heavy vehicle while she was going back to her hotel from a report scene.

The police claim they have not been able to locate the truck or the driver yet.

Shim came to Syria to cover the ongoing war in the strategic Syrian town of Kobane. Shim is specialised in Middle East affairs, with special focus on Lebanon, Iraq and Ukraine.

The accident has created an air of suspicion on Turkey as Shim had told Press TV on Friday that the Turkish intelligence agency has accused her of spying, following her stories which exposed Turkey's support to the ISIS.

Shim reportedly told her employer that she feared Ankara was watching her moves and would try to arrest her.

In her last on-air interview, Shim had told Turkey that she was "surprised" at the accusation as she has nothing to hide and has never done anything, aside her job.

Shim, a mother of two, has done several stories on ISIS militants infiltrating into Syria, through the Turkish border. In one of her reports, the journalist had shown images of militantscrossing the Turkish border into Syria, by hiding in World Food Organization (WFO)and other NGOs' trucks.

The Iranian state-run Fars News Agency reported that Shim's family doubts if it was really a "car accident".

Shim's family reportedly stated that they suspect if the Turkish authorities are responsible for the death of the journalist. The report claims her parents now want to pursue the matter legally.

Watch Video of ISIS Crossing into Kobane from Turkey

Kobane has been under the attack of the Islamic State in recent weeks. Turkey, despite being its closest neighour, has refused to help Kurdish fighters. There has been several reports, accusing Turkey of assisting the militants.

Reports claim that Turkey not only trained the militants in the country but has also supplied satellite images and several key information to the ISIS, to assist the group in its battle against Kurdish fighters.

American TV Journalist, who Exposed Turkey's Support to ISIS, Dies in 'Suspicious' Car Accident

Allah's judgement. This is how Allah punishes the ones who side with devil.
huh....ok bro. if thats the case, where did ISIS,al nusra get their weapons, finance and where did they come from?? or maybe they have African voodoo magic to just appear out of nowhere and become the most dominant power/ player in Syria rebellions and iraq insurgency? lol. yes nobody ever supported them. :D the truth is , in the beginning we all supported the rebels/jihadists in Syria as far as they could tople ASSAD. However as hw clinged to power and the war grinded to a stalemate, , the jihadists started showing their true colors as always. the helll, had they not started executing our citizens/ journalists. then we would have keep turning a blind eye and let them carry on with their jihad against ASSAD and their follow Muslim brothers. :bounce::agree::enjoy:.
Just being honest. we couldn't have cared less. :pop:
According to iraqi members here, isis already fought against Americans since the occupation period, back then they didnt use IS or ISIL name though. So they already had weapons. Furthermore, maybe you also remember how the Iraqi army retreated in the initial phase. isis captured lots of equipment (incl. humvees, tanks, artillery pieces etc.) and money too. These guys existed before, but now that they have gained momentum, some sunni tribes joined them, so manpower doesnt seem to be a big concern either. Of course they have foreign fighters too, for which the country of origin and Turkey should be cautious with. I simply cannot understand why foreigners would accuse Turkey of supporting such an extreme group that has no advantages except that it combats pkk and pyd. Turkish and western govts' business is with Assad, so supporting FSA has always been the goal since the beginning. Yet we saw isis fighting fsa, Turkey's and the west's interest, before. This isis is a thorn that harmed all; Assad, Turkey, Western journalists, FSA, pyd, pkk, peshmerga, other smaller rival extremist groups, shiites, sunnis, yezidis in general. Maybe it's better to ask who it isnt planning to touch in order to found out who might be behind isis.

All that happened wayyy after ISIS was already already the most powerful/credible force fighting Assad in Syria. For your information, your(or should i say our .lol) democratic freedom fighters FSA(lol) had already allied with ISIS and they often launched operations together against Assad. Everybody knows this. The littlle differences they have against each other are just for who will hold power(it indeed grows from the barel of a gun).lol after Assad falls (even though they are already fighting among themselves even before he does.lol). The line between isis and 'freedom fighters' FSA is indeed very thin to be honest. :agree: Just because ISIS started threatening our interests in Iraq ,leading our governments in the west to face reality and launch a campaign against them doesnt means we would have done the same had they limited themselves in syria.
Truth be told ISIS indeed made a big mistake thhreatening our innterests and beheading our civilians and journallists. For by doing this they invited democracy and our military/media and econommic might upon themselves. Leading even the US to call out those supporting/sponsoring ISIS(Like kerry did when he blamed turkey recently). Had isis stopped at beheading syrian soldiers and its fellow muslim brothers then we and turkey wouldnt have cared one bit, as long as they kept fighting Assad.:chilli:
Could you sum up the points why you think Turkey is supporting isis? I'm curious to see what Turkey does that the west doesnt, yet only Turkey and some other ME countries are depicted as the boogeymen, which imo is nothing but a sign of the west to cover up their own faults and blame others instead

chinese can't watch youtube :(
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And who might you be? Aah, you are the Student of Wikipedia university. Remembered.

Go, read wikipedia, then come here and enlighten the people here. :)

You are "enlightened" enough with your ISIS propaganda in this forum, don't worry
Allah has nothing to do with it. It the Sultan...He is in kouroughli survival mode.
New picture from accident, do you still think its truck drivers fault?

Allah's judgement. This is how Allah punishes the ones who side with devil.
Allah has nothing to do with it. It the Sultan...He is in kouroughli survival mode.
New picture from accident, do you still think its truck drivers fault?

It does look suspicious, no tire mark.?..It does seem that the truck was passing another vehicle and collided with the black car...
It does look suspicious, no tire mark.?..It does seem that the truck was passing another vehicle and collided with the black car...
Not the truck is in wrong lane but the car for gods sake, sometimes im asking myself kind of people i have to deal with in PDF...
Not the truck is in wrong lane but the car for gods sake, sometimes im asking myself kind of people i have to deal with in PDF...
I didn't say he was not in the right lane...Its the lack of tire marks that makes it suspect. One of them should have seen the other one and hit the breaks...There is no tire marks...think about it?
I didn't say he was not in the right lane...Its the lack of tire marks that makes it suspect. One of them should have seen the other one and hit the breaks...There is no tire marks...think about it?

Mate, ever heard about something called ABS ???

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