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American TV Journalist, who Exposed Turkey's Support to ISIS, Dies in 'Suspicious' Car Accident

What kind of assassination is this when her own car is the one in wrong lane? Did anyone noticed this significant fact? :coffee:

Don't take their arguments away so quickly, bro. I was just starting to enjoy their stories :) i wouldn't be surprised if they now start saying MIT sabotaged the steering wheel, one of the left wheels or the pedals before she drove away...
What kind of assassination is this when her own car is the one in wrong lane? Did anyone noticed this significant fact? :coffee:


Or, they moved her car in front of the truck after the assassination? :coffee:
Well i don't think Turkey killed her as some members here say. It might just have been accident, it must be a coincidence. Afterall, Turkey knows killing her will all but draw even more attention to them than they already have, and will lead to lots of condemnation nfrom all over the world and maybe even sanctions(huh....ok i dont think so, since even Turkey having jailed the most journalist of any country on earth, still no country has placed any sanctions, so thats too far fetched.lol). So i dont see any reason why they will kill her so openly, which will bring just bad things to the government.

However, i think every body with a little knowledge of the middle east or who follows the news, knows that Turkey has been Supporting ISIS during the Syrian uprising with arms, finance, sanctuary, logistics etc. Denying this fact, is like saying the U.S doesnt use/operate drones in Pakistan.lol However, we shouldnt place all the blame on Turkey though, since our governments to some extent also supported these scums for their own interests which was toppling Assad and reducing Russian/Iranian influence in the region, thats without talking of our subcontractors in the region: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other gulf countries who provide the bulk of finance and arms to ISIS so they can impose their version of wahabism in the region.
Supporting ISIS during the Syrian uprising with arms, finance, sanctuary, logistics etc. Denying this fact, is like saying the U.S doesnt use/operate drones in Pakistan.lol However,

Mate, we are not denying, we are refusing all of your allegations.

We supported FSA not Jihadists... Your biassed media can forge more BS articles. We don't care....
Mate, we are not denying, we are refusing all of your allegations.

We supported FSA not Jihadists... Your biassed media can forge more BS articles. We don't care....

lool ok Turkey NEVER supported ISIS. Only the west/house of Saud did.:D Turkey supported only the 'FSA' alias ISIS.:cheesy::P
lool ok Turkey NEVER supported ISIS. Only the west/house of Saud did.:D Turkey supported only the 'FSA' alias ISIS.:cheesy::P
You have no clue if you think fsa is isis and vice versa. Turkey, just like Britain and some other western countries, started supporting fsa in the beginning. Then isis showed up this year in syria as well. They fought each other too. Essentially isis made our fsa project worse. Then Isis harmed Turkey on several occassions too, yet some westerners are telling us that Turkey supports isis :D If anything, the west, with the US on the lead, is mainly responisble, but we see how they are evading their responsibility and tries to push Turkey and others to the front. No one is gonna fall for such games, except for the sheeple in the west.
You have no clue if you think fsa is isis and vice versa. Turkey, just like Britain and some other western countries, started supporting fsa in the beginning. Then isis showed up this year in syria as well. They fought each other too. Essentially isis made our fsa project worse. Then Isis harmed Turkey on several occassions too, yet some westerners are telling us that Turkey supports isis :D If anything, the west, with the US on the lead, is mainly responisble, but we see how they are evading their responsibility and tries to push Turkey and others to the front. No one is gonna fall for such games, except for the sheeple in the west.

huh....ok bro. if thats the case, where did ISIS,al nusra get their weapons, finance and where did they come from?? or maybe they have African voodoo magic to just appear out of nowhere and become the most dominant power/ player in Syria rebellions and iraq insurgency? lol. yes nobody ever supported them. :D the truth is , in the beginning we all supported the rebels/jihadists in Syria as far as they could tople ASSAD. However as hw clinged to power and the war grinded to a stalemate, , the jihadists started showing their true colors as always. the helll, had they not started executing our citizens/ journalists. then we would have keep turning a blind eye and let them carry on with their jihad against ASSAD and their follow Muslim brothers. :bounce::agree::enjoy:.
Just being honest. we couldn't have cared less. :pop:
just appear out of nowhere


.... Look pal, your knowledge is very limited and you are trying to discuss with us with a few articles you read from your media...

the helll, had they not started executing our citizens/ journalists.


Cute way of thinking...The moment ISIS closed in Erbil and Bagdat, US hit them. As most of the Western investment lies in these cities.. that's why US never acted in Syria even though they fvcked the whole country..... After US aerial strikes ISIS began to behead western captives......

Anyways, not looking for a discussion....
huh....ok bro. if thats the case, where did ISIS,al nusra get their weapons, finance and where did they come from??
Money from Mosul Bank (450 million) and oil smuggling, weapons from retreating Iraqi soldiers, SAA bases and US airdrops. :D

Money from Mosul Bank (450 million) and oil smuggling, weapons from retreating Iraqi soldiers, SAA bases and US airdrops. :D

All that happened wayyy after ISIS was already already the most powerful/credible force fighting Assad in Syria. For your information, your(or should i say our .lol) democratic freedom fighters FSA(lol) had already allied with ISIS and they often launched operations together against Assad. Everybody knows this. The littlle differences they have against each other are just for who will hold power(it indeed grows from the barel of a gun).lol after Assad falls (even though they are already fighting among themselves even before he does.lol). The line between isis and 'freedom fighters' FSA is indeed very thin to be honest. :agree: Just because ISIS started threatening our interests in Iraq ,leading our governments in the west to face reality and launch a campaign against them doesnt means we would have done the same had they limited themselves in syria.
Truth be told ISIS indeed made a big mistake thhreatening our innterests and beheading our civilians and journallists. For by doing this they invited democracy and our military/media and econommic might upon themselves. Leading even the US to call out those supporting/sponsoring ISIS(Like kerry did when he blamed turkey recently). Had isis stopped at beheading syrian soldiers and its fellow muslim brothers then we and turkey wouldnt have cared one bit, as long as they kept fighting Assad.:chilli:

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