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American Media invades Pakistan


Aug 15, 2009
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Bangladeshi-born Anushay Hossain is an author, commentator, writer and activist based in Washington, DC. She founded Anushay’s Point in 2009, and her work is regularly featured on Forbes Woman, The Huffington Post, Ms. Magazine Blog, Feministing, National Public Radio (NPR), The World Bank Blog, and The Washington Examiner.

Anushay began her career as an intern at the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee (BRAC) where she worked on micro-finance for women in her native country, Bangladesh. A University of Virginia graduate, Anushay joined the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Nobel Peace Prize nominated Campaign for Afghan Women prior to completing her MA in Gender and Development at the University of Sussex. She spent a year at the United Nations Development Fund for Women’s (UNIFEM UK) London office before returning to Washington, DC where she invests the majority of her work analyzing the impact of US foreign policy on the health and rights of women and girls around the world.

Anushay frequently travels to leading colleges and universities across the country giving talks on global women’s rights movements. She has spoken at Georgetown University, American University, George Washington University, NYU, Duke and Yale Law School. Anushay has appeared on BBC Radio, National Public Radio (NPR), Canada’s CBC, and is regularly featured as a commentator on Russia Today (RT) as well as Sirius XM Radio’s “Broadminded” show.

A fervent lover of cultures, Anushay spent a year in Italy studying Italian and is fluent in six languages. She is married and lives in Washington, DC with her Iranian-American husband.

ANUSHAY'S POINT | The Blog, The Conversation

more like anti pakistani establishment propoganda campaigh..such aid should be blocked by the government and their benefiticaries should be tried for treason..such aid should be treated in the same class as political defamation and terrorism
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