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American Embassy in Islamabad Constructing Firing Ranges & Rappelling Towers

That is very apparent yes.

Like I said, US presence in Pakistan is going to be limited. The US is spending a lot of time and effort to contain the damage. It is too late for that kind of endeavor. US Pakistan relations are going to be non-existent in the near future. It is only a matter of time.

You have them in one place, inside their own compound, better monitoring and their movement is restricted.

Future Pakistan US relations are for their foreign offices and governments to sort, but this thread is propaganda honestly.
What a shameless coward nation we are. Money, money, money. It is always money. No fvcking character. It enrages me beyond belief. How people can sell their soil and freedom for a piece of fvcking paper.

You know. The most worrying part is that this is most likely happening with the consent of our armed forces. Not a shred of doubt about it.
These fvckers are doing both. It is not only equipment. They also have sizable marine presence in that building.
Here is the funny part: USA will be doomed before she could use these facilities. So, let them spend. We know what to do, and when to do.
Here is the funny part: USA will be doomed before she could use these facilities. So, let them spend. We know what to do, and when to do.

The Yanks are cunning fvcks, but their cunningness has come to an abrupt end. We are foolish no doubt, but time and history has taught us in a very unpleasant way.
It doesn’t matter. This embassy will eventually seize to exist. It is only a matter of time. US military and covert presence in Pakistan is going to be reduced to zero.

More hopeless and delusional thinking. The US embassy in Islamabad will not cease to exist, not unless Pakistan wants to break all diplomatic contact with US. This is never going to happen.
East India Company anyone? -
They have active plans to secure (snatch) Pakistan nuclear warheads and everyone know, lets say Nawaz Sharief was Ghadaar then why not current Sarkari Sadiq aur Ameen taking any action...why Govt is allowing them to construct such huge places to house more than 4000 soldiers.
More hopeless and delusional thinking. The US embassy in Islamabad will not cease to exist, not unless Pakistan wants to break all diplomatic contact with US. This is never going to happen.

Why don’t you worry about the rape crisis in India?

We are going to show a massive middle finger to the US which we have essentially already done. The Americans can beg all day long, but they are unwanted here. They can build the largest embassy in the universe. It won’t make an iota of difference.
Many countries with US embassies have Marines stationed there. It is the job of Marines to guard consulates which per international law are US territory.
They are constructing to house 4000 soldiers, do still thinking they are just there to guard US officials?
East India Company anyone? -

It is worse. These Yankee bastards came in with a very sinister plan and they don’t hide it under a rug. They want to empower India as the cost of Pakistan. Ain’t gonna happen.

We are not going to become a poodle state. America can abuse India for that purpose.

Pakistan will work closely with regional allies. Our future lies with China, Russia and other regions states.
They're getting ready to do to Pakistan what they've done to countless other nations; Libya/Syria weren't the last ones. The recent sectarian propaganda on PDF is them getting ready to divide and conquer.
When you invite trouble you will get trouble simple as that.
Pakistan really needs to build up a Russian alliance as well. It is a travesty it fell into the American users lap after 1970s.

It is worse. These Yankee bastards came in with a very sinister plan and they don’t hide it under a rug. They want to empower India as the cost of Pakistan. Ain’t gonna happen.

We are not going to become a poodle state. America can abuse India for that purpose.

Pakistan will work closely with regional allies. Our future lies with China, Russia and other regions states.

That is why I think Trump has been the biggest blessing in disguise to expose the real US establishment and its real motives.

At least he has exposed the real intention of US elite is their imperialist project, and the smokescreen of ‘spreading democracy & human rights’ has been abandoned once and for all!
It doesn’t matter. This embassy will eventually seize to exist. It is only a matter of time. US military and covert presence in Pakistan is going to be reduced to zero.
Bro, do these rants have any credibility?

1. American embassy is not going anywhere.
2. Expansion of American embassy is a matter which was decided early on, and set in motion.

Do you think GOP is not aware? They all know, and nothing can be done about it.

Here is another newsflash: US will leave Afghanistan on its own accord. Afghan Taliban understand this very well, and is coming to terms with this reality as well.

Pakistan and US are not supposed to be enemies in the long-term. Just because Pakistan is close to China, does not imply that Pakistan will seek confrontation with US on the behest of China or any other country. WE must strive for BALANCED geopolitics from this point on (no more bowing to US, China or any other entity).

Take a good look at Pakistan's economy - in the gutter already. And IMF is bailing us out once again. IMF belongs to....

So leave it be. These are SENSITIVE matters, and Pakistani media is being irresponsible.
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They are constructing to house 4000 soldiers, do still thinking they are just there to guard US officials?
No foreign white trash should be allowed on our soil. Our Military forces are capable to safeguard such high value buildings and red zone area. American-Pakistani diplomatic relations are not very good nowadays so housing of such a large foreign military force is impossible to think of and one which is Americana should not be allowed on our soil. We should remember black water and Raymond Davis activities inside Pakistan and how much problem they created in the past. America is the number one blackmailer country in the world and should be dealt with accordingly. The whole Americana IMF loan program with its high interest rates is to blackmail a country, create depression among the common people and weak the country's economy and to take complete control of its assets and resources and you have Greece as a result. We should improve our relation with the Russians further just to give these blackmailers some heartburn. I also think we should keep a more sharper eye on American embassy activities from now and onwards.
They are constructing to house 4000 soldiers, do still thinking they are just there to guard US officials?
How do we know its 4000 soldiers?
And if those countries can restrict the US embassy so should we if required.
So perhaps the question isn’t what the US embassy doing but what the security establishment and bureaucrats are doing if this construction is such a concern for all? Everyone’s concerns on this should imply they are eunuchs if they are letting “4000 troops” in.

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