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American Embassy in Islamabad Constructing Firing Ranges & Rappelling Towers

Largest embassy in the world , thousands of US special forces staying there , fortress being build , humvees ( mini tanks ) being stationed , largest intelligence network being installed . All done with " mutual understanding " of pakistan military establishment , Useless to mention political pims whose souls are always for sale .
In event of any crisis all our communications can be jammed within minutes , Air force can be locked down in matter of no time and none the less islamabad can be controlled and main buildings can be " secured " by US special forces within hours . JOB DONE . You hate it or not ... it doesnt matter ... but its bitterly True .
Largest embassy in the world , thousands of US special forces staying there , fortress being build , humvees ( mini tanks ) being stationed , largest intelligence network being installed . All done with " mutual understanding " of pakistan military establishment , Useless to mention political pims whose souls are always for sale .
In event of any crisis all our communications can be jammed within minutes , Air force can be locked down in matter of no time and none the less islamabad can be controlled and main buildings can be " secured " by US special forces within hours . JOB DONE . You hate it or not ... it doesnt matter ... but its bitterly True .

For goodness sake ...... stop spreading paranoia.
Just you wait.
Our Iron Brothers will also open re-education camps and treat us as second class citizens.

If WE continue selling motherland for a few dollers, foreign visa etc. And don't play our cards right.

The second news piece also ties into the US, UK, Europe program of mass surveillance. It's map showed Af-Pak as the hottest for their spying/surveillance.
Did the USA have mud houses as her Embassy in Hanoi?????

Keep your friends close, but enemies closer. As for the USA vs Pak - they are the "closest"....

These are all rumors tanks, jets, thousands of marines, and what not (I am wondering how they missed SAMs because PM's heli flies right above this compound when its bound to Bani gala or Pindi). The truth is it's a modern day fort, with enough supplies to sustain its inhabitants for at least two months .... cut from the outside world. Our problem we put too much importance to useless bits and propaganda .... we should have studied why would they want such secure place cut from outside world for themselves (hint they anticipated that Pakistan may any time fall and the place may turn hostile for them) ... the reasons. And we are not the only ones where they did their huge constructions, Turkey is also in the list ..

Even if I had to believe the conspiracy theories that they want to take control of Islamabad, how is it even possible in terms of planning, operational feasibility, supplies and then how would they be able to hold that position (few thousand marines surrounded by hostile population)? They (may be unlike us) somehow still do care for their citizens, they won't take any risk that endangers their citizens life (Ramond Davis is an example), and their mobility is restricted ........ and seriously they have a huge advantage, better brains working for their national interests, honestly ..... why because we are still stuck with generating and propagating conspiracy theories. You can bear the truth then let me be blunt ....... if they stop inventing and researching for next 50 years and we start moving our lazy rears .... may be we would be somewhere close to matching them.
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All our own fault. We allow these pigs to do whatever they wish. They kill our people in broad daylight and we let them walk away. They kill our people in drone strikes and some of us encourage this as normal. They exploit us inside out yet we pretend it is normal. This latest act is to be expected. The Yanks consider Pakistan as a freebie state. A nation they can exploit and abuse at will.

After all that has happened we shouldn’t even have a US embassy in Pakistan.
US embassy is a Fortress ..

I have ways said this that Pakistan will have to do whatever it takes to shut down the fortress so called Ebassy as US Fortrezx embassy is a direct threat to Pakistan
Bro, do these rants have any credibility?

1. American embassy is not going anywhere.
2. Expansion of American embassy is a matter which was decided early on, and set in motion.

Do you think GOP is not aware? They all know, and nothing can be done about it.

Here is another newsflash: US will leave Afghanistan on its own accord. Afghan Taliban understand this very well, and is coming to terms with this reality as well.

Pakistan and US are not supposed to be enemies in the long-term. Just because Pakistan is close to China, does not imply that Pakistan will seek confrontation with US on the behest of China or any other country. WE must strive for BALANCED geopolitics from this point on (no more bowing to US, China or any other entity).

Take a good look at Pakistan's economy - in the gutter already. And IMF is bailing us out once again. IMF belongs to....

So leave it be. These are SENSITIVE matters, and Pakistani media is being irresponsible.

Look at it this way: The embassy is an indication of the importance given to Pakistan by USA.
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