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American Embassy in Islamabad Constructing Firing Ranges & Rappelling Towers

These are embassy-related developments and not a matter of grave concern. Just make for sensational news.

US is able to extract meaningful information about any country through numerous channels and much of these assets are beyond our reach or capability to influence anyways. For starters: https://satelliteobservation.net/2016/07/30/history-of-the-us-reconnaissance-system-i-imagery/

Now, shall we talk about developments behind the walls of the embassies of other countries in Pakistan as well? Silly fear-mongering.
The Yanks are going to do whatever they have been doing. They are not going to change their ways anytime soon. Simply because their goals and objectives are always to undermine Pakistan. They needed Pakistan during the Cold War and they still do to a certain extent, but their primary objectives have changed. The Yanks are in bed with rape nation. The Yanks want to counter China. Rape nation is a natural ally in this cause.

Pakistan changed course and is finally looking to China as a reliable regional partner. CPEC, trade and defence cooperation is testimony of this fact.

Yankee withdrawal or expulsion is only a matter of time. The Yanks are walking a tightrope.

They don’t even give any aid to Pak anymore and yet that was the reason given for expansion in the first place a few years ago?

Although to be fair this US/CIA embassy expansion craze has been going on all over. They have spent $1bn on their London complex.

Pakistan should now just approve similar for China in return.
and then imran begged america for loan--- dollars---- hahahahahha

Which loans? Imran Khan received loans from KSA, UAE, China and other allies.

Donkey America doesn’t even come in the frame fool.

As for loans/aid, didn’t Trump end all kinds of aid? What world are you living in?
They don’t even give any aid to Pak anymore and yet that was the reason given for expansion in the first place a few years ago?

Although to be fair this US/CIA embassy expansion craze has been going on all over. They have spent $1bn on their London complex.

Pakistan should now just approve similar for China in return.

I couldn’t agree more.

There is one proper way to counter the US and hurt their rear properly.

Continue to work closely with China and build military bases along with economic related projects. Give it a military flavor and do so proudly with a juicy middle finger. That is all I am going to say as a hint.

Fvck the IMF which is an extension of the USA. We are not going to remain stuck because we need some lousy loans that need to be paid back with interest. That is suicide and we have been doing it for too long. The new government should improve tax collection and focus on other ways of improving the economy. We have been relying on the Yanks as a trading partner for decades and this is our own downfall. They use this is a blackmail tool. Time for a change of policy. Diversify and broaden trade relations with other nations around the world.
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Which loans? Imran Khan received loans from KSA, UAE, China and other allies.

Donkey America doesn’t even come in the frame fool.

As for loans/aid, didn’t Trump end all kinds of aid? What world are you living in?

The idea is to provide practice ranges for the Marines stationed there.
A cockroach can get into diplomatic enclave without intel checking it out first. No “training” of any operatives is carried out.

As an alternative, Pakistan can restrict this construction and instead offer the usage of its military facilities.
this will become launching pad for isis in Pakistan in future like it happened in middle east

There needs to be a Pakistan Nationalist approach to this. They could be setting up all sort of false flag and proxies from the huge embassy.

At some point someone needs to say no. The whole point of this embassy in the first place was to host more staff to administer the aid money - which they have stopped now so no need for this huge place anymore.

Fvck IMF and fvck the US.

LOL Asad Umar who wanted IMF loans got booted. Don’t think it will be different with anyone else who goes the same route.

Looks like Langely VA.
Been under construction for over 10 years, so Mushi, Zardari, NS Army all into it.

You could call it Homeland.

I am surprised why the security agencies aren’t bringing this to the attention of the political leaders. The Yanks are committing a daylight robbery here.
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Who gave them permission is the key thing and how much bribe did they take? But on another note this is quite normal for Americans , they love their guns and shooting ranges and is part of their culture and values so nothing to be alarmed about. Carrying a gun gives them that ultimate feeling of security and is a symbol of freedom which they cherish.
Culture and values in their state and shouldn't spread like parasite
And why do they need marines stationed there?

How many countries are allowed a large contingent of their elite forces stationed in their consulates in Pakistan besides USA?
master servant relationship------------ no need to worry..

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