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American Embassy in Islamabad Constructing Firing Ranges & Rappelling Towers

They have built one of the largest embassies on the planet in Pakistan. They house thousands of armed US marines at these places. You wonder what the fvck goes on in these places. Are they having an orgie...

Thanks for correcting me there.

Having an orgie is not as bad as preparing an orgie, who are they going to shaft is the key question and what do they hope to achieve? Another major question is who are the active willing Pakistani participants in this impending orgie and at what levels? Are they going to invite Stormy Samuels or Beyonce or maybe even Deedar?
While they keep barking against Pakistan and siding with India against Pakistan/China, what positive do they bring to Pakistan?

Because of our strategic location and our nukes, US will never leave us alone. Sometimes they will be our allies, sometimes our enemies.
Wtf what zardari and kiyanai did may bite us if we don`t desize their embassy and restrict their movements.
These Yankee fvcks had it coming in Afghanistan. I am very happy we did whatever we had to do. Fvckers cry rivers.

Yes but why in the world are they allowed to create a militarised compound in middle of your capital city. It is embarrasing for an independent sovereign Pakistan.

Would India ever allow this in New Delhi?
Because of our strategic location and our nukes, US will never leave us alone. Sometimes they will be our allies, sometimes our enemies.

We did a good one on them. Backstabbing savages.

Boot ‘me out of here now. Enough of this hypocritical BS.
Because of our strategic location and our nukes, US will never leave us alone. Sometimes they will be our allies, sometimes our enemies.

But it should be in proportion. Pakistan has the strength to keep these things down to size, it must say no at some point.
Yes but why in the world are they allowed to create a militarised compound in middle of your capital city. It is embarrasing for an independent sovereign Pakistan.

Would India ever allow this in New Delhi?

Let me be frank.

We are stupid people. We cower and bow down easily. We know exactly what is happening in front of our eyes. The Yanks aren’t here to help out Pakistanis or to spread prosperity. To the contrary, Yankee presence is to undermine Pakistan to the fullest and help India become the police officer of the region.

It is a fvcking travesty that we have allowed this to happen. These fvckers spew hate against Pakistan on steroids and we turn a blind eye.
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They already are doing that. It's quite normal actually.
I suppose this is going to be the tallest structure in Diplomatic enclave, enough to watch over the whole area.

They hate our existence, but want to have a presence in Pakistan like nowhere else. You wonder what the obsession is.

I suppose this is going to be the tallest structure in Diplomatic enclave, enough to watch over the whole area.


Oh yeah absolutely. The bastards are obsessed with our nukes.

LOL I love it how we fool these suckers. The Yanks follow trucks and become happy when they think they are trailing a missile or a nuke LOL Fvcking stupid suckers.
Let me be frank.

We are stupid people. We cower and bow down easily. We know exactly what is happening in front of our eyes. The Yanks aren’t here to help out Pakistanis and spread prosperity. To the contrary, Yankee presence is to undermine Pakistan to the fullest and help India to become the police officer of the region.

It is a fvcking travesty that we have allowed this to happen.

Exactly they say ‘we hate you’ to your face as Trump has made pretty clear and yet they are allowed this to go on.

Pakistan if clever would tie this in to getting some benefits in return.

It is exact same mistaken ‘brotherly love’ that has emboldened Iran & Afghanistan against Pak.
Because of our strategic location and our nukes, US will never leave us alone. Sometimes they will be our allies, sometimes our enemies.

If you think the US has ever been our ally than you are I'm sorry for saying this a gullible idiot.
Wtf what zardari and kiyanai did may bite us if we don`t desize their embassy and restrict their movements.

It's best to work inside out rather than crack the nut from the outside, the CIA way. Don't be surprised when you start seeing MOSSAD and RAW agents joining the orgie.
But it should be in proportion. Pakistan has the strength to keep these things down to size, it must say no at some point.

The Yanks are going to do whatever they have been doing. They are not going to change their ways anytime soon. Simply because their goals and objectives are always to undermine Pakistan. They needed Pakistan during the Cold War and they still do to a certain extent, but their primary objectives have changed. The Yanks are in bed with rape nation. The Yanks want to counter China. Rape nation is a natural ally in this cause.

Pakistan changed course and is finally looking to China as a reliable regional partner. CPEC, trade and defence cooperation is testimony of this fact.

Yankee withdrawal or expulsion is only a matter of time. The Yanks are walking a tightrope.
If you think the US has ever been our ally than you are I'm sorry for saying this a gullible idiot.
You are an idiot (I am sorry) for assuming that you know me.
US has been our backstabbing ally. Corrected
American Embassy in Islamabad Constructing Firing Ranges & Rappelling Towers for CIA

This is blatant subversion. There already are hundreds of CIA operatives in US embassy Islamabad. Now they are trying to open shooting ranges and bunkers and what not.

Enough is Enough. This has been going on since last 10 years now.
Government should start taking action.

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I hope Niazi Sahab will look into this matter

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