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American Consulate In Peshawar Under Attack

RIP the dead....

Time to think!
1. Any life needlessly cut short (in any part of the world) is to be mourned.
2. Why are these things happening again and again?
3. Can we even try to do something about it?
4. Or just stand by mutely, and say nothing to be done?
Time to think!
25 to 30 terrorists using NGOs vehicles came to the area. Targets: intellegence office in defence, US consulate. They wanted to enter defence colony but Army is batteling them in streets. 4 terrorists' bodies recoverd. My brothre's office shooked badly. Am posting using cell plz pray.

Praying with you. No life should be needlessly cut short just because some man with a small mind and smaller heart wishes it.
According to the latest reports circulating here in Peshawar, possibly a dozen or so terrorists drove themselves in on three explosive laden vehicles, they were wearing F.C uniforms and were therefore able to penetrate close to the Consulate without arousing suspicion. They were stopped at a check post manned by police and F.C, there the terrorists dismounted and split up, the first car exploded at the check post.
The terrorists attacked the wall of the consulate with RPGs but were unable to inflict any serious damage, the second car was detonated at a check post manned by the Army who were fiercely resisting the terrorists. The third and last car was detonated at the gate of the consulate, still away from the building of the consulate. The remaining six terrorists were killed in a fire fight with the Army.
Thanks to the bravery of the security forces, the terrorists were not able to reach their intended target and cause the havoc they had hoped for............................
Only 8 people have been killed so far, two security personnel and 6 terrorists.
With respect to the brave men.................................................
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Condolences to dead and their families!!

Not sure why these people kill innocents and call them selves khuda ke bande.

Hope wisdom will prevail and people will spend more time in ibadat not in killing in name of Allalah.
TTP is on their last legs. This attack could be a reaction to PA's massive Orakzai assault. Orakzai is very stratgic to ttp and one if their last hideouts, they'll try to cause as much damage as possible before loosing it. But in the end their death is imminent.

Today is another one of many hurtful and sad days this nation has seen and suffered at the hands of ttp terrorists. And as dreadful as the day may be the following day the nation comes back stronger.

This thing will not last forever, nothing does, as years go by, one wonders who gets remembered in the hearts and minds of people and their memories, the innocent victims or the demented suicide bomber, the cop or a soldier fighting evil or the demonic terrorists and their trainers. It's no secret that the formers get all the love and effection and prayers and proper burial from their loved ones and society while the only thing the later gets is a bomb dropped on his head eventually, his guts scattered all over and hords of people wishing firey depths of hell on him.
As the events were unfolding on live television, I was watching Samma TV's live coverage. Just before the second explosion took place there were three guys in FC uniforms who were surrendering to the security forces. As they were laying down their arms, second explosion took place in the back ground. On that time the news caster confirmed that 3 men have surrendered but now I can not find this news any where.
Secondly as some one have pointed above that although the mushroom cloud produced was huge but the damage caused was in no way similar to what we have seen in in previous attacks. Initial media reports were suggesting that the terrorists have mortars with them and are using them, although it was clear that vehicles laden with explosives were used. But the number remains confused, as the authorities are claiming 2 vehicles were used, there is one huge explosion left un accounted for.
This could all be a false flag operation, by whom can not say!!! The interesting thing was that the Taliban statement came from a western source acknowledging the responsibility for attack in which it was claimed that this is in response to the ongoing operation in Northern Waziristan (may the puppet did not knew the difference between North and South Waziristan). What operation??
Taliban have been known for taking credit every thing under the sun, remember the New Jersey immigration center attack. And when the spokes person for Taliban finally called in to take responsibility he claimed as a revenge for the Drone Attacks.
Now same organization taking responsibility for the attack gave two different reasons, why?
I am not suggesting any thing yet just asking few questions, cause clearly there is more to this story then what meets the eye.
Initial reports suggested that Taliban took responsibility for the attacks and claimed that the attack were in retaliation for the ongoing operation in Northern Waziristan (western sources). A Talib who is confused about North and South Waziristan is not a Talib at all.
Aa bail muje mar.. They have more to loose by accepting responsibility of this disaster.

May the dead rest in peace and may the culprits be brought to justice. (Amin)
TTP is on their last legs. This attack could be a reaction to PA's massive Orakzai assault. Orakzai is very stratgic to ttp and one if their last hideouts, they'll try to cause as much damage as possible before loosing it. But in the end their death is imminent.

Today is another one of many hurtful and sad days this nation has seen and suffered at the hands of ttp terrorists. And as dreadful as the day may be the following day the nation comes back stronger.

This thing will not last forever, nothing does, as years go by, one wonders who gets remembered in the hearts and minds of people and their memories, the innocent victims or the demented suicide bomber, the cop or a soldier fighting evil or the demonic terrorists and their trainers. It's no secret that the formers get all the love and effection and prayers and proper burial from their loved ones and society while the only thing the later gets is a bomb dropped on his head eventually, his guts scattered all over and hords of people wishing firey depths of hell on him.

everyone says this is the act of desperation but they have apparently been doing this for years so i so no weakness in their position :what:

it i hope you are right and i am wrong, my head tells me that whoever is responsible for this could do the same tomorrow.
http://www.pinditube.com/id/?p=17628Pakistan attacks kill 43, target US consulate | PINDITUBE
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) – Islamist militants armed with guns and suicide vests targeted the US consulate in Pakistan’s northwestern capital and unleashed carnage at a political rally on Monday, killing 43 people.

The apparently coordinated attacks were the deadliest so far this year in nuclear-armed Pakistan, where the government is closely allied to the US-led war against Al-Qaeda and in neighbouring Afghanistan.

The ability of heavily-armed militants to get so close to the US mission and other military installations, such as the provincial headquarters of Pakistan’s premier spy agency, will raise further questions about endemnic insecurity.

Up to 15 militants armed with explosives and driving in two vehicles targeted the heavily guarded US consulate in Peshawar, a city of 2.5 million on the edge of Pakistan’s lawless tribal belt, setting off multiple explosions.

“The target was certainly the American consulate but they didn’t succeed in getting there,” Pakistani police officer Ghulam Hussain told AFP.

“One of the suicide bombers blew himself up close to the gate. Police guarding the US consulate started retaliatory fire. More blasts took place. We have recovered unexploded material from four different points,” he said.

Three powerful explosions and bouts of gunfire echoed through the area, where an AFP reporter said the attacks occurred at a checkpoint about 20 metres (yards) from the US consulate where heavy thick smoke spewed into the sky.

“We can confirm there has been an attack on the US consulate Peshawar facilities,” US embassy spokeswoman Ariel Howard told AFP, unable to provide any details about the nature of the attack, possible damage or casualties.

Pakistani police and army sealed off the area, preventing journalists from accessing the scene and later carried out a number of controlled explosions.

A provincial cabinet minister said four militants, a policeman and another person were killed during the attack.

“They came in two vehicles. The militants were well-equipped. It was a well-organised attack,” Bashir Ahmed Bilour, senior minister in the North West Frontier Province government headquartered in the city, told reporters.

“The situation is now under control,” he said, following a gun battle between the assailants and security forces.

“The militants were trying to enter the American consulate, but they did not succeed,” he said.

It was not clear whether some of the assailants may have escaped.

Peshawar lies on the edge of Pakistan’s tribal belt — branded by Washington a global headquarters of Al-Qaeda — and has been subject to numerous attacks by Islamist militants, although recent months have seen a relative lull.

Around 3,200 people have been killed in suicide and bomb attacks over the last three years in Pakistan, blamed on militants opposed to the US alliance in the war on Al-Qaeda and against the Taliban in neighbouring Afghanistan.

Earlier on Monday, a suicide bomber attacked an open-air rally in the northwest district of Lower Dir, where Pakistan waged a major offensive against local Taliban insurgents last year.

The attack killed 41 people during a celebration organised by the leading secular political party in northwest and was the deadliest in Lower Dir since the anti-Taliban offensive.

“Forty-one people have been killed and 82 others wounded,” Qazi Jamil, police chief for the northwestern region of Malakand, told AFP, saying it had been a suicide car bomb attack.

Residents reportedly said the bomb exploded close to the stage at the political gathering.

The Awami National Party (ANP) said it organised the meeting to celebrate plans to rename North West Frontier Province — Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, as laid out in a package of constitutional reform being debated in the federal parliament.

The new name honours the Pashtun-majority population in the province, replaces a name that dates back to British colonial rule and is part of efforts to devolve greater authority to the provinces.

Lower Dir borders Pakistan’s lawless tribal belt, where suspected Taliban armed with petrol bombs and rockets torched eight tankers used to supply fuel to NATO forces in Afghanistan before dawn on Monday, officials said.

Dozens of fighters launched the attack at Zakha Khel in the tribal district of Khyber, local administration chief Shafeerullah Wazir told AFP.

Under US pressure, Pakistan has in the past year significantly increased operations against militants in its tribal belt.
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TTP is on their last legs. This attack could be a reaction to PA's massive Orakzai assault. Orakzai is very stratgic to ttp and one if their last hideouts, they'll try to cause as much damage as possible before loosing it. But in the end their death is imminent.

they might lose their positions, but they are well capable of launching deadly attacks in every corner of pakistan, this is the real issue.
everyone says this is the act of desperation but they have apparently been doing this for years so i so no weakness in their position :what:

it i hope you are right and i am wrong, my head tells me that whoever is responsible for this could do the same tomorrow.

RIP to the dead, if you see clearly the frequency of attacks are going down. They are loosing key resources.
As the events were unfolding on live television, I was watching Samma TV's live coverage. Just before the second explosion took place there were three guys in FC uniforms who were surrendering to the security forces. As they were laying down their arms, second explosion took place in the back ground. On that time the news caster confirmed that 3 men have surrendered but now I can not find this news any where.
Secondly as some one have pointed above that although the mushroom cloud produced was huge but the damage caused was in no way similar to what we have seen in in previous attacks. Initial media reports were suggesting that the terrorists have mortars with them and are using them, although it was clear that vehicles laden with explosives were used. But the number remains confused, as the authorities are claiming 2 vehicles were used, there is one huge explosion left un accounted for.
This could all be a false flag operation, by whom can not say!!! The interesting thing was that the Taliban statement came from a western source acknowledging the responsibility for attack in which it was claimed that this is in response to the ongoing operation in Northern Waziristan (may the puppet did not knew the difference between North and South Waziristan). What operation??
Taliban have been known for taking credit every thing under the sun, remember the New Jersey immigration center attack. And when the spokes person for Taliban finally called in to take responsibility he claimed as a revenge for the Drone Attacks.
Now same organization taking responsibility for the attack gave two different reasons, why?
I am not suggesting any thing yet just asking few questions, cause clearly there is more to this story then what meets the eye.

Those men who were with their hands up were not the terrorists, rather they were the FC guard assigned to that place. Once the attack happened, the Army moved in, but to contain any friendly fire incident, these FC guys came up with their hands, so that the Army doesn't shoots them thinking they are the attackers. Once they are taken, further interrogations would clear them up and no ugly incident would take place.
As the events were unfolding on live television, I was watching Samma TV's live coverage. Just before the second explosion took place there were three guys in FC uniforms who were surrendering to the security forces. As they were laying down their arms, second explosion took place in the back ground. On that time the news caster confirmed that 3 men have surrendered but now I can not find this news any where.
They were the F.C men who were appointed at the post, not the terrorists, that is possibly why the mention of surrender was not repeated.
Secondly as some one have pointed above that although the mushroom cloud produced was huge but the damage caused was in no way similar to what we have seen in in previous attacks.
Explosions are not judged by the size of the clouds they create, these cars had about 100 kilograms of explosives packed into them, where as the marriot explosion had one tonne. there was bound to be some difference, and the damage is not that less, buildings around the area are devastated.
Initial media reports were suggesting that the terrorists have mortars with them and are using them, although it was clear that vehicles laden with explosives were used. But the number remains confused, as the authorities are claiming 2 vehicles were used, there is one huge explosion left un accounted for.
By mortars they meant RPGs and it is being said that the first explosion could have been suicide bombers on foot.
This could all be a false flag operation, by whom can not say!!!
No, it was definitely work of the Talibs.
The interesting thing was that the Taliban statement came from a western source acknowledging the responsibility for attack in which it was claimed that this is in response to the ongoing operation in Northern Waziristan (may the puppet did not knew the difference between North and South Waziristan). What operation??
The Talibs usually confess to international News giants such as CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeera, no surprise there, maybe you are mistaken because from what I have heard it was a response to the Orakzai operation. Btw, plans for an operation in the north have been in the pipeline for quite sometime now...........
Taliban have been known for taking credit every thing under the sun, remember the New Jersey immigration center attack. And when the spokes person for Taliban finally called in to take responsibility he claimed as a revenge for the Drone Attacks.
Now same organization taking responsibility for the attack gave two different reasons, why?
Don't tell me you are one of those guys who believe that the Taliban are nothing more than an American Façade, take it from a man on ground zero, they are very real...............
I am not suggesting any thing yet just asking few questions, cause clearly there is more to this story then what meets the eye.
What meets the eye is a couple of destroyed buildings and unnecessary loss of life, nothing more, nothing less..........
The death of every innocent diminishes us all, regardless of race, religion or nationality.

RIP to the dead.

Jana I pray you and your dear ones are safe.
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