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American Consulate In Peshawar Under Attack

they might lose their positions, but they are well capable of launching deadly attacks in every corner of pakistan, this is the real issue.

this is my point, you are not fighting a conventional enemy who rely on conventional weapons and means - all these guys need are some explosives, some IED's and they can do this everyday- how do you stop that?

and if the TTP are right and they have several thousands of people ready then its not good, the problem is getting to the root, having intelligence assets and being able to infiltrate the leadership.

but pakistan are clearly not the only players in this game, foreigners including india, the us, gb and nato are probably strongly involved with the ttp - this is what i mean by the "root"
Thanks TaimiKhan and Kakgeta for correcting my misconception regarding FC men. The confusion arose from the fact that it was being reported that the terrorists were wearing FC uniforms, but I hope it is what you guys have suggested.

Don't tell me you are one of those guys who believe that the Taliban are nothing more than an American Façade, take it from a man on ground zero, they are very real...............
No I am not one of those guys, but I am also not one of those guys who think that B.M was able to run his private army with a budget of over 3 billion rupees annually with out some sort of out side help or the targets, and dates chosen for attack were not actually conveyed to them.

Explosions are not judged by the size of the clouds they create, these cars had about 100 kilograms of explosives packed into them, where as the marriot explosion had one tonne. there was bound to be some difference, and the damage is not that less, buildings around the area are devastated.

I beg to differ that yes the explosions can be judged by the amount of cloud they can produce, since more material will result in more devastation thus a larger cloud. Having said that I am no explosives expert so I hold my opinion on that. I was not referring to the Marriot explosion rather then the recent ones in Lahore that were caught on Camera, there clouds were similar to those seen in todays attack, but since I have not seen any pictures of the site so I can not comment on that. You might be right.

By mortars they meant RPGs and it is being said that the first explosion could have been suicide bombers on foot.
I doubt that any Pakistani at least can confuse a RPG with a Mortar, but what rather seems plausible is that in the middle of chaos the reports got mixed.

This brings me to my last question, THERE IS STILL ONE EXPLOSION UN EXPLAINED as reports suggest two vehicles and the all three explosions were of high intensity or so it may seemed. That can not be a work of a Mortar, RPG or hand grenades.
Thanks TaimiKhan and Kakgeta for correcting my misconception regarding FC men. The confusion arose from the fact that it was being reported that the terrorists were wearing FC uniforms, but I hope it is what you guys have suggested.

My pleasure................................

No I am not one of those guys, but I am also not one of those guys who think that B.M was able to run his private army with a budget of over 3 billion rupees annually with out some sort of out side help or the targets, and dates chosen for attack were not actually conveyed to them.

Foreign elements are indeed involved, the U.S however is not one of them.

I beg to differ that yes the explosions can be judged by the amount of cloud they can produce, since more material will result in more devastation thus a larger cloud. Having said that I am no explosives expert so I hold my opinion on that. I was not referring to the Marriot explosion rather then the recent ones in Lahore that were caught on Camera, there clouds were similar to those seen in todays attack, but since I have not seen any pictures of the site so I can not comment on that. You might be right.

Plastic explosives produce less smoke and give a bigger bang for lesser quantity, conventional explosives such as nitrates produce a smaller bang from a large amount of explosives but the smoke they produce is so thick, it's like standing inside a mound of sand. So I stress again that the power of an explosion cannot be judged by it's smoke.

I doubt that any Pakistani at least can confuse a RPG with a Mortar, but what rather seems plausible is that in the middle of chaos the reports got mixed.

Mortars are medium range weapons, setting them up takes time and time is something these guys lack, therefore it is my hypothesis that the weapon used was an RPG.

This brings me to my last question, THERE IS STILL ONE EXPLOSION UN EXPLAINED as reports suggest two vehicles and the all three explosions were of high intensity or so it may seemed. That can not be a work of a Mortar, RPG or hand grenades.

Indeed the three larger explosions were off the scale of RPGs or grenade, however, the first one was smaller than the other two, you can see in the footage prior to the second blast that cars are lined up on the road intact however after the second explosion, there is no sign of them, leading me to believe that the first explosion might have been carried out by a bomber on foot.
My pleasure................................

Foreign elements are indeed involved, the U.S however is not one of them.

Plastic explosives produce less smoke and give a bigger bang for lesser quantity, conventional explosives such as nitrates produce a smaller bang from a large amount of explosives but the smoke they produce is so thick, it's like standing inside a mound of sand. So I stress again that the power of an explosion cannot be judged by it's smoke.

Mortars are medium range weapons, setting them up takes time and time is something these guys lack, therefore it is my hypothesis that the weapon used was an RPG.

Indeed the three larger explosions were off the scale of RPGs or grenade, however, the first one was smaller than the other two, you can see in the footage prior to the second blast that cars are lined up on the road intact however after the second explosion, there is no sign of them, leading me to believe that the first explosion might have been carried out by a bomber on foot.

Just to add, as my home is hardly 1 1/2 KM away, after the first explosion which produced a bright white mushroom cloud which was lacking in the other 2 explosions and the first one was very light compared to the other two, so what i was saying that after the initial first explosion, there was 15-20 or more minutes gap between the second one and I could hear gunfire and several small explosions which did seemed like RPGs as I have fired them and dozens of time heard its sound too, and the firing continued for quiet sometime, but the smaller explosions stopped after the second explosion.

And as far as my experience goes after having faced these explosions in peshwar, the first one was very light and had a very small mushroom cloud, most probably a 10-15KG or so explosion, but the rest as you can see were quiet heavy and were for sure car explosions. But for the first explosion, there is still doubts as it was a walking suicide bomber or a car bomb, but the material used in the first bomb and the other two bombs was different.
My pleasure................................

Foreign elements are indeed involved, the U.S however is not one of them.
May be US is not but it clearly knows who are involved because every thing is happening right under its nose.

Plastic explosives produce less smoke and give a bigger bang for lesser quantity, conventional explosives such as nitrates produce a smaller bang from a large amount of explosives but the smoke they produce is so thick, it's like standing inside a mound of sand. So I stress again that the power of an explosion cannot be judged by it's smoke.
Agreed on Plastic explosives, there decomposition rate is much faster thus producing rapid expansion of gases. Usually the terrorists rely on this rapid expansion (shock wave) to demolish the structures. One thing that is interesting is that C-4 can not be produced in backyard as one of the major components required is RDX which is not readily available. Although I have read in several places that Pakistan Army have seized bomb factories in Tribal areas, to me so far what is a bomb factory not clear. Even if they have been able to produce C4 they are still getting the RDX produced in a military grade production facility.

Mortars are medium range weapons, setting them up takes time and time is something these guys lack, therefore it is my hypothesis that the weapon used was an RPG.
Yes there was not much time for them as their plan must have relied on confusion created by initial explosion to breach the consulate parameter thus enabling them to cause some damage inside the consulate. Definitely RPGs would have been their weapon of choice but so far I have not read that in any of the previous such attacks RPG's have been used, usually it is automatic weapons, grenades and suicide vests. But any thing is possible with these whack jobs.

Indeed the three larger explosions were off the scale of RPGs or grenade, however, the first one was smaller than the other two, you can see in the footage prior to the second blast that cars are lined up on the road intact however after the second explosion, there is no sign of them, leading me to believe that the first explosion might have been carried out by a bomber on foot.
I am afraid that I have not seen the footage of the first explosion, but what I have read stated that the first explosion was done right next to the APC and back entrance, but I can only comment after I have read in more detail about it.
Just to add, as my home is hardly 1 1/2 KM away, after the first explosion which produced a bright white mushroom cloud which was lacking in the other 2 explosions and the first one was very light compared to the other two, so what i was saying that after the initial first explosion, there was 15-20 or more minutes gap between the second one and I could hear gunfire and several small explosions which did seemed like RPGs as I have fired them and dozens of time heard its sound too, and the firing continued for quiet sometime, but the smaller explosions stopped after the second explosion.

And as far as my experience goes after having faced these explosions in peshwar, the first one was very light and had a very small mushroom cloud, most probably a 10-15KG or so explosion, but the rest as you can see were quiet heavy and were for sure car explosions. But for the first explosion, there is still doubts as it was a walking suicide bomber or a car bomb, but the material used in the first bomb and the other two bombs was different.

That is what I think that the 2nd and 3rd explosion produced a lot of smoke and cloud but a lot of structure was left standing after them, may be as you said the materials used were different.
My uncle lives right next to where these blasts took place, infact their house is in the adjacent street.

I called him right after i heard about these blasts and when he answered the phone he was really out of breath and confused. He said that the whole house was shaking like anything and it felt as if "pa'on ke neechey se zameen nikal gayi ho". I cant even imaging what his 7 year old grandson and 5 year grand-daughter were going through at that time.

May Allah give them all strength to see through these tough times.

Rest in peace for all those who lost their lives.

25 to 30 terrorists using NGOs vehicles came to the area. Targets: intellegence office in defence, US consulate. They wanted to enter defence colony but Army is batteling them in streets. 4 terrorists' bodies recoverd. My brothre's office shooked badly. Am posting using cell plz pray.

is your brother/your family ok?
how did u come to know about 25 to 30 terrorists?
My uncle lives right next to where these blasts took place, infact their house is in the adjacent street.

I called him right after i heard about these blasts and when he answered the phone he was really out of breath and confused. He said that the whole house was shaking like anything and it felt as if "pa'on ke neechey se zameen nikal gayi ho". I cant even imaging what his 7 year old grandson and 5 year grand-daughter were going through at that time.

May Allah give them all strength to see through these tough times.

Rest in peace for all those who lost their lives.
We hope all goes well for your family and other Pakistanis in the area and PA crushes all terror mongers
This shows the vile intentions of terrorists who threaten the very fabric of entire Asian society. Respect to those innocents who died for nothing. Let's hope your security forces can get these savages out and make an example of them.

My sincere condolences to Pakistani members.

Bomb blast kills 38 in Pakistan; gunmen attack US Consulate


A man sits weeping over the body of a victim at the site of a suicide bomb attack in Timergarah, situated in Lower Dir district.

PESHAWAR: Militants attacked the US Consulate in the Pakistani city of Peshawar on Monday but were held off by security forces hours after a suicide bomber killed 38 people elsewhere in the northwest, officials said.

The attacks underscore the danger posed by militants in Pakistan after a year of military offensives which have dealt them significant setbacks.

The assault on the tightly guarded consulate came hours after the bomb blast at a gathering of supporters of an ethnic Pashtun-based political party staunchly opposed to the militants.

"I saw attackers in two vehicles. Some of them carried rocket-propelled grenades. They first opened fire at security personnel at the post near the consulate and then blasts went off," city resident Siraj Afridi said.

A Pakistani intelligence official said no one was wounded inside the US complex but three of its guards had been killed.

"It was a well-planned attack. It was a suicide attack but no one was hurt inside the consulate," said the official.

The US Embassy said it was an attack on their consulate but it declined to give any other details.

US diplomatic missions and staff have been attacked several times in Pakistan since the south Asian country threw its support behind the United States in a global campaign against militancy launched after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on US cities.

Dawn television showed shaky pictures of three men, apparently attackers, holding their arms up in surrender when a blast hit the area.

The blasts threw clouds of white smoke into the sky and residents said soldiers had cordoned off the scene and ordered people to remain in doors. Helicopters hovered overhead.

Liaqat Ali, chief of police in Peshawar, which is the gateway to Afghanistan and has seen a string of bomb attacks over the past year, said five people including a policeman, were killed.

Provincial government minister Bashir Bilour said four attackers were among the dead.

"They brought in a lot of explosives and some are being disposed off. They were well-armed," Bilour told reporters.

Stock market dealers said the violence briefly brought some selling pressure but the main index provisionally closed 0.46 percent higher on foreign buying.

Earlier, a suspected suicide bomber blew himself up at a meeting of the Awami National Party (ANP), in the Lower Dir district, about 80 km northeast of Peshawar, killing 38 people, a hospital doctor said.

Police said the bomber tried to get into the ground where the ANP, which heads a coalition government in North West Frontier Province, was holding a meeting but he was stopped and blew himself up.

The ANP, which is also a member of the ruling federal coalition government, is a largely secular party and opposes the militants battling the state.

Pakistani Taleban have attacked ANP gatherings before.

The meeting was called to celebrate the renaming of NWFP, which the party has long demanded. Under constitutional amendments expected to be approved in parliament this week, the province will be renamed Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, in a bid to represent its dominant Pashtun population.

"The Taleban have lost the battle and now, out of desperation, they are carrying out such cowardly attacks," said Haji Mohammad Adeel, an ANP senator.

The long-awaited constitutional amendments, which will also transfer President Asif Ali Zardari's sweeping powers to the prime minister, are due to be taken up in the National Assembly on Tuesday.

Zardari is due to address Parliament later on Monday in the capital, Islamabad, where security has been stepped up for the session.

This string of violence doesn't end!

Condolences and may peace prevails in the near future ...

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