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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Another indian fantasy- you should stop speaking for the Amrikans- remain an indian- thats what you are- Dont behave like a scarecrow-
A lost amrikan chopper and some dead amrikan terrorists will not create a war- its not child play- Even Amrika didn't attack iran after its transformation and some dead amrikan special forces people trying to free amrikan hostages-
Dont jump too high- A Pakistani response will only result in a strong message sent to amrikan terrorists- We have every right to defend our sovereignty-
Stop telling me who should I speak for - US or India? You've no idea what's my relation with either of them and I've no intention of discussing that here.

I am just trying to reason and get a rational response. The question is how will you retaliate.

This is not the first time Pakistan has asked US to vacate the Shamsi airbase or stopped NATO supplies.

I want to know what cards does Pakistan have.
after this incident NATO has come up as a far greater threat than India.
no matter what india does..they dont come at night plundering our check posts and killing our soldiers.
Second thing, Pakistani Soldiers don't get aggressive and fire upon Helicopters if they are not provoked first.

Many incidents happened in past when nato helicopters crossed the boundry line but we haven't heard that soldiers firing upon Helicopter aggressively.

If this time Soldiers "WERE" firing" if we suppose for the sake of argument then it means Helicopter not only crossed the border but also fired it's armament in our Area, Making soldiers to act upon the incoming threat.

This samll bits of facts are always ignored by the "Opposing PARTY" here.
Condemn and condole: Turkey promises to ask NATO for inquiry – The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu early Sunday morning telephoned Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar to express solidarity with the people and government of Pakistan on the Nato attack in Mohmand Agency that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers and injured 16 others.

Khar thanked Davutoglu for Turkey’s expression of solidarity and condemned the attack by terming it “unprovoked and totally unacceptable”. She also said that Nato’s action shows a complete disregard for international law and human life.

Davutoglu assured the Pakistani foreign minister that as a member of Nato, Turkey would ask for an impartial inquiry into the attacks. He added that loss of Pakistani soldiers was “as painful as losing Turkish soldiers”.
I'm amazed you are an active member and still you can't recognize this video was posted here some weeks ago and there was a great debate on it. This incident occurred in NWA, not YESTERDAY incident it is

This was aired yesterday on some news channels as well. I doubted it as well.

Pakistani soldiers carry the coffins of their comrades who were killed in a Nato strike during a funeral ceremony in Peshawar on November 27, 2011. – AFP

Troops buried amid fury over Nato strike
Every time sovereignty is compromised, it is followed by such announcement and then back to normal.

Remember in Wiki Leaks the Pakistani politicians told the Americans that they will protest in public but support in private.

This was non other than shameless Gilani, truly he is a hypocrite.
According to inside sources, this was a botched operation.

the US/NATO routinely carries out operations INSIDE PAKISTAN (yeah, dont accept it, keep sleeping.. zzzZzz. the Locals call it a CHAPPAA). This time it was the same. They were carrying out an operation INSIDE pakistan and came under fire. Had to call in MORE air support. (maybe they had wrong intel..)

Due to the mountainous region and darkness (2 am in the night), they mistook Pakistan's post for the place where they had to do the operation (or thought the fire was from the base, which is NOT likely). And FRIED all the Pakistani Allies instead..

The fun part is: Our government ALREADY claims that CIA was told empty shamsi air base. When asked, they said NO operations are going on. This is old news.

BUT NOW, Government is saying to NATO to empty Shamsi Airbase.. what is this drama? Is government lying now or was it lying before?

Also, what about jacobabad bases? They are still with ISAF/NATO forces. Why aren't those being cleared out?

Edit: My bro's friend is a pilot in PAF (C-130). he says now flights have stopped (maye temporary) but before this, NATO had flights EVERYDAY inside Pakistan!

Islamabad depends on billions in U.S. aid and Washington believes Pakistan can help it bring about a peace in Afghanistan ahead of a combat troop withdrawal at the end of 2014.

"The fact is that such incursions of our sovereignty have become routine and we have become so dependent on the U.S. that we just have to grin and bear it," said an editorial in Pakistan's Express Tribune.
This comes from a liberal pro war paper which I hate!
As I already said NATO has declared that it acted in Self Defence.Somebody fired upon them.

Pakistan buries troops amid fury over NATO strike
By Express / Reuters
Published: November 27, 2011
The families of soldiers who were killed when Nato attacked a Pakistani checkpost in the Mohmand Agency on Saturday, buried their loved ones on Sunday.
The relatives of Major Mujahid Hussain and Captain Usman Ali said that the soldiers “sacrificed their lives” for the sake of their country, and they were proud of their sacrifices.
Major Mujahid Hussain hailed from Larkana, and had joined the Pakistan army nine years ago. His body will be taken to his native village after being honoured at the General Head Quarters and Pannu Aqil cantonment.
His family said that they will not “hesitate to offer any sacrifice” for Pakistan.
Captain Usman Ali from Sahiwal city, left behind a widow and a young daughter. The 23-year-old solder got married last year and was recently promoted to the rank of captain. Usman’s father said his son joined the Pakistan army due to his patriotism.
Nato helicopters and fighter jets attacked two Pakistan military outposts on Saturday, killing 24 soldiers in what Pakistan said was an unprovoked assault. Nato and US officials expressed regret about the deaths of the Pakistani soldiers, but the exact circumstances of the attack were unclear.
Fury over attack
The attack was the latest perceived provocation by the United States, starting with the secret raid which killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May, and the question is whether ties will break or whether the two sides will remain stuck in a bad marriage of convenience.
“US stabs Pakistan in the back, again,” said a headline in the Daily Times, reflecting fury over the attack in Pakistan, a regional power seen as critical to US efforts to stabilise neighbouring Afghanistan.
Television stations showed the coffins of the soldiers draped in green and white Pakistani flags in a prayer ceremony at the headquarters of the regional command in Peshawar.
Pakistan shut down Nato supply routes into Afghanistan – used for sending in nearly half of the alliance’s land shipments – in retaliation for the worst such attack since Islamabad uneasily allied itself with Washington following the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. That is unlikely to cool tempers in a country where anti-American sentiment runs high even when ties between Islamabad and Washington are smooth.
About 500 members of Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan’s most influential religious party, staged a protest in Mohmand tribal area, where the Nato attack took place. “Down with America” and “Jihad is the only answer to America”, they yelled.
Around 40 troops were stationed at the outposts t the time of the attack, military sources said. Two officers were reported among the dead. “They without any reasons attacked on our post and killed soldiers asleep,” said a senior Pakistani officer, requesting anonymity.
Blunt statements
The border is often poorly marked, and Afghan and Pakistani maps have differences of several kilometres in some places, military officials have said. Pakistan responded with unusually blunt statements condemning the incident as a violation of its sovereignty and it reserved the right to retaliate. Pakistan is a vital land route for nearly half of Nato supplies shipped overland to its troops in Afghanistan, a Nato spokesman said.
Land shipments account for about two thirds of the alliance’s cargo shipments into Afghanistan. A similar incident on Sept 30, 2010, which killed two Pakistani service personnel, led to the closure of one of Nato’s supply routes through Pakistan for 10 days.
Nato apologised for that incident, which it said happened when NATO gunships mistook warning shots by Pakistani forces for a militant attack. US efforts to repair ties with Pakistan have suffered several big setbacks starting with the unilateral US special forces raid that killed bin Laden in a Pakistani town where he had apparently been living for years. Pakistan condemned the secret operation as a flagrant violation of its sovereignty, while suspicions arose in Washington that members of Pakistan’s military intelligence had harboured the al Qaeda leader.
The military came under unprecedented criticism from both Pakistanis who said it failed to protect the country and American officials who said bin Laden’s presence was proof the country was an unreliable ally in the war on militancy.
Pakistan’s army, one of the world’s largest, may see the NATO incursion from Afghanistan as a chance to reassert itself, especially since the deaths of the soldiers are likely to unite generals and politicians, whose ties are normally uneasy. Pakistan’s jailing of a CIA contractor, Raymond Davis, and US accusations that Pakistan backed a militant attack on the US embassy in Kabul have added to the tensions. “From Raymond Davis and his gun slinging in the streets of Lahore to the Osama bin Laden incident, and now to the firing on Pakistani soldiers on the volatile Pakistan-Afghan border, things hardly seem able to get any worse,” said the Daily Times. Islamabad depends on billions in US aid and Washington believes Pakistan can help it bring about a peace in Afghanistan ahead of a combat troop withdrawal at the end of 2014.
“The fact is that such incursions of our sovereignty have become routine and we have become so dependent on the U.S. that we just have to grin and bear it,” said an editorial in The Express Tribune.

---------- Post added at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

Troops buried after NATO attack
DAWN.COM (31 minutes ago) Today

Pakistan on Sunday buried 24 troops killed in a NATO cross-border air raid that has pushed a crisis in relations with the United States towards rupture. NATO helicopters and fighter jets attacked two Pakistan military outposts on Saturday, killing the soldiers in what Pakistan said was an unprovoked assault.

Islamabad retaliated by closing the border crossings used by the international coalition to supply its troops in neighboring Afghanistan. NATO and U.S. officials expressed regret about the deaths of the Pakistani soldiers, but the exact circumstances of the attack were unclear. – Text by Reuters, photos by Agencies.


Pakistani soldiers salute the coffins of their comrades who were killed in a NATO strike during a funeral ceremony in Peshawar on November 27, 2011. The United States moves to salvage ties with Pakistan after NATO air strikes on border outposts killed 24 soldiers and plunged relations into crisis, backing a full probe and expressing condolences. – AFP Photo

Pakistani soldiers carry the coffins of their comrades who were killed in a NATO strike during a funeral ceremony in Peshawar on November 27, 2011. – AFP Photo

Pakistani soldiers carry the coffins of their comrades who were killed in a NATO strike during a funeral ceremony in Peshawar on November 27, 2011. – AFP Photo

I cant thank you for this picture, as it represents grief and makes my blood boil.
Those responsible for this fiasco should pay, question is.. will they?
I cant thank you for this picture, as it represents grief and makes my blood boil.
Those responsible for this fiasco should pay, question is.. will they?

I was avoiding to write anything about those images

though i was always against this stupid wot and how the army is still going on with it
but seeing those coffins making me mad and feel sorry for them

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