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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

I'm not defending US. Of course they have made a mess of a war which had total international support 10 years back.
If they think Pakistan has led them down, they are reacting very late. Its mostly over for all parties. No one is going to get a friendly Afghanistan, not even Afghan people. Agreed, Russia and China are pissed of with US but that's because US keeps looking to further its own interests and then expects everyone to back their war on terror. Even Indians are now upset with America's flip flop policy in Afghanistan. Sometimes they talk to Taliban, sometimes no talk to Taliban. Sometimes Karzai is good, other times he is bad. At a time of global economic crisis, why is america trying to take on every country by extending its bases and making missile shields?
As far as instability goes I can clearly see Afghanistan going back to where it was after Soviet's had left. All the neighbours will start propping up their proxy regimes. What do you think is gonna happen?
I still feel PK needs to stand its ground, and make its case at the Bonn Conf.
Lets see if the current strategy yields the desired results.

The Bonn Conference is not the conference where Pakistan can make its case.
What kind of flares? The flares could have been fired off by the aircraft to ensure that SAMs are not engaged. This too is a fairly common practice employed by the ISAF as well as the PAF in that region.

The crux of the account of the soldiers and officers was that at about 11pm on 26th Nov a light aircraft came from across the border, flew over the post and fired flares and returned. About half an hour later armed helicopters and light aircraft came. They again fired flares and began firing at the men. They remained in the area for about 5 to 6 hours

Guess these were ground illumination flares and not CM flares
The aforesaid report used to be here - http://nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-n...f-lies-by-Nato

No more... wonder why

well, could be a multitude of reasons.

Flares are used for illumination. At first they could have thought it was their own forces. Such things are not uncommon there. And when the helis started firing at them, they returned fire. Nothing really awkward there.

Although the response by PAF might be a bit in question.
I'm not defending US. Of course they have made a mess of a war which had total international support 10 years back.
If they think Pakistan has led them down, they are reacting very late. Its mostly over for all parties. No one is going to get a friendly Afghanistan, not even Afghan people. Agreed, Russia and China are pissed of with US but that's because US keeps looking to further its own interests and then expects everyone to back their war on terror. Even Indians are now upset with America's flip flop policy in Afghanistan. Sometimes they talk to Taliban, sometimes no talk to Taliban. Sometimes Karzai is good, other times he is bad. At a time of global economic crisis, why is america trying to take on every country by extending its bases and making missile shields?
As far as instability goes I can clearly see Afghanistan going back to where it was after Soviet's had left. All the neighbours will start propping up their proxy regimes. What do you think is gonna happen?

What is going to happen is exactly what none of us wants, including those who have diverging views than the ISAF.

This place will breed more instability and infighting for at least another decade leaving a mess for all countries involved.
Pakistan is the main source for Bringing Taliban & other sources in Afg to the table , and if Pakistan has boycotted it you can be assured that those who were to convinced to attend by Pakistan will not be interested in it anymore.

Yes the conference will take place , But will it produce any results NO it will not , you can call whole world to this conference , if two main parties are not interested it will be just a waste to time .
You mean NATO planes regularly drop flares on Pakistani checkposts in the Af - Pak border areas

I meant the presence of planes in that area.

You cannot see at night whether it is a NATO plane or PA plane at night can you , with the naked eye?

PA planes also drop flares. I think it was at the moment when firing started when things got a little heated.
I bet every single pilot would be willing to go out there and fight for the country even if they know they would face heavy casualties.Our Leaders are cowards.If such attacks happen again in future and our leaders don't take any taken i suspect we might face a rebellion.

Lions being ruled by Lambs/Swines.
Its on record that one US senator said "For that much reward money Pakistanis can sell their mothers too"

I know many will say its emotional or bad decision but if Pakistan will not respect its own people life then no will respect them in hundred years. in riots in UK ex Pakistanis got killed as no one care.
In international forums every one is saying Pakistani get $$$$$ and every thing will be put under the carpet when people hot air be over and that's how the world sees Pakistanis.
Guess these were ground illumination flares and not CM flares

Aircraft typically don't fire off ground illumination flares. They usually use the counter measure flares but at night time even these light up the ground pretty good as they fall down. For ground illumination, all sides use variants of Very.

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