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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Sir, They won't do that even in their dreams by mistake, except if they figure out up something they think will be good enough to fool the public again.

It is not a matter of IF they figure out something, just watch as they surely WILL fool the public yet again.

"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war."
- General George Patton (quoting Sun Tzu).

i would really appreciate your quote , but the war has begun without announcing it in words or dialogues,
and its after shocks will be very Intense. Specially for Pak Army
Nevermind the budget.

In an all out military confrontation, which MUST not be allowed to happen, PAF will be destroyed within a few hours, all major military installations within one night, and followed by hundreds of other targets destroyed with two days. Oh, and no nukes will be deployable. Pakistani casualties will easily approach a million, mostly military, within two days.

Forget these types of outlandish thoughts. Please calm down.
Regardless of the outcome, I salute the brave Pakistani soldiers. They put up a fight even when they have no chance to succeed. These men and women put the coward politicians to shame.

Comman man cannot endure the challenges these soldiers face on daily basis in one of the toughest regions of the world.

RIP to the 28 defenders of this nation.

May the affected families get the strength to endure this loss. Ameen.
Regardless of the outcome, I salute the brave Pakistani soldiers. They put up a fight even when they have no chance to succeed. These men and women put the coward politicians to shame.

Comman man cannot endure the challenges these soldiers face on daily basis in one of the toughest regions of the world.

RIP to the 28 defenders of this nation.

May the affected families get the strength to endure this loss. Ameen.

I agree with you; I have nothing but the deepest admiration, regard, and love for the rank and file soldiers, and even greater consideration for the families of the shuhada.
Another pack of lies by Nato


Today’s papers carry the news that the Nato Chief has said that the attack on Pakistani soldiers was un-intentional. Very generous of him! Yesterday, I talked to Lt Col Shahid Jan from Peshawar. He had just visited CMH Peshawar to meet the wounded in Salah Post by the US/Nato raid on night of 26 November. This is what he told me.
There were 14 wounded lying in the surgical ward suffering a variety of wounds. He talked to everyone of them and asked them what had happened. The crux of the account of the soldiers and officers was that at about 11pm on 26th Nov a light aircraft came from across the border, flew over the post and fired flares and returned. About half an hour later armed helicopters and light aircraft came. They again fired flares and began firing at the men. They remained in the area for about 5 to 6 hours. During this time, the helicopter kept firing at individual personnel at will. The post had only one 12.7 anti-aircraft gun which opened fire. The gunner was shot. The major on the post took up the gun and began firing at the helicopters. He was fired at again. While changing position he was hit by a rocket or missile. His body was blasted to pieces. Only his name-plate was found. Every one of the men on the post was killed or wounded. They seemed to be in no hurry and going after each individual separately. Having finished the entire post, they went back without any casualty on their part.
And the Nato Chief has the effrontery to say that it was un-intentional.
Now my question is, if for 5 to 6 hours this enemy action was taking place and our ground troops were under such deliberate enemy fire, where was the Army’s reaction and where was the PAF during all this time? I cannot believe that the Corps HQ or the PAF Northern Command in Peshawar did not know what was going on, on the front. If so, both should be disbanded for deliberate incompetence.

Rawalpindi, November 28.
@ bilalhaider, Agnostic Muslim.

Watch this video at 1:45.

Now it becomes clear that the Pakistani soldiers were not killed in sleep but they were retaliating to the NATO attack.

Yet another 'modification' from the original account.

General Athar Abbas, Pakistan military spokesman - FRANCE 24
It is not a modification - even the initial reports out of Pakistan indicated that Pakistani troops fired back when they were attacked.
Nevermind the budget.

In an all out military confrontation, which MUST not be allowed to happen, PAF will be destroyed within a few hours, all major military installations within one night, and followed by hundreds of other targets destroyed with two days. Oh, and no nukes will be deployable. Pakistani casualties will easily approach a million, mostly military, within two days.

Forget these types of outlandish thoughts. Please calm down.

What do u think is that so easy for west to attack pakistan, the way u desribed is crap
number one : pakistan may have weaker side but they are defending the country they know better than those who will attck
number two: the way u wrote a war in two days , that not even happended in 1965, with no nukes, okay consider the enemy much stronger but still

it took alot of time for evading the army of iraq and afhanistan and so on wherever us attacked

this would be worst than veitnam war if they go for attack

your description in summery is crapy in a sense if that wud be such easier to do then why
us wud wait for that ?????
and why they offer pakistan 7.2 billion dollars aid and so on
It is not a modification - even the initial reports out of Pakistan indicated that Pakistani troops fired back when they were attacked.

What do they think our troops should have done? I think they expected them to lie down and say come on boys kill us - we will not shoot back. Doesnt matter - bottom line is they were over 2 miles in our Territory and that should say it all.
29 November 2011 Last updated at 08:01 ET
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Pakistan 'to boycott Afghan Bonn talks' after Nato raid

Many Pakistanis want to cut ties with the US
Continue reading the main story Taliban ConflictUS patience wears thin [/news/world-us-canada-15027923] Taliban tactical shift [/news/world-south-asia-13589764] Haqqani militant network [/news/world-south-asia-14912957] Q&A: Fighting the Taliban [/news/world-south-asia-11371138]
Pakistan is to boycott talks on Afghanistan's future in protest at a Nato air strike which killed 24 of its soldiers at the weekend, officials say.

The decision not to attend next week's conference in the German city of Bonn came after a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

Pakistan says the air strike violated its sovereignty and the mandate of international forces in Afghanistan.

Nato and the US government have apologised, calling the deaths tragic.

Pakistan has cut crucial Nato supply lines through its territory to Afghanistan. Nato is investigating what happened.

Tuesday's boycott decision came amid mounting public anger in Pakistan and growing demands from opposition parties to sever ties with the US.

"The cabinet has unanimously agreed to boycott the Bonn Conference and described the Nato strikes as a violation of all terms and conditions we have with Nato," Pakistan's Information Minister Firdous Ashiq Awan told the BBC.

Nato supply convoys through Pakistan are at a standstill
"It's a clear-cut attack on Pakistan's sovereignty and integrity," she added.

Sources close to Afghan President Hamid Karzai told the BBC they understood there would be no Pakistani participation in Bonn. Mr Karzai had rung Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to urge him to attend.

The Bonn meeting is aimed at bringing together Western and regional leaders to map out a strategy for Afghanistan after the withdrawal of foreign combat forces in 2014.

Afghan officials have claimed that Nato forces were retaliating for gunfire from the Pakistani side of the volatile border on Saturday, a charge denied by Pakistan's military.

The incident has heaped further strain on already troubled relations between Nato and Pakistan, a crucial ally in the fight against the Taliban.

In recent months, the US military has accused Pakistan's spy agency of supporting militants fighting Nato troops in Afghanistan. Pakistan's military was incensed by the US raid which killed Osama Bin Laden on Pakistani soil in May.

'Under fire'

The night-time attack took place at the Salala checkpoint in Mohmand agency, about 1.5 miles (2.5 km) from the poorly delineated border with Afghanistan, early on Saturday morning.

The Pakistani army said helicopters and fighter aircraft hit two border posts, killing 24 people and leaving 13 injured.

Unnamed Afghan officials quoted in The Wall Street Journal said Saturday's air strike was called in to shield Nato and Afghan forces who had come under fire.

One official quoted in the paper said that Kabul believed the shooting came from an army base.

"This is not true. They are making up excuses. What are their losses, casualties?" Pakistani army spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas said in response to the allegations.

Continue reading the main story US-Pakistan downturn30 Sept 2010: Nato helicopters kill two Pakistani soldiers, prompting nearly two-week border closure in protest22 April 2011: Supplies to Nato forces in Afghanistan halted for three days in protest over drone attacks2 May: US announces Bin Laden's death and says Pakistan not warned of raid2 June: Top US military chief Adm Mike Mullen admits "significant" cut in US troops in Pakistan10 July: US suspends $800m of military aid22 Sept: Outgoing US Adm Mullen accuses Pakistan of supporting Haqqani militant group in Afghanistan; denied by PakistanNew crisis for US-Pakistani ties
Military sources earlier told the BBC that a US-Afghan special forces mission had been in the area, where a Taliban training camp was believed to be operating.

They said the mission came under fire from a position within Pakistan, and they received permission from the headquarters of Nato's Isaf mission to fire back.

Pakistani officials have consistently maintained that there had been no militant activity in the area. They also said Nato had the grid references of the posts and therefore should not have fired.

Pakistani troops have been fighting the Taliban in the border region for most of the past decade. They still face accusations that they provide sanctuary to some militants launching attacks over the border in Afghanistan.

The US and Pakistan desperately need each other in order to shape the future of a stable and neutral Afghanistan before Western combat troops withdraw next year, correspondents say.

While Pakistani officials facing mounting domestic anger over ties with the US, they have little room for manoeuvre - the country's military is heavily dependent on US aid.

The BBC's Orla Guerin in Islamabad says there is little chance of ties being cut - but Pakistan is determined to send a message that it will not be satisfied merely with condolences from Nato or promises of an inquiry.

BBC News - Pakistan 'to boycott Afghan Bonn talks' after Nato raid

I support Pakistan on this one good move :tup:
in addition i wud like to remind you , fear from defending the nation is moral of cowards.
and the mistake done by general musharaf by allowing them in the premises of coutry
wud be repeating the future if we stay becoming a lamb.

what is the purpose of army and airforce if we live with heads down.

what afghan fighters ,had to resist worlds best super powers?????
did they have airforce, did they have nukes, i am sure if they wud have nukes these super powers wud never exist on the planet of earth,
What do they think our troops should have done? I think they expected them to lie down and say come on boys kill us - we will not shoot back. Doesnt matter - bottom line is they were over 2 miles in our Territory and that should say it all.

Wasnt some initial reports saying that most of the Pakistani soldiers died while they were asleep..

Also did the confusion around 2.5 Km and 300 yards get sorted out?
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