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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

BHai zakham hamne bhee khaye hain aur tumne bhi & dard to jaate jaate hi jayega uspe marham lagana ztaada zaroori hai use nasoor banana nahee!!hope some day we can co exist in peace like france-germany thanks,i rest my case Thanks Again .
You are right. I have nothing against India or its people. I already stated I stand for peace and friendly relations with India. I only have a problem every time I hear that ppl in Pakistan hate India because they are brainwashed, when I know hate coming from India is twice as much if not more.
I'm not kosing anyone, as you can have whatever feelings about Pakistan as you want.

Your post is wrong on so many levels that if go point by point ill be completely off topic and invite mod action.

If you guys arent taught hate for Pakistan then what is this we see on this forum from Indian members? And this is nothing as its a Pakistan forum, go to youtube comment section and see for yourself the true Indian feelings for Pakistan.

Pakistanis are been the most welcoming of Indians on any forum, even in Pakistan. Ask anybody. And I joined one Indian site and my entire family was degraded. And you're saying Indians don't consider us mortal enemies.

Your media? Is the worst of the kind about Pakistan. And your anti Pak movies.

Pakistanis are very self critical people. We always point out to our mistakes, socially, politically and whatnot. So don't make up this non sense that we are delusionel about you. Don't paint a rosy picture of youself where none exists.

But despite all this a vast, vast majority of Pakistan, myself included, stands for peace and friendly relations with india.

I agree with you except the highlighted part which is seriously lacking in our nation. I think at the moment we should concentrate to put our country back on track, lot of hardwork is required to groom our nation to the level where we would become self critical, we should put our energies in that. Bhartiis are no problem we can deal with them anytime.
It seems US is well prepared for the worst and Russians are also intelligent it seems, they are only protesting outside but internally negotiating with US over increased worth of NDN.

Afghanistan: NDN Finding Reverse Gear | EurasiaNet.org

Main points are:-
1)It would seem that the Northern Distribution Network, the main supply line for US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, is soon to become a two-way street.

2)The NDN -- a network of road, rail and air routes that traverses Central Asia states -- came into being in early 2009. It was developed as an alternative to a Pakistani supply line that had become increasingly vulnerable to ambushes. Despite higher transit costs, the NDN carries close to 90 percent of all non-military items bound for Afghanistan. In addition, more than 60 percent of Coalition Forces’ fuel needs are transited through Central Asia. Pakistan’s decision to close another supply route means that the NDN’s strategic importance is only going to grow in the coming months.

3)A November 14 sources-sought notice posted on the US government’s Federal Business Opportunities website indicates that the German-run Camp Marmal near Mazar-i-Sharif will be substantially enlarged to facilitate a “Northern Distribution Network hub” at a cost earmarked to be between $10 million and $25 million.
Typically a CHORAHA kind of argument... PAF bases under US control sounds weird to me, I can't say anything about the presence of Americans on those bases but for sure Pakistan is fully controlling those bases except Shamsi that we gave to UAE

Sir, I am just assuming what i wrote and i very much wish i am wrong, but, how did people come to know about Shamsi? The officials did not openly say in the beginning that an airstrip is with UAE. Also they did not officially say later that the base has been given to USA by UAE, all the info was leaked some how or the other and in the end after "OBL raid" it was talked about in the in-house session of Parliament that UAE has the base. The authorities have learnt a good lesson from the leaks and are making sure no such leaks are made again

What if the US has bases for logistics purposes only which might be being used for other things as well?, Isn't it po$$ible? All the past years aren't enough for something of this sort to happen given the kind of leadership we have.

In Arabic there is a saying و ما خفي كان اعظم means what is hidden is greater.
The reality is, the military leadership is eating off of the US aid as well and all of this is a big song and dance to somehow placate the masses and eat the halwa whenever they get the chance to.


We can accept that Pakistan does not have the military capability to fight NATO, but there is NOTHING stopping us from halting all NATO supplies through and over Pakistan.

This government and military are pathetically weak or, worse, sellouts.

If the military is afraid that American sanctions will ground our PAF fleet, then they have only themselves to blame for this gross shortsightedness after 20 years of American duplicity.

Here we can see these losers are waiting for NATO to provide them a face-saving 'excuse' to resume business as usual:

“Pakistan will surely want to know the exact motive of the attack. Was it the result of intelligence failure or a mistake by a group or an individual?” retired lieutenant general Talat Masood told AFP.

We can accept that Pakistan does not have the military capability to fight NATO, but there is NOTHING stopping us from halting all NATO supplies through and over Pakistan.

This government and military are pathetically weak or, worse, sellouts.

If the military is afraid that American sanctions will ground our PAF fleet, then they have only themselves to blame for this gross shortsightedness after 20 years of American duplicity.

Here we can see these losers are waiting for NATO to provide them a face-saving 'excuse' to resume business as usual:


"“This (regret) is not good enough. We strongly condemn the attacks and reserve the right to take action,” said DG ISPR General Athar Abbas, while speaking to the national and international media from abroad on Monday. “This could have serious consequences in the level and extent of our cooperation,” he added."



From "will have serious consequences" to "could have serious consequences"

Thing$ are $tarting to cool down and cool head$ are $tarting to prevail at government level. $oon it will be bu$ine$$ a$ u$ual between the two.
Rest in peace.

This is a war zone we are speaking about. Such blue-on-blue incidents are not very rare, even if highly regrettable.
The NATO/ISAF and PA Forces are caught in a tight situation. There is definitely some communication but there is also absence of a compatible communication grid, that can actually thwart such deadly encounters. US and GoP relations might have got strained as of now, however, it is highly unlikely that both the countries would part ways over such an accident. There's a hell lot of mutual interests at stake with the on-going war in AStan. Both the partys will have to find ways to accommodate each other's sensitivities.
LAHORE: Pakistan will boycott an international conference on Afghanistan's future in Bonn next week to protest against a Nato cross-border attack that killed two dozen soldiers, Geo News reported Tuesday.

Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, while chairing the Cabinet meeting, announced to summon a joint session of the parliament after the recommendations of the parliamentary committee on National Security to discuss Mohmand Agency incident and the controversial memo affair.

Foreign ministers belonging to more than 90 countries are expected to attend the Bonn Conference that is believed to take up sensitive and thorny issues regarding the withdrawal of occupying forces for the war torn country and entering into dialogue with the Taliban.

The Cabinet agreed that unilateral actions like Abbottabad incident and last Saturday in Mohmand Agency were "not acceptable".

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar briefed the Cabinet about the incident and described the ongoing diplomatic efforts to highlight the violation of Pakistan's territorial sovereignty, which is also a violation of the international law.

The Cabinet extended deepest condolences to the families of those who embraced Shahadat last Saturday in Mohmand Agency.

Pakistan not to participate in Bonn Conference
Till the other day the Pakistani establishment was crying itself hoarse that US troops were not operating drones from it's airbases and now today they are asking the Americans to vacate the Airbase.

Classical doublespeak from across the border. After 15- 20 days things will settle down and the Americans will continue to operate from within Pakistan.

US controls their purse strings and the minute IMF delays or cancels the next installment Pakistan is going to default on their debt repayments.
pata nahe probleum kia hai is forum ka moderators ka sath koi thread kholo tu band kar deta han as being pakistani we should ask our armed forces what they did in last 10 years nothing US operatives are walking in pakistani streets killing in our own country our people govt and army did nothing drones did nothing our bases in US control we cannot do anything abotabad airforce and army was sleeping infact 2 meters from army base this was happening and now this and still airforce is sleeping i think it is for sure we should now that blood of pakistani people are nothing infront of armed forces whos duty is to save any type of attack on pakistani soil
I guess If Our army is failing to protect its pplz/awaam or innocent soldiers from the US/NATO attack then we shold give the contract to China or Russia to keep us safe from these evil warmongorers.....:smokin:

The NDN is a can of worms.

Even without Russian demands to scrap the missile shield in Eastern Europe -- something that will destroy America's image in these countries -- there is the question of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, both of which have their own insurgency problems with Taliban allies. Also, cozying up to Turkey will strain America's relationship with Israel.

Money is the least of America's concerns when considering the NDN.
Sir, I am just assuming what i wrote and i very much wish i am wrong, but, how did people come to know about Shamsi? The officials did not openly say in the beginning that an airstrip is with UAE. Also they did not officially say later that the base has been given to USA by UAE, all the info was leaked some how or the other and in the end after "OBL raid" it was talked about in the in-house session of Parliament that UAE has the base. The authorities have learnt a good lesson from the leaks and are making sure no such leaks are made again

What if the US has bases for logistics purposes only which might be being used for other things as well?, Isn't it po$$ible? All the past years aren't enough for something of this sort to happen given the kind of leadership we have.

In Arabic there is a saying و ما خفي كان اعظم means what is hidden is greater.
Please stop sucking up to UAE Shiekhs?They are not better then NATO - In fact UAE even gave stapled visa to Citizens and PM of J&K..You are acting more Arbi then Arabis themselves.
SF in the 80's we had a mil-govt and it had given 'green-signal' to armed forces to 'retaliate' if anyone violates our border/airspace and PAF did exactly that - NOW we have a civilian govt. which has not given such orders to the armed forces to do like-wise esp. on the western border - on the eastern border the standing orders are different - we should ask why?

Simple answer..... army shall come out in public.. and open the secrets.

If Haqqani can get bharti dictation on KL bill than there is nothing to hide.. PA is at war and enemies are within and evidence is in abundance.
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