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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

It is not actually shamsi it is actually shamshi. this is all is happening for public consumption because it is only of symbolic importance real deal is shahbaz air base and base near terbella (i saw terbella base for americans it is big very big) and these bases they will never vacate or forced to be vacated by GOP

If what you say is correct then it would be consistent with the ease with which Amercian assets arrived in Abbottabad to relieve the guest of honor of his humanly existence.
IMO , Pakistan should vacate all air bases from UAE , these ayash arabis come there to kill our animal after the work is done they sell in to USA who use it for its spy purposes , Nawaz has done this stupidity to sell air bases.

Vacate all air bases from all foreigners including Arabs (they can use with our permission only and not to own bases).


use this in your avatar.
Super Stuff!! We need more of this!

This should build up to the eventual storming of the embassy!!!!

And exactly what would that achieve that would be beneficial for Pakistan, other than trashing an already abysmal characterization?
welll when when army and airforce wil wake up and answer all attacks of Nato and USA why we do attack on Nato and say sorry this is by mistake why we dont do this toooo US saying that Apache is best and it can see pin on ground so how it is possible that it did not seen pak flag anyway this is delibrate for sure if i have been chief i have send all of my airforce to kill those bastered of the skies or if i would been late should have sent all airfoorce jets to afghanistan and kill Nato soldiers and said we are sorry it is by mistake
I hope Russia chooses to block NATO's supply as soon as possible !
because US and allies will then be seriously handicapped in Afghanistan and hopefully forced to leave as soon as possible
I hate to burst the bubble but in diplomatic terms, "expressing deep shock" is a very neutral response which neither supports Pakistan nor supports NATO. If China wanted to express solidarity with Pakistan in diplomatic terms, it would have "condemned" the attacks, one step below that would "expressed outrage", one step below would be "expressed regret" - "deep shock" in diplomatic terms in a not a statement of support.
From the members in military or related to military all I hear is SOP’S!SOP’S ,well if I have taken a oath to protect my nation and obey my commands and the 2nd one conflicts with the 1st one I would scrap it,convinent scape goat standard operating procedure u know wat f… that.not one soldier had the guts to point a anza at the choppers ,apart from this incident, in other incidents when intruders violated our airspace ,not one pilot who was armed and patrolling in the air and knew abt the intruders had enough ghairat to say to control “up urs control” I am going to shoot these boggies down ,why cant there be mumtaz qadri’s in airforce or army!

To the gvt and authorities and ghq if ur communication has so much lag that it took u hours to call reinforcements while our boys were being massacred then decentralize the command the area commander should have the authority and say on what action is to be taken to shoot down or not ,should only be the decision of the one present in the concerned sector ,rather then fat bellied generals sitting in ghq or members of parliament.

PAKISTAN AIRFORCE a waste of money and resources just a waste .

Arabs they are same as Israel,infact I think israeli’s and american’s won’t even have to bother attacking iran arab’s will do it for them,anything to prevent a arab spring in their respective countries.so my country men arabs are no friends of ours they are brokers and agents of our enemies.

VOTE for IMRAN khan bring abt change guys this guy is my 2nd last hope

ISI : if imran does’nt live up to our expectations then last hope is ISI,then lets all vote in isi into power not the army chief ,no political party.ISI all the way I know I am ready to give in any sort of donation to isi bcuz I know they will do what they are supposed to do,and are pretty good at their job and will not sell us out and our honour like our other institutions.
And exactly what would that achieve that would be beneficial for Pakistan, other than trashing an already abysmal characterization?

The embassies are being used to infiltrate Pakistan via diplomatic channel; shutting down their embassies is equivalent to cutting of yet another supply route

Open your eyes ... we are at war ( in case it has STILL not dawned on people like you )


MOSCOW—Russia said it may not let NATO use its territory to supply troops in Afghanistan if the alliance doesn't seriously consider its objections to a U.S.-led missile shield for Europe, Russia's ambassador to NATO said Monday.

Russia has stepped up its objections to the antimissile system in Europe, threatening last week to deploy its own ballistic missiles on the border of the European Union to counter the move. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization says the shield is meant to thwart an attack from a rogue state such as Iran, that it poses no threat to Russia, and that the alliance will go ahead with the plan despite Moscow's objections.

If NATO doesn't give a serious response, "we have to address matters in relations in other areas," Russian news services reported Dmitri Rogozin, ambassador to NATO, as saying. He added that Russia's cooperation on Afghanistan may be an area for review, the news services reported.

Threats to the NATO supply line through Russia come at an awkward time for the alliance. NATO has become increasingly reliant on the Russian route as problems in Pakistan—its primary supply route—have escalated. Over the weekend, Pakistan closed its border to trucks delivering supplies in response to coalition airstrikes Saturday that killed 25 Pakistani soldiers.

NATO began shipping its supplies through Russia in 2009, after the so-called reset in relations between Moscow and the U.S., allowing the alliance a safer route for supplies into Afghanistan. But U.S.-Russian relations have been strained lately by the approach of elections in both countries. In the past week, the Kremlin has sharply stepped up its anti-Western rhetoric ahead of parliamentary elections on Dec. 4.

Ivan Safranchuk, deputy director of the Moscow-based Institute of Contemporary International Studies, said Russia is unlikely to cut off the flow of NATO supplies to Afghanistan as an immediate response to missile-defense decisions. But Russia does want its objections to the missile shield to be taken more seriously, he said.

"If the U.S. is not responsive, then a cutoff could be a reality at some point," Mr. Safranchuk said. "Russia would like the U.S. to be more serious about Russian concerns."

Write to Alan Cullison at alan.cullison@wsj.com
The embassies are being used to infiltrate Pakistan via diplomatic channel; shutting down their embassies is equivalent to cutting of yet another supply route

Open your eyes ... we are at war ( in case it has STILL not dawned on people like you )

A mob storming the embassy would be foolish in the extreme. A more civilized and effective way would be recall the Pakistani ambassador, and declare the US ambassador a persona non grata. That is how the game is played, but only as a last resort.

Did I miss a declaration of war or are you just blowing off steam? :D
I wonder if anyone can provide clarity on this matter. There were consistent reports of 28 soldiers dead initially. This number kept up for a good amount of time, but now it seems that the number is being rolled back to 24. So who were the other 4 caualities that were counted amongst the 28?
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