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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Hi All,

The news just came that PAF is putting High Alert near Afghan Border like Installing active Radar System there and will Checkmate any intruder with effective response time. See what will happen actually?
Hi All,

The news just came that PAF is putting High Alert near Afghan Border like Installing active Radar System there and will Checkmate any intruder with effective response time. See what will happen actually?

Time to put the AWACS in action
The communication system between our ground forces is not good, its slow. There is no direct link of such posts with PAF assets. They may have first communicated with their company HQs, then Unit HQ might have been notified, then Brigade HQ comes in, Divisional HQ & then Corps level. I am not sure but don't think the news may have reached the highest level in 2 hrs and then a decision to be made and then PAF guys being notified, well i guess you may know how long our chain of command goes.

PAF has nothing to do in this nor is it their fault.

I don’t understand after such a kind of strike in past till now why not our armed forces on afghan border still not equipped with advance communication system why not communication system improved between these posts and agile air cover not provided to them. Are still our generals thinking that NATO is friendly force and afghan border is a friendly border? It is a ridicules excuse that communication system is not so well, what they learn from the past strikes? And no improvement we are seeing on that side. The only way to stop such kind of strikes is should be an agile and powerful affective response that should bleed them.

Phol ke pati say kat sakta hay herey ka jigar
Mard-e-nadan pay kalam-e-narmo nazuk be asar
Hi All,

The news just came that PAF is putting High Alert near Afghan Border like Installing active Radar System there and will Checkmate any intruder with effective response time. See what will happen actually?

After the "Osama raid" we heard exactly the same thing.

Now again same thing, nothing new.
So now we are to regard Rahman Malik as credible? :D

"Permanent" means a few weeks at the most. ;)

well you still regard american statements as if they are gospel when we all know they are liars eg WMD. and their lies kill too
If that was the case, there would have been an encounter between the Pakistan Border Forces (this is different from the troops at the military outposts 2.5kms into Pakistani territory) & the Afghan troops. That did not happen. There were no encounter, there were no losses for the Pakistan Border Forces or the Afghan Forces. And in such a situation, the Afghan Forces would have known that they were crossing into Pakistani territory. Hence, this did not happen, & no indication from Pakistan or NATO that such a scenario took place. There have been no reports that such an incident took place.

I dont understand....

Isnt the problem of cross border terrorism and fluid movement of terrorists between Afg and pakistan compounded by the fact that Pakistan does not have an effective border patrolling force in the area, nor can it effectively mark its boundary with Afg due to tribal sensitivities?

So then how does the Pakistan Border forces even come into the picture? If they were that effective, we wouldnt be going back and forth on this issue now would we? Secondly, the ineffective demarkation makes the incursion scenario an option as well..

Nevertheless, im willing to wait for this news to unfold...Id rather not go around in circles arguing about something that you nor I can put our weight behind...

Wait and watch as I said earlier..
Isnt the problem of cross border terrorism and fluid movement of terrorists between Afg and pakistan compounded by the fact that Pakistan does not have an effective border patrolling force in the area, nor can it effectively mark its boundary with Afg due to tribal sensitivities?

There was not an adequate troop presence in the border regions of the FATA before, which resulted in the high infiltration of terrorists from Afghanistan into Pakistan (& vice versa). As the Pakistan Army has conducted operations in the FATA extremely successfully, it has managed to regain the control of these border regions. If you read the ISPR statement, the posts were specifically setup to stop the cross border infiltration of Afghan terrorists from Afghanistan into Mohmand. About 10 days ago, many Afghan terrorists trying to infiltrate into Mohmand from Afghanistan were killed by the border security personnel.
From what i can understand the troops of NATO or US or whoever were inside Pak territory were trying to pull off another OBL stunt when they got caught and fired upon by the Pakistani troops, and that is when they called the attack helis and the sh!t hit the fan.
From what i can understand the troops of NATO or US or whoever were inside Pak territory were trying to pull off another OBL stunt when they got caught and fired upon by the Pakistani troops, and that is when they called the attack helis and the sh!t hit the fan.
That sounds credible. It's slightly more probable than the US doing a targeted hit on sleeping Pakistani soldiers on the border. The least probable is a "mistake" by the US.

---------- Post added at 03:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

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China condemns NATO strikes on Pakistani troops

China on Monday urged NATO forces to respect for Pakistan's sovereignty, saying that attack on Pakistani troops was shocking.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that China was deeply shocked by these events, and expresses strong concern for the victims and profound condolences to Pakistan.
"China believes that Pakistan's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected and the incident should be thoroughly investigated and be handled properly," he aid in a statement on the ministry's website.
US-led NATO choppers and aircrafts attacks two Pakistani posts near Afghan border on early Saturday which left two dozen soldiers martyred and 14 other injured.

China condemns NATO strikes on Pakistani troops | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Same can be said about Pakistanis who are latching on to everything coming out of Pindi without questioning the basics and even making lame excuses for gaps in the story like
1. How come hekis and jets ingressed without being tracked by the Pakistani radar.. I dont buy the BS about terrain and how it is difficult to track a low flying heli.. Army is not sitting there to do easy jobs only
2. How come PAF didnt get scrambled
3. How come 2 hours long assault continued without any air support provided to the 2 posts
4. How come after the attack on the 1st post, the second post was also caught unaware
5. How come low flying helicopters continued the assault for over 2 hours without taking any damage

Hence, as I said, every thing is just speculation (except the unfortunate deaths of 28 soldiers).. We will get to know the answers to some/all these questions only when both the official versions are out

1) ISAF/NATO/US forces and their operations along the border with Afghanistan is an everyday occurring practice hence no fire from Pakistani side as any air violation is warned with a couple of warning shots and nothing more.
2) PAF was not scrambled as NATO/ISAF/US forces in Afghanistan are considered allies and such an attack was not expected.
3) The check posts weren't being pounded for 2 hours, the whole operation took 2 hours and before the soldiers knew how to respond they were under heavy fire.
4) Our soldiers weren't expecting an assault from an ally in either of the posts.
5) These were probably attack helicopters impervious to any ground fire and these posts were probably not armed with MANPADS or SAM sites.
ISLAMABAD — The NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers went on for almost two hours and continued even after Pakistani commanders had pleaded with coalition forces to stop, the army claimed Monday in charges that could further inflame anger in Pakistan,


That says it all. Bastaxds americans continued for 2 hours-how could that be an accident????
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