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America youre finished, youre now engaged in 3 Fronts. Not 2 like Nazi Germany but 3!!!


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
its just a matter of time until you go bankrupt

-in Middle east Iraq is facing civil war and if you dont intervene Iran will do. It will probably react into a civil war that will drive oil prices to extreme levels and damage US and EU economies and most importantly it can spread into the middle east and probably result into a hot war between iran and saudi arabia. Again even more higehr oil price.

-In Ukraine Russia will use this opportunity with high oil prices and your involvement in middle east to invade ukraine as you will be stuck in the middle east again. If you choose ukraine over middle east you will lose out like mention above. Note that europeans will use ukraine case as reason not get involvement and help you in any way with the other problems, not now and neither in the future.
Russian gas which will also be cut on Monday if the junta doesnt agree on the price will increase energy prices too for europe.

-Your pivot to asia becomes more and more a pipe dream, china will rise unhindered and can act more comfortable in its foreign policy with its neighbors. So your military built up in this region is stuck and resources have to go west again.

And i only mentioned short term its even more expensive by looking long term. Americas deployment of troops in eastern europe is just one example you have to waste money, what will be the reaction to the middle east? Will Asian troops be enough?
Obviously america can try to spent huge money to all 3 of them but will sooner or later go bankrupt. But if america refuses to spend money conflicts have to be settled by regional players which will undermine americas influence anyways
The American global empire is being torn apart as China wages war in East Asia, Russia wages war in Eastern Europe and Iran wages war in the Middle East.

All we need is a nuclear-armed Brazil and the American global empire will collapse just like British and Spanish.
The American global empire is being torn apart as China wages war in East Asia, Russia wages war in Eastern Europe and Iran wages war in the Middle East.

All we need is a nuclear-armed Brazil and the American global empire will collapse just like British and Spanish.

So when does this movie come out? :D
lol...there is an unrest in Iraq or Afghan or in Pak..why the heck OP feels that its gonna be an end of the america? these countries are not their colonies which other countries are winning over...after 9-11, not even a single blast could take place in America's own soil...whatever is happening hardly matters or makes any different in day to day life of Americans...Beleive me, the day you really see the sinking of the america , I think it will lead world towards another aspirational empire....which mite be worst than the perceived threats from the america! . The real problem is, Islamic extremism and Chinese expansionism..If we can stop these two, world will be more better place to livein!
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The American global empire is being torn apart as China wages war in East Asia, Russia wages war in Eastern Europe and Iran wages war in the Middle East.

All we need is a nuclear-armed Brazil and the American global empire will collapse just like British and Spanish.


If U S the motherland was as small as mainland england or spain---the breakdown would be possible---but the nation is the size of a continent---& unless there is an internal strife & the states want to break away---there is no chance of breakup.

This camel lip is not going to fall----.

If U S the motherland was as small as mainland england or spain---the breakdown would be possible---but the nation is the size of a continent---& unless there is an internal strife & the states want to break away---there is no chance of breakup.

This camel lip is not going to fall----.

Oh come on - I and @KAL-EL had planned our very own Playboy Republic of Buttistan right where Las Vegas is ! :(
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The American global empire is being torn apart as China wages war in East Asia, Russia wages war in Eastern Europe and Iran wages war in the Middle East.

All we need is a nuclear-armed Brazil and the American global empire will collapse just like British and Spanish.


China just found out that it pitifully ill equipped to take on japan & associates. For your's & our sake i hope things cool down in the so china seas. Brazil is bogged down by its own weight & russia ain't gonna confront the u s.

China really needs another 10 years to consolidate its military. as for the u s---the car sales is booming---housing sales is on the up---malls & restaurants are full of shoppers---you really have to see to believe.
When was the last time you looked at a map? It doesn't matter how many foreign fronts America is involved in, there's no way any formidable army can make it to its shore. Not with it's current military standing.
Yes, but isn't it fun for USA haters to dream up such scenarios? :lol:

All a US economic collapse would do is cause a reset in military obligations and posturing. We would be isolationist by default for a few years, while the economy re-built. There would be a power vacuum in some regions, and the security situation in Europe and SE Asia would be interesting, to say the least.

Dreams of the US disappearing or being occupied have been conjured by many a foe, only resulting in extreme disappointment.

Even if the standing military and nuclear forces vanished, the American public is heavily armed, and is full of generations of experienced warriors.
All a US economic collapse would do is cause a reset in military obligations and posturing. We would be isolationist by default for a few years, while the economy re-built. There would be a power vacuum in some regions, and the security situation in Europe and SE Asia would be interesting, to say the least.

Dreams of the US disappearing or being occupied have been conjured by many a foe, only resulting in extreme disappointment.

Haven't people been predicting the fall of the mighty dollar for at least the few years I have been on this forum already? Their persistent disappointment does not stop them from repeating them ad nauseum. :D
You're forgetting @Fukuoka

True! Ellis certainly gets an honorary mention in that dept. To be fair though, he actually does post/start threads about other things besides his usual jew usa conspiracies. :lol:

@Skull and Bones how was your trip to Philadelphia? I remembered you said you were going to post pics.
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