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America seperated Pakistan from Bangladesh in 1971, and is doing so again

**** off with you bangali rant to your bangali shithole. Your fuckkers have changed from Punjabi's to hindus but you are still in the same bent over position.....hahaha

Was that really necessary? He was just being a dick but that doesn't mean you have to stoop to his level, just report and move on.
Interesting thread. All the time I was under impression that India was responsible for Pakistani breakup. Now Pakistan should shift focus of its "freedom fighters" from Kashmir to California native Indians.:azn:
It was USSR(Soviet Union) which stopped the UK and U.S battle ships, It was USSR who provided support to India.
U.S was key Ally of Pakistan at that time.
Anyway time is gone. We took our revenge from USSR in 1980 to 85 Soviet afghan war.
Even Israel proliferated the sensitive and advance weapon technology to Pakistan, while reverse engineered the Soviet weapons after Israel had confiscated from PLO during the Lebanon war, and channeled these weapons to Mujahedin:D.

1971, it was due to Soviet union not the U.S fault.
**** off with you bangali rant to your bangali shithole. Your fuckkers have changed from Punjabi's to hindus but you are still in the same bent over position.....hahaha

On a responsible thread, this would have invited a ban. But hey, you are Pakistani.
I hope mods take note of this..

Others who should take a note are the Bangladeshis.
Do you see who thinks of you as what??? Still wanna bash India in every thread?
:smokin: U.S was on our side at then tried to help us, Ya! they were also lacked of their policies and planings, but the one who really stoped them to interfere was S.U . They really played well at then, and that had gives the whole advantage to india. If few thinks that India hadn't targeted west Pakistan at then , then again they are ill informed there were various air and Naval strikes had done by india on West Pakistan as well. that further blockade support provided by S.U to indians benefited them most. and our 40,000 soldiers were not enough against millions Bangali Bihani+Indian soldiers. Keep in mind that Pakistani soldiers were fighting from 9 months in Eastern wing and they were obviously gone short of ammunation compare to their enemy. still they fought some remarkable battles with indian army , including Helli , khulna etc
America didn't separate Pakistan from Bangladesh in 1971, it was Pakistanis and Pakistanis due to their own hypocrisy, stupidity, and corrupt mindset that lead to the separation.
People need to stop blaming America for every little thing, if someone shop lifts blame it in America.
America didn't separate Pakistan from Bangladesh in 1971, it was Pakistanis and Pakistanis due to their own hypocrisy, stupidity, and corrupt mindset that lead to the separation.
People need to stop blaming America for every little thing, if someone shop lifts blame it in America.
Don't mean to flame but it's a major problem in thinking. Pakistan blame a lot on other things rather than accept the mistakes.
It's the LEADER of country who needs to hide facts to retain power but I don't understand how common public belive it ???
Don't mean to flame but it's a major problem in thinking. Pakistan blame a lot on other things rather than accept the mistakes.
It's the LEADER of country who needs to hide facts to retain power but I don't understand how common public belive it ???

In this case, we are happy to accept the blame. Yeah, we did it, our Army did it. Any problem?
yup... it is 90k soldiers. Not able to fight with real army, surrendered.

It wasn't 90k soldiers, in fact many of the PoWs were civilian personnel and employees. Pakistan didn't even have 90k soldiers in E. Pakistan.

Besides 90,000 PoWs here's another figure for you 1,000 years or ~ 365,242.199 days of Muslim rule over Hind.
more ailments from your end.....dont pull facts out of your arse, young one. You dont ME.

Well, if I go by Karan's signature and your last few posts, I guess you passed the last resort of INCOMPETENT stage long back ;)
Just wondering how many of you didn't already know that the U.S. wants to divide and rule Pakistan. This is no news by any means, not to me at least. The question is how Pakistan is going to deal with this.
It wasn't 90k soldiers, in fact many of the PoWs were civilian personnel and employees. Pakistan didn't even have 90k soldiers in E. Pakistan.

Besides 90,000 PoWs here's another figure for you 1,000 years or ~ 365,242.199 days of Muslim rule over Hind.

Well you are also part of the rule. 200 yrs rule by british can't be claimed as christian rule by any tom dick because he is christian?
Coward Punjabi Army Portion, Junagori(Indian originated Aryan) Beiman Bhutto, Different tricks of the Aggressors have triggered the Dravidian Bangladeshi Race to take the rightful decisions to gain our rightful Independence. There was no other alternation. Punjabis are always the pet dogs of the Aggressors, they are paid killer. No mercy for them. They must be eliminated from the earth for their crimes. We the Bangladeshis suffered a lot by those coward Punjabis. We are not a myth. We are the Bangladeshi. We are the seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are Vashani, We are Mujib, We are Osmani, We are Zia. We did that what is right. We gained our independence against the Coward agents of the Aggressors , Who are paid killer and suppressors of the rights of the people. We are not a myth & that is the final point.

Oh I see, again this Aryan vs. Dravidian crap of yours.

We seriously thought you went back to whatever hole you came from.

But once again, learn to debate properly.


The title itself is really just.......lame(?) America helped Pakistan during the war. I do not know....there are many unanswered questions behind this.

It was already confirmed that the Agartala Conspiracy Case was in fact true, it really did happen. ISI's information was very reliable at the time.

This was unveiled by one of Sheikh Mujib's aides, Lt. Col. Shamsul Alam last year:
'Agartala conspiracy case was not false' | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Now the question is, why was Mujib let go after that?

There are simply too many unanswered questions to get to an exact conclusion over the whole matter. Hell, nobody even knows exactly which persons killed the Bengali intellectuals and minorities.

And even to this day, people in Bangladesh still strive to get answers for those questions whilst being in a dangerously volatile political environment (especially now).

The only thing I do know is that damage done will take generations to heal.
Pakistan alone is responsible for separation. Besides, every one get this idea out of their minds that some 'foreign power' want's to rules over us, we are ungovernable - in ALL shapes and forms!
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