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America pays Pakistan to stop Indian terrorists

Is India a terrorist state ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • Absolutely

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • I don’t know

    Votes: 2 7.1%

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Khan vilatey

Feb 11, 2020
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After reading this article I understood that American tax payers will pay Pakistan to shoot down Indian Air Force aircraft using American made F-16s. These f-16s according to the American goverment are only used to kill terrorists ergo the Indian goverment and its forces are terrorists!

It always baffles me how America and the west pay Pakistan to fight Indian terrorists. India spends billions on buying military equipment while Pakistan gets it for free!

I could never understand the Hindu fascination with forcing their will on Muslims….. maybe being subjugated for a 1000 years has left deep emotional scars ???

That is one of the root causes of their obsession, frustration, and behavior they cannot come over it and move on. Unfortunately for its neighbors, that's how it is and how it will be.
Isn’t that sad that a country of 1.4 billion has a massively smaller per captia GDP then say british a country of 65 million.

Indias obsession with comparing it to Pakistan has led to this downfall.

I could never understand the Hindu fascination with forcing their will on Muslims….. maybe being subjugated for a 1000 years has left deep emotional scars ???

Emotional scars exist among those who served British imperialism, playing their divide and rule game, this includes Hindus and Muslims.
I read o this forum that a follow on order of j-10c is expected. Who will india complain to in this order ?
That is one of the root causes of their obsession, frustration, and behavior they cannot come over it and move on. Unfortunately for its neighbors, that's how it is and how it will be.
Nothing of the sort!the picture is reversed in fact.
You have to understand their perspective. The less we get the more secure they are and the less they have to spend on their defence. Being predominently a trading nation it wants to expand trade by spending money on trade development. Defence spending is dead money as most equipment will never ever see any action.
People blame Indian Babus for delays in weapons acquisition, but if you look at it from another perspective it is a very smart move. Put a tender out for a huge acquisition-- the whole world drools and focus turns towards India---- long drawn out trials with back handers for politicians and bigwigs from all parties concerned---- further discussions and negotiations on pricing, while still extracting all sort of leverage from the providers in return for potential favours ---- after 10 years buy a small quantity of arms. The importance of this strategy is all these providers wont dream of selling to Pakistan while tenders remain floated. So in all, I think there is method to their madness.
We cant do anything because they are a much bigger market than us and we are skint in any case teetering on default due to corruption in various important cadres of our society. To safeguard their wealth in various parts of the world these pigs are held to ransom by foreign powers to force decisions and even governments in Pakistan--- both civil and military. The fault for our predicament is entirely ours and focusing elsewhere provides protection to our elites against internal attention and introspection.
Dont blame others for your own stupidity/corruption.
Nothing of the sort!the picture is reversed in fact.
You have to understand their perspective. The less we get the more secure they are and the less they have to spend on their defence. Being predominently a trading nation it wants to expand trade by spending money on trade development. Defence spending is dead money as most equipment will never ever see any action.
People blame Indian Babus for delays in weapons acquisition, but if you look at it from another perspective it is a very smart move. Put a tender out for a huge acquisition-- the whole world drools and focus turns towards India---- long drawn out trials with back handers for politicians and bigwigs from all parties concerned---- further discussions and negotiations on pricing, while still extracting all sort of leverage from the providers in return for potential favours ---- after 10 years buy a small quantity of arms. The importance of this strategy is all these providers wont dream of selling to Pakistan while tenders remain floated. So in all, I think there is method to their madness.
We cant do anything because they are a much bigger market than us and we are skint in any case teetering on default due to corruption in various important cadres of our society. To safeguard their wealth in various parts of the world these pigs are held to ransom by foreign powers to force decisions and even governments in Pakistan--- both civil and military. The fault for our predicament is entirely ours and focusing elsewhere provides protection to our elites against internal attention and introspection.
Dont blame others for your own stupidity/corruption.
I agree with most of what you wrote. My exception to your comments is the portrayal of military equipment as dead investment. If this were the case why would America and other trading nations invest so much on this? The reason is simple a strong defense ensures trade and stability. This can be used at times to make even more money when one’s national interests are threatened. Case and point if Pakistan had the ability to stop india from building dams in Kashmir we would be able to guarantee farming jobs and food security to our people. Another example is China building dams in galwan creating the same issues for India as it has for Pakistan

I agree with most of what you wrote. My exception to your comments is the portrayal of military equipment as dead investment. If this were the case why would America and other trading nations invest so much on this? The reason is simple a strong defense ensures trade and stability. This can be used at times to make even more money when one’s national interests are threatened. Case and point if Pakistan had the ability to stop india from building dams in Kashmir we would be able to guarantee farming jobs and food security to our people. Another example is China building dams in galwan creating the same issues for India as it has for Pakistan

Istand by what I said. The last war we had was 71. We have had skirmishes with small/medium arms usage but other than 26/02 no/little usage of any defence equipment. Now think of the cost involved in maintaining/buying them and think of their usage. Aside from the preventative aspect which I can discuss separately, show me any significant cost-benefit analysis proving your point and I will concede to your argument.
The West and especially US uses its armaments industry for:
A. Trade ( check how much they earn from armaments sales). They even create enemies and instigate wars to further this trade both nationally/internationally.
B. Coersion and bullying to make other nations take decisions to further their political,military and economic gains.
From the later perpsective, I still reckon the defanging of Pakistan is now necessary as it has gone Nuclear, which can mar and level any playing field.
So as an alternative I suggest more introspection and focus on intenral development of armaments industry with external collaboration rather than buying fancy toys from outside at exhorbitabt prices. Any war in the Indo-Pak arena will see early and massive use of Nukes due to massive distrust between the 2 nations. There will be no recovering of the region from this. You may not have the chance of-using all these fancy toys. This more than the Rafales, J10s and F16 is what stops-war in the arena plus the 100 billion dollar external investment into India and the prospect of it going up in smoke.
The water needs of Pakistan are enough. It is the mismanagement of sources that is the problem.
lumber 1 will use it to target Pakistanis and Chinese interests in the region not India!
dint we bow down sold our souls for few acres in begium and some scrap parts!
I could never understand the Hindu fascination with forcing their will on Muslims….. maybe being subjugated for a 1000 years has left deep emotional scars ???



they felt (wrongly) that there was sort of great hindu emprire.. actually it was a collection of hindu RSS shithole states.... where bizarre practices such as burning widow existing etc

Islam civilised the progressed the Indian subcontenient

they felt (wrongly) that there was sort of great hindu emprire.. actually it was a collection of hindu RSS shithole states.... where bizarre practices such as burning widow existing etc

Islam civilised the progressed the Indian subcontenient
Joke of the day :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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