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America is hacking other countries with stealthy submarines


Kido, please learn some:

View attachment 322105


As mentioned earlier, the Internet works because of a system of rules called protocols. By following these protocols, computers can send information across the network to other computers. If there were no protocols, then there'd be no guarantee that the information sent from one computer could be understood by another, or that it'd even reach the right destination.

As the Internet evolves, these protocols must also change. That means someone has to be in charge of the rules. There are several organizations that oversee the Internet's infrastructure and protocols.

Do not diminish your standing here:

Your worthless dialogue is pitted against the conclusion of Giants of Industry players who say no (one) single entity own the Internet which is widespread Internet Infrastructure.

How many and which country receives its net through microwaves out of 200 global countries?

Possibility is something, practicality and actual occurrence is different.

Typical example for a persistent kido:

Is it possible for a 500 pounder sumo wrestler to walk a tight rope?
But has anyone seen any?
There you go.

So in a nutshell, no, the US does not own the Internet.

Now do not tag me any more.
Or I will have to ignore you.

Look kiddo (It spelt with two ds instead of one, otherwise you are referring me to either a clothing store in Atlanta or a radio station in Boise ID)

I worked with NSA and Military intelligence for 2 years, I am also in my progress to a Master Degree and PhD degree in Computer Science, I have listed with extreme prejudice about how the company controlling the domain and ips, instead of answering my question and point, you keep pumping some quote from somewhere and keepsaying the internet is of nobody. By the way, quoting from a "How's that work" blog does not contribute to "Expert" opinion.

If this is what you want to believe, that's fine, but I can tell you this, each website on the internet have a domain name and an IP associate with it, evidentially, both Domain name and IP were controlled by a US Government contracted company, now,

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I worked with NSA and Military intelligence for 2 years, I am also in my progress to a Master Degree and PhD degree in Computer Science

And I am about to patent a most powerful super laser gun within one of these days.


You don't need to believe what I said.

I only know this. You have not been addressing my issue regardless of my background.

That in itself saying you know the square root of jack shit about Computer Networking.

both !

I work for CISCO and we design and implement Big routers and servers. I see your ignorance !

We should stop replying this troll :lol:

He believe some blog as "Expert" opinion. What next, if some blog say that the sun rise from the west, he is gonna jump the gun and say we are all wrong to believe the sun actual rise from the east
You don't need to believe what I said.

I only know this. You have not been addressing my issue regardless of my background.

That in itself saying you know the square root of jack shit about Computer Networking.

We should stop replying this troll :lol:

He believe some blog as "Expert" opinion. What next, if some blog say that the sun rise from the west, he is gonna jump the gun and say we are all wrong to believe the sun actual rise from the east

Exactly I am also thinking the same :tup:

Thanks mate !
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Considering that they regularly tap into the undersea communication cables that make up the backbone of today's connected world; I see no new revelation here.
Joker! your quantum satellite is a joke. no one is interested in such activities who decades ahead of you.
India is jealous of China. There is basically no world class technology from India. Beside ranting sourgrape comment. That is nothing more :lol:
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