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AMCA (Fifth generation FIghter plane)Primary design ready. 5000 cr fund shall be sought for developm


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Make-in-India: Plan to develop 5th-generation fighter aircraft
PublishedJanuary 8, 2015|Byadmin

India plans to kick-off its own fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) development project this year to build on the expertise gained in the long developmental saga of the indigenous Tejas light combat aircraft.
Top defence sources on Wednesday said the preliminary design stage of the futuristic fighter called the advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA), with collaboration among IAF, DRDO and Aeronautical Development Agency, is now “virtually” over.
“Once the project definition and feasibility is completed in the next few months, the defence ministry will go to the cabinet committee on security for approval. It will require Rs 4,000-5,000 crore for the initial design and development phase,” said a source.
The aim is to fly the first twin-engine AMCA prototype by 2023-2024, which will be around the time deliveries of Tejas Mark-II fighters will be underway. IAF is slated to get its first Tejas Mark-I in March this year, over 30 years after the LCA project was first approved in August 1983. But the Tejas Mark-II jets, with more powerful engines, will start to come only by 2021-2022, as was first reported by TOI.
“After Tejas-II, we have to move ahead to a fifth-generation-plus AMCA. Basic design work of AMCA as well as presentations by five to six global aero-engine manufacturers is over. Simulation modelling is also in the works,” said the source.
India, of course, is also trying to sort out its differences with Russia over their proposed joint development of the Indian “perspective multi-role fighter” based on the latter’s under-development FGFA called Sukhoi T-50 or PAK-FA.India, in fact, had told Russia it cannot wait till 2024-2025 to begin inducting 127 of these single-seat fighters, which will entail an overall expenditure of around $25 billion. But India also wants its own home-grown AMCA project in the long-run for strategic and economic reasons.
A swing-role FGFA basically combines advanced stealth, supercruise (capability to achieve supersonic cruise speeds without use of afterburners), super-maneuverability, data fusion and multi-sensor integration on a single fighter.
But the 20-year long development of the American F/A-22 “Raptor”, the only fully-operational FGFA in the world today, has shown that such a project is an extremely complex and costly affair.
The US shut down the production of Raptors in 2012 after inducting 188 of them at an overall cost of $67 billion due to huge costs, technical glitches and time overruns. The US is now finally moving towards operationalizing a more advanced FGFA, the F-35 “Lightning-II” joint strike fighter. With the project yet to overcome all technical and software glitches, the overall cost for the planned induction of almost 2,500 such fighters stands at around $400 billion.

Make-in-India: Plan to develop 5th-generation fighter aircraft | idrw.org
I propose a single engine F 35 type of Plane resembling YF 23 around Russian engine which is developed for PAKFA. It should carry 7 to 8 tons of load and have a phenominal range and mission capabilty.
Wish the project Good luck. Also hope some Engine is selected initially and the plane is designed around it. Can't afford another Kaveri story repeated. As an when Indian engine gets into fray, a Mark II model of AMCA can be thought off.
Wish the project Good luck. Also hope some Engine is selected initially and the plane is designed around it. Can't afford another Kaveri story repeated. As an when Indian engine gets into fray, a Mark II model of AMCA can be thought off.

Official version is that either K 9 + or K10 both Kaveri derivatives will power the AMCA ...
and there is suspense over status of development of these two engines ...
Official version is that either K 9 + or K10 both Kaveri derivatives will power the AMCA ...
and there is suspense over status of development of these two engines ...
I thought GE 414 or its next gen variant has already been selected
Official version is that either K 9 + or K10 both Kaveri derivatives will power the AMCA ...
and there is suspense over status of development of these two engines ...
And then Hal and drdo live happily after.
Apparently current 5th gen fighter designs look similiar to each other. Here's Turkey's $50 billion FGFA program. Prototype flight planned at 2023. The total spending will be $120 billion with the orders of 250 aircraft.


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That's what may happen eventually ..
But there is still talk of Joint venture with foreign partner to realize K9+ or K 10 engine to power AMCA .

still no clarity yet ..

AMCA :Engine choice dilemma | idrw.org

there were even talks about EJ 2000 engine (somebody posted a thread too). But yes the point again is how seriously government wants to pursue the project. The timeline of 2022-23 looks reasonable only when engine component is assured. Stealth design and avionics themselves will be a formidable challenge for design. I guess we might be banking heavily on FGFA design data and learning that will be inducted in some manner in AMCA.
i firmly believe that engine tech for AMCA needs to be fully Indian and its capability vs say GE414 or M88 or EJ2000 should be in comparable range. If any kaveri derivative or advance versions with better parameters then its fine or else , we may not see much better performance parameters.
FOr AMCA i feel its better if we really "make in India" not assemble most tech from all places shopping. if we really want a bird and a industry capable enough then thats the only possible way. (As LCA MK2 is having GE414 so heart is not Indian rather American)
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