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Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

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No mate. Do talk with professionals regarding this. If your offensive elements are ineffective, your defensive elements will be taken down pretty soon. Secondly all the Pakistani forward bases barring 2 strategic bases of Pakistan will be taken down rather quick.

As mentioned by someone - modern warfare has changed. India packs much more of a punch today than Pakistan.

Looking at the balance of power right now, its quite clear that there is going to be destruction on both sides. PAF is a fast and agile force; within minutes PAF can launch sorties and fire cruise missiles, PGM's and long range precision guided glide bombs. Similarly, India can manage to do the same too. Even with all this modernization, IAF is equally vulnerable today as it was 40 years ago. If they were not, believe me their posture would have been a lot more different and very confrontational.

I have to think the PAF has reached the end of its days.:chilli:


This post reminds me of the statement that your AVM made after the Mumbai attacks. "We have 5000 targets earmarked in Pakistan and our adversary fears our power".

How about you guys put your words into action and actually follow this up by actions instead of words. Feel free to cross the border and we will see who survives :). IAF did try to act naughty Post Mumbai, but we all know the results of that and they didn't dare repeat that mistake again.
History and even Pakistanis in their armed forces have told us that Pakistan has always been belligerent and trigger happy country that started all the wars with India. So, the point here is does Pakistan still have the resources to be an offensive force? One can overwhelmingly agree that Pakistan has never been weaker (although, the agressor never won any war) when it comes to its offensive force. They can shout out all they want about what a good defensive force they currently have, but a weaker offensive Pakistani force is what India needed which its has achieved by winning all its wars with Pakistan and modern weaponry.

So, if Pakistanis say, they are a good "defensive" force ..I would agree but India is a better agressive and defensive force overall.

Nobody can deny that!
Looking at the balance of power right now, its quite clear that there is going to be destruction on both sides. PAF is a fast and agile force; within minutes PAF can launch sorties and fire cruise missiles, PGM's and long range precision guided glide bombs. Similarly, India can manage to do the same too. Even with all this modernization, IAF is equally vulnerable today as it was 40 years ago. If they were not, believe me their posture would have been a lot more different and very confrontational.


This post reminds me of the statement that your AVM made after the Mumbai attacks. "We have 5000 targets earmarked in Pakistan and our adversary fears our power".
How about you guys put your words into action and actually follow this up by actions instead of words. Feel free to cross the border and we will see who survives :). IAF did try to act naughty Post Mumbai, but we all know the results of that and they didn't dare repeat that mistake again.

Care to explain which Cruise Missile you talkin about ,RAAD ?? PGM ? Point Is PAF talk More do less. I still remember, What PAF did in the Past ,yes in Past when Mirage 2k pounding your Light infantary from right ,left and centre with Paveway II, you guys where sitting tight fearing BVR lock even across the border. Your PAF couldn't save Karachi in 71 even from nimble and low on fuel Indian naval aircrafts.
40 years back what you saw is now a 40times more stronger and mighter IAF standing at your doorstep.
Can you belive that Su30mki can carry two Clean Mig21 at his wingloading :P
Now, 170+Su30mki vs 70-80 F16 with american blessings is good for patrolling in your airspace :rolleyes: .
Think Tank huh ,oh!!Well this is PDF.......
A common idea here is that cruise missiles alone can disable whole airbases.This is bull.Accuracy[considering the ability of missiles to hit single aircarft and runways from hundreds of miles away],and defences are totally ignored.Plus most priority aircraft are in hardened shelters.And even if runways are cratered they can be quickly repaired and with its strategic depth and air to air refueling IAF can easily operate from deeper bases.Besides its not that we are the only ones getting cruise missiles on our bases,the PAF will get the same treatment.On the other hand our cruise missiles can target all of pakistan air force's military bases due to lack of strategic depth whereas with refuellers IAF can easily operate from deep bases.
Also satellites and AWACS provide high early warning so catching a major part of the airforce on the ground is a fantasy.Many alerted priority aircraft will be airborne.
Since you have ruined another thread with your usual pictorial glorification, i'll let you keep that honour.
However, if you must, then say hello to NASR......and goodbye to the world. :laugh:


How far does that go for you...:lol:
Guided rounds from these guns are a great threat...

keep them some where safe.. yeah those dummy ones too.
Care to explain which Cruise Missile you talkin about ,RAAD ?? PGM ? Point Is PAF talk More do less. I still remember, What PAF did in the Past ,yes in Past when Mirage 2k pounding your Light infantary from right ,left and centre with Paveway II, you guys where sitting tight fearing BVR lock even across the border. Your PAF couldn't save Karachi in 71 even from nimble and low on fuel Indian naval aircrafts.
40 years back what you saw is now a 40times more stronger and mighter IAF standing at your doorstep.
Can you belive that Su30mki can carry two Clean Mig21 at his wingloading :P

Now, 170+Su30mki vs 70-80 F16 with american blessings is good for patrolling in your airspace :rolleyes: .
Think Tank huh ,oh!!Well this is PDF.......

Genius, Tell me how can you you save your Ambala Air base from Babur LACM strike?

It's sad when you talk so delusional. 70-80 F-16 Backup with AWAC can easily keep your 170 SU-30MKI in your own airspace. If you dare to cross, then they will be a good target practice for our AIM-120 C5.

IAF is strong in it's own backyard. The moment you cross the line, you will feel the pain of SD-10, AIM-120 C5 chasing your aircraft backs :D

Last but not the least, Show me one single statement of PAF where they talked more and did less? on the contrary it's your active war mongering generals who like to speak bullshit about 5000+ targets earmarked and blah blah.

P.S. I feel ashamed in such a knowledgeable forum ho did you become senior member without gaining any knowledge?
Nuke deterance is an effective way to counter India for Pakistan, every one should admit that. Dont compare with Pakistan, compare with China if you want to prove we are at same level.

Thats what we're all tryin' to do.
Genius, Tell me how can you you save your Ambala Air base from Babur LACM strike?

It's sad when you talk so delusional. 70-80 F-16 Backup with AWAC can easily keep your 170 SU-30MKI in your own airspace. If you dare to cross, then they will be a good target practice for our AIM-120 C5.

IAF is strong in it's own backyard. The moment you cross the line, you will feel the pain of SD-10, AIM-120 C5 chasing your aircraft backs :D

Emotionally Motivated rather than Facts.
Emotionally Motivated rather than Facts.

When you don't have anything to counter the arguments, then usually such things come out of anyone mouth.

It's a serious fact, How can you save your Ambala station from a low flying cruise missile?

Have your air force ever simulated such a scenario? To judge how well is their reaction time against a cruise missile flying at an altitude of 30 M?
When you don't have anything to counter the arguments, then usually such things come out of anyone mouth.

It's a serious fact, How can you save your Ambala station from a low flying cruise missile?

on the same note.. how will u save whole pakistan when it is well within the range of brahmos ? when u can't save it against the terrorists ...
Looking at the balance of power right now, its quite clear that there is going to be destruction on both sides. PAF is a fast and agile force; within minutes PAF can launch sorties and fire cruise missiles, PGM's and long range precision guided glide bombs. Similarly, India can manage to do the same too. Even with all this modernization, IAF is equally vulnerable today as it was 40 years ago. If they were not, believe me their posture would have been a lot more different and very confrontational.


This post reminds me of the statement that your AVM made after the Mumbai attacks. "We have 5000 targets earmarked in Pakistan and our adversary fears our power".

How about you guys put your words into action and actually follow this up by actions instead of words. Feel free to cross the border and we will see who survives :). IAF did try to act naughty Post Mumbai, but we all know the results of that and they didn't dare repeat that mistake again.

There are routine IAF aircraft incursions over Pakistan. In 2008, an Su-30MKI and
a Mirage-2000 came right into the Lahore sector, back in 1997, MiG-25s used to fly
freely over Islamabad. I don't think PAF has acruired the capability to detect enemy aircraft
movements before they intrude well into Pak territory, just imagine what if they were
equipped with air-dropped nukes, Lahore & Islamabad will be reduced to ashes even
before you can detect what ac came over your land. Where were your Erieyes sleeping?

The BrahMos is an a exceptional weapon to take out PAF airbases first thing in war, this
is massively cut down Pak ac sortie rates and air operations close to Indian border will take
a massive beating, there are close to 200 Block-II PJ-10s deployed near the Pak border
alone, and they can strike even Islamabad giving you the least possible reaction time
of any operational land-attack cruise missile in the world.

I think you need to stop living in the 1960s and 1970s. A lot has changed now. Back then
PAF had qualitative superiority over IAF and you also recieved the best search radars and
stuff from US, while IAF had poor capabilities in these aspects.

In 2012 of today, you have lost the qualitative superiority as well. IAF has not just numbers
but operates Asia's best operational jet fighter after Su-35S. Which is all set to become
more lethal. IAF pilot's training levels have vastly improved, and so have our tactics
and equipment. And secondly, PAF has completely lost the capability to carry out an
effective offensive against IAF without losing their whole air force.

And would you plz take the trouble of explaining to me how an air force can survive
if it keeps on sticking to the same level of battlefield effectiveness with their
aircraft for decades while the opponents are vastly increasing they're numbers as
well as strategic versatility of striking hard and striking deep day by day?
When you don't have anything to counter the arguments, then usually such things come out of anyone mouth.

It's a serious fact, How can you save your Ambala station from a low flying cruise missile?

Have your air force ever simulated such a scenario? To judge how well is their reaction time against a cruise missile flying at an altitude of 30 M?

Lets Talk Simple English in Facts.

I have a sword and you have a Knife. Both Can Cut and Kill.

Sword can cut and kill from a Distance. To use Knife I need to go closer. Being a Foe wont give that option.

Point 2

LACM gyroscopes driver is based on GPS guidnance prone to Easy Jamming simple .1 to 4 kilowatt gps - Navsignals are easy targets for Jamming. When ever you fire a Raad - I sent one EWRG aircraft eg AWACS or EWSgs across border to gather Missile RadSignature along with Commsignature so that, I can create Jamming Code. Thanks to shallow depth of your land mass

Point 3
If I have 63 F16 of which 46 are Block 15/30 I will use remaining to save my HVT like Nuclear sites or President or Most Important Leader of my nation (To fight I need a Leader too. No wonder Yanks Spent so much Money eg Raven Rock Mountain Complex)
Choice is yours
Lets Talk Simple English in Facts.

I have a sword and you have a Knife. Both Can Cut and Kill.

Sword can cut and kill from a Distance. To use Knife I need to go closer. Being a Foe wont give that option.

Point 2

LACM gyroscopes driver is based on GPS guidnance ith 1 to 4 kW OpSignal Prone to Jamming simple. When you fire your Rads I send my EWScanner Plane across border to collect CMR signal to be used for CREATING Jamming signal

Point 3

If I have 63 F6 of which 46 are Block 15/30 I will use remaining to save my HVT like Nuclear sites and President of my nation.

Choice is yours

Thats true. GPS can be jammed with ease. Once that happens the missile no
longer knows where it is and where its going. Neither do the pak base controlling
the missile, just look how inaccurate these type of missiles are - the US Tomahawks
were aimed at Afghanistan and fell in Pakistan instead.

Im sure Babur will fall 25km away from Ambala AFB if launched at it.

Even if not, Akash & SPYDER SAMs deployed at air bases will find Babun/Raad as
cool targets.

Akash has already proven that it can intercept the Lakshya PTA drone which
can fly equally low and has very small RCS.
Genius, Tell me how can you you save your Ambala Air base from Babur LACM strike?

The options include...


Barak-8 LRSAM


Akash Mk-1




SA-8 Gecko


SA-3 pechoras

The SAM Air defense systems are only the ones used by IAF.. demonstrating IAF's self sufficiency in defending itself against a subsonic cruise missile.

I have not included Army's Air defense systems as it would be more of an over kill... considering their amount.

The AAD is also self sufficient in countering cruise missiles... so are the Anti-aircraft guns and all combat aircrafts of IAF which can vector on them as just after their launch as to kill them with AMRAAM well within enemy air-space.

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