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Am I Pakistani or am I Indian ?

My point is still relevant.... They face this problem because of partition right?

I disagree many who decided to leave their everything at partition unlike her family hardly faced such identity crisis.
Moral of the story @Areesh @HRK @Secur - Don't take Indian brides warnaa I'd have a lot of explaining to do to my yet-to-be-born nieces & nephews about whether they're Pakistanis or Indians ! :unsure:

Unless of course they are Pro-Pakistan Kashmiri brides ! :smokin:

But if they're Pro-Independence Kashmiris tou :mad:
Stupid and confused people. If you are born in Pakistan you are Pakistani, plain and simple. If your parents chose to live in Pakistan over India, they too are Pakistani. If you are too confused, pay a visit to your relatives in India. From getting the visa stamp to reach to India (lucky if you made it safely and Hindu terrorists did not burn you alive in the train), to reporting every day to the Police station, to restricted visits of only one city, will be more than enough to remove any of the freakin doubts about your origins.

No need for that either.

The writer is an undergraduate student in political science at LUMS

Behan jee studies at one of the top universities of Pakistan and is then confused that whether she is a Pakistani or an Indian. The same university where 99% Pakistani students never get a chance to study. What makes her think she is studying in a top university if she is not a Pakistani. Is she studying on a foreign national quota?

Such type of namak harams should be immediately thrown on the other side of the border so they can remove their confusion and can become 100% Indians.
No need for that either.

Behan jee studies at one of the top universities of Pakistan and is then confused that whether she is a Pakistani or an Indian. The same university where 99% Pakistani students never get a chance to study. What makes her think she is studying in a top university if she is not a Pakistani. Is she studying on a foreign national quota?

Such type of namak harams should be immediately thrown on the other side of the border so they can remove their confusion and can become 100% Indians.
I am not sure about her being a namak haram but appears to me a deliberated attempt of gaining attention through putting together an emotional story.
I think she just wrote the article to show off and lie about her supposedly elite lineage and past family wealth - typical among migrants with delusions of grandeur, especially Pakistanis with histories in India. Go seek pity points somewhere else, idiot. There was no substance to that article at all.
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Almost all posters here have thrown the baby out with the bath water.

The author in my opinion is attempting to make a point which is valid and is replicated in areas where such borders were created artificially - eg : Korea , E & W Germany while they existed.

Of course she knows which country she belongs, she is highlighting the plight of cross border marriages.

Thats all.
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