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Alvida Doston


Jun 4, 2015
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Hey Friends

It has been a fun and educational past few months for me, I have had multiple great discussions with folks from within and across the border and I would cherish the time spent here.

I have had many experiences which challenged my long held presumptions and made me question my core opinions about Pakistan. I was equally shocked and dismayed to see how India is perceived and have done my best to give a more realistic picture picture about What India truly is - which is way more different than what Media shows.

I have had opportunity to engage in many discussions regarding finance, international markets, future projections, and foreign policy which have enriched me and added to my job specific expertise, There were many firsts for me which is not possible outside of PDF.

1. Discussing Clash of civilizations with an Iranian.
2. Discussing 1971 and 1965 with a real life Pakistani in a cogent and civilized manner.
3. Discussing Indian Media with a Chinese
4. Agreeing with a Pakistani about future place of India and Pakistan on Global Arena
5. Matching wits with a Japanese robot and fellow alum whom I discovered on PDF
6. Discussing education with a communist

among many many others.

In short I would like to once again thank PDF for providing such a great and diverse platform for exchange of views.

Due to some events and further experience of forum policy I am no longer comfortable being an active part of PDF so it is laters for me, I am sure it would be my loss but such is life.

Last but not the least - @Nihonjin1051 @nForce @WAJsal @Echo_419 @arbit
@Arryn @jamahir

@SarthakGanguly @Bregs @levina @Star Wars @Icarus Sir

Sir @third eye and many more whom I have missed to due to probably dotage related memory issues - have fun and wish you all the best in life!!

Good Bye!!
Last edited:
Hey Friends

It has been a fun and educational past few months for me, I have had multiple great discussions with folks from within and across the border and I would cherish the time spent here.

I have had many experiences which challenged my long held presumptions and made me question my core opinions about Pakistan. I was equally shocked and dismayed to see how India is perceived and have done my best to give a more realistic picture picture about What India truly is - which is way more different than what Media shows.

I have had opportunity to engage in many discussions regarding finance, international markets, future projections, and foreign policy which have enriched me and added to my job specific expertise, There were many firsts for me which is not possible outside of PDF.

1. Discussing Clash of civilizations with an Iranian.
2. Discussing 1971 and 1965 with a real life Pakistani in a cogent and civilized manner.
3. Discussing Indian Media with a Chinese
4. Agreeing with a Pakistani about future place of India and Pakistan on Global Arena
5. Matching wits with a Japanese robot and fellow alum whom I discovered on PDF
6. Discussing education with a communist

among many many others.

In short I would like to once again thank PDF for providing such a great and diverse platform for exchange of views.

Due to some events and further experience of forum policy I am no longer comfortable being a active part of PDF so it is laters for me, I am sure it would be my loss but such is life.

Last but not the least - @Nihonjin1051 @nForce @WAJsal @Echo_419 @arbit @Arryn @jamahir @SarthakGanguly @Bregs @levina @Star Wars @Icarus Sir @Capt.Popeye Sir @third eye and many more whom I have missed to due to probably dotage related memory issues - have fun and wish you all the best in life!!

Good Bye!!
Please do visit by some other ID.
A plenty of good Indian posters have left the forum over the last one year or so and it will be a loss if you leave, to be honest. What I feel more distressing is that your maturity could not prevent you from taking such drastic step for a reason which merely holds any value in real life. Hope you will reevaluate the situation again and stay back.
A plenty of good Indian posters have left the forum over the last one year or so and it will be a loss if you leave, to be honest. What I feel more distressing is that your maturity could not prevent you from taking such drastic step for a reason which merely holds any value in real life. Hope you will reevaluate the situation again and stay back.

Dada thank-you for your kind words.
This is such a shame @Spectre . I for one enjoyed your posts. Your opinions were very balanced and always courteous. One of the minority in this forum that actually had some real life experience in the matters being discussed. Unfortunately it looks like the bully pulpit is gaining momentum and soon only the bullies will be left. I hope you continue to contribute in some other forum. God speed.
What happen yaar ? anyway,always pleasure to read your post.You are one of coolest poster here.
Hey Friends

It has been a fun and educational past few months for me, I have had multiple great discussions with folks from within and across the border and I would cherish the time spent here.

I have had many experiences which challenged my long held presumptions and made me question my core opinions about Pakistan. I was equally shocked and dismayed to see how India is perceived and have done my best to give a more realistic picture picture about What India truly is - which is way more different than what Media shows.

I have had opportunity to engage in many discussions regarding finance, international markets, future projections, and foreign policy which have enriched me and added to my job specific expertise, There were many firsts for me which is not possible outside of PDF.

1. Discussing Clash of civilizations with an Iranian.
2. Discussing 1971 and 1965 with a real life Pakistani in a cogent and civilized manner.
3. Discussing Indian Media with a Chinese
4. Agreeing with a Pakistani about future place of India and Pakistan on Global Arena
5. Matching wits with a Japanese robot and fellow alum whom I discovered on PDF
6. Discussing education with a communist

among many many others.

In short I would like to once again thank PDF for providing such a great and diverse platform for exchange of views.

Due to some events and further experience of forum policy I am no longer comfortable being an active part of PDF so it is laters for me, I am sure it would be my loss but such is life.

Last but not the least - @Nihonjin1051 @nForce @WAJsal @Echo_419 @arbit
@Arryn @jamahir

@SarthakGanguly @Bregs @levina @Star Wars @Icarus Sir

Sir @third eye and many more whom I have missed to due to probably dotage related memory issues - have fun and wish you all the best in life!!

Good Bye!!

oh bro you have been one of the most decent indian member here posting with authenticity and dignity with deep research of subjects. Reconsider your decision if possible

Please do visit by some other ID.

lol :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

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