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Alteration of the Sikh Race through Operation Bluestar: Shuddhikaran Program


Dec 28, 2008
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The seed of the Sikh race has been changed into that of the Hindus:

Sikh, an ethnic community living in one part of the North-Western India, was considered as a martial race by the British. By religion and by everything, a Sikh is not a Hindu at all. From the beginning up to the in famous Operation Blue-star Sikhs had been maintaining their distinctive cultural traits as a different ethnic entity. After the transfer of power in 1947 by the British to the imperialist Hindus, Sikh community like many others, felt that it would be impossible for the Sikhs to retain the distinct Sikh ethnic as well as religio-cultural identity under the dominance and hegemony of an aggressive Hindu regime. So they started demanding a separate nation state as they have always been a separate nation by every definition of a nation. During 1983-84, Indira Gandi carried out the infamous Operation Blue-star to change the DNA status of this ethnic group, so that they could easily be absorbed by the aggressive Hindus of India. In other words, the original Sikh community was wiped out from the face of the earth. A few survived due to the humanitarian aids and shelter Pakistan provided to them. And they are now scattered over the earth, be it Canada or US. The genetically altered/duplicate Sikhs are still living in India.

Somewhere one year ago I met one guy who claimed to be a Sikh. But he did not look like a Sikh, nor did his etiquette appear to be of a Sikh. I asked him about his family background out of my curiosity and he felt so uneasy that I had to leave the topic to let him get rid of the embarrassment, he had faced. I was curious enough and I tried to discover the reason behind the duplicity of his Sikh identity. Later I found this video and I realized why that person is not a pure blood Sikh. The purity of Sikh blood has been polluted by Hindus who robbed them of their ethnic traits. As a matter of fact, during the Operation, almost all Sikh men were slaughtered and almost all Sikh women were raped which resulted in the pregnancy of those victim women. Thus the later generation became genetically altered Sikhs. I am not saying this, the video says it all. Below is the video from Youtube.
The seed of the Sikh race has been changed into that of the Hindus:

Sikh, an ethnic community living in one part of the North-Western India, was considered as a martial race by the British. By religion and by everything, a Sikh is not a Hindu at all. From the beginning up to the in famous Operation Blue-star Sikhs had been maintaining their distinctive cultural traits as a different ethnic entity. After the transfer of power in 1947 by the British to the imperialist Hindus, Sikh community like many others, felt that it would be impossible for the Sikhs to retain the distinct Sikh ethnic as well as religio-cultural identity under the dominance and hegemony of an aggressive Hindu regime. So they started demanding a separate nation state as they have always been a separate nation by every definition of a nation. During 1983-84, Indira Gandi carried out the infamous Operation Blue-star to change the DNA status of this ethnic group, so that they could easily be absorbed by the aggressive Hindus of India. In other words, the original Sikh community was wiped out from the face of the earth. A few survived due to the humanitarian aids and shelter Pakistan provided to them. And they are now scattered over the earth, be it Canada or US. The genetically altered/duplicate Sikhs are still living in India.

Somewhere one year ago I met one guy who claimed to be a Sikh. But he did not look like a Sikh, nor did his etiquette appear to be of a Sikh. I asked him about his family background out of my curiosity and he felt so uneasy that I had to leave the topic to let him get rid of the embarrassment, he had faced. I was curious enough and I tried to discover the reason behind the duplicity of his Sikh identity. Later I found this video and I realized why that person is not a pure blood Sikh. The purity of Sikh blood has been polluted by Hindus who robbed them of their ethnic traits. As a matter of fact, during the Operation, almost all Sikh men were slaughtered and almost all Sikh women were raped which resulted in the pregnancy of those victim women. Thus the later generation became genetically altered Sikhs. I am not saying this, the video says it all. Below is the video from Youtube.

Utter rubbish...

Dont ever tell such kind of lies infront of indian sikhs who repersent single largest ethinic group (relative to their over all population) in the Indian Army who are ever ready to defend mother india from every evil schemes of its enimies,u would be in serious trouble.
People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones ...

Indian army official attempts to rape orphan girl in IHK

Srinagar, August 03 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, residents of Saffron town Pampore have said that the paramilitary Indian Central Reserve Police Force official disgraced and attempted to rape an orphan girl at Drangbal locality.

The locals said that the CRPF official Karamveer Singh, deployed in the area had been repeatedly harassing a girl at Drangbal in the town. “On Saturday the official tried to get hold of the girl and outrage her chastity. After she raised an alarm people of nearby areas rushed to the spot and rescued her. The official fled the spot,” residents of Drangbal Pampore told mediamen.

The residents complained that the police personnel have not registered a case against the official and were trying to shield him. “If no action is taken against the accused official we will take to the roads,” residents warned.

Meanwhile, the All Parties Hurriyet Conference in a statement while condemning the incident termed it an act of Indian state terrorism, adding that Indian troops have made it a routine to play with lives and dignity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The statement said that unless and until any solution of Kashmir dispute is hammered out, such gross human rights violations and inhuman incidents would continue to be repeated.

The Indian troops roughed up media persons at Rehari Chungi, Bikram Chowk and City Chowk in Jammu.

Indian army official attempts to rape orphan girl in IHK | Kashmir Media Service
Utter rubbish...

Dont ever tell such kind of lies infront of indian sikhs who repersent single largest ethinic group (relative to their over all population) in the Indian Army who are ever ready to defend mother india from every evil schemes of its enimies,u would be in serious trouble.

I am not saying this. The youtube video says it all. I just found the video on youtube and I posted it here. If you want to threaten someone, go to the video uploader. Your threatening to me will not work, very gently I am saying this.

That bollywood kind threatening can be counter productive. Remember.
People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones ...

Indian Army And The Legacy Of Rape In Manipur

By Shivali Tukdeo

24 October, 2004

In the Indian narrative of progress and development, the North East has always remained in footnotes. While mainstream media rarely takes notice of the violence caused by Indian Army in the North East, recent outpour of extreme resentment at the military forces did shake both the media and the state as forty Manipuri women --twelve of them naked-- stormed the Army headquarters in Imphal, holding signs that read “Indian Army, Rape Us!” Thanglam Manorama’s brutal murder by Army personnel was the source of anger for the protesters. Manorama’s murder is far from being an exceptional case in Manipur where rape, abuse and murder are everyday realities. In their brave protest, Manipuri women
shamed Indian army by parading the very female body that brought humiliation and death to their sisters. With their raw anger and amazing mobilization, these women refuse to get knocked down by the ‘rape culture’that enables the ‘victor’ to demoralize their victim.

The human rights violations in Manipur are, in fact, sanctioned by the state in the form of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, which gives enormous powers to security forces. AFSPA has been operative in Manipur for over four decades and has given unaccounted power to the security forces to search, arrest, detain or kill anyone on the basis of suspicion--of course all in the name of ‘maintaining public order’. The abuse of power by security forces has resulted in incidents of arbitrary detention, torture, rape and killing.

The systematic misuse of AFSPA is discussed at great lengths by Amnesty International in the report “Official sanction for killing in Manipur”(1998):

“By conferring broadly defined powers to shoot to kill on the armed forces, this law has fostered a climate in which the agents of law enforcement use excessive force with impunity. A pattern of apparently unlawful killings of suspected members of armed opposition groups has resulted
from the systemic use of lethal force as an alternative to arrest by the security forces. Civilians, including women and juveniles, have been among the victims of killing or wounding by security forces.”

As though special powers are not enough, the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act goes on to provide the security forces protection from prosecution! The Committee on Human Rights has documented 55 selected incidents of arbitrary killings by security forces between 1980 and 1996 --none of the cases
have been resolved till date.

Invasion of women’s bodies is another consequence of the privilege and power enjoyed by security forces in Manipur. Countless incidents of molestation and rape go unreported, while few women who do report do not get fair hearing. Miss Rose (1974), Neelam Panchabhaiy a (1986), Tamphasana (1990),
Ahanjaobi Devi (1996) tried fighting legal battles against their rapists but all of these cases were dropped on the grounds of insufficient evidence. Amnesty International gives a disturbing account of the façade of justice in Manipur:

“Despite consistent allegations of widespread human rights violations in areas of the northeast of India where the Act is in operation, to Amnesty International’s knowledge, no member of the security forces has been prosecuted for a human rights violation.”

Besides the threat of violence, women in Manipur also have to contend with the threat of sexual abuse by the armed forces. Not to speak of the social stigma attached to rape that doubles up the sense of guilt and insecurity.

Masculine military privilege and its visible aggression in Manipur can only be understood in terms of an ancient war tactic which uses rape as a tool to control and dehumanize the ‘enemy’. Given the misogyny of the state, we must start looking at spaces outside the state for solution of problems. As Manipuri women take their struggle to streets, they have become an inspiration to everyone suffering and fighting patriarchy. In struggle, together!

The author may be contacted at tukdeo@uiuc.edu

Indian Army And The Legacy Of Rape In Manipur By Shivali Tukdeo
I am not saying this. The youtube video says it all. I just found the video on youtube and I posted it here. If you want to threaten someone, go to the video uploader. Your threatening to me will not work, very gently I am saying this.

That bollywood kind threatening can be counter productive. Remember.

If every baseless propaganda video that appears on youtube is collected and postted on this forum with the clear intention of mudslinging and part misinformation campaign,then let me tell u, such attempts wont pay any real dividend but certainly going to raise moderators work load here.

This is no place or occasion for issuings threats,mine are just gentle reminds.
Communist for a secon I thought for once you have posted a good article for a good debate but once I reached a middle part of your article I realized how ill informed and childish the author of that article is.

Some facts:

Sikh demanded only Sikh automomus state first.

After 1978 incident and what Indian CONGRESS government gave to Sikhs angered Sikhs and they started asking for thier own country.

When Indira Gandhi declared Emergency, Sikhs threaded her emergency rule to pieces by anouching long marches across the state.

Indira Gandhi made biggest blunder of in history of India by launching operation blue star. Even president of India didn't even knew about operation blue star.

Militency took over Punjab which was against indian government not Hindus.
But government turn that into Sikhs and against Hindus to stay in the power.
Government had thier operatives all over the Punjab know as "Black-Cats" who will kill some hindus and then leave notes that it has done by Babar Khalsa or KLF.

For example if 8 shops were burned in Amritsar and 6 of them belonged to Sikhs and 2 Hindus, the news cast on delhi doordarshan will say that Sikhs burned Hindus shops.

It's true that there was police officer Gobind ram who ran operation Shudhi Karan. As far as you saying that today's Sikhs are not pure. There is only one way to find out, step in Indian army's Punjab regiment or Sikh infintery's way you will find out. And yes there always NIHUNGS ready with weapons 24x7.
Last edited:
If every baseless propaganda video that appears on youtube is collected and postted on this forum with the clear intention of mudslinging and part misinformation campaign,then let me tell u, such attempts wont pay any real dividend but certainly going to raise moderators work load here.

This is no place or occasion for issuings threats,mine are just gentle reminds.

If you do not like this post, keep your eyes shut or just ignore. And again you are trying to threaten using Kautilyan diplomacy in the name of the moderators. I repeat, I never get threatened. Look I am not afraid of getting banned for no reason. But I know the mods here are not that you are expecting. I know what should be posted and i know it better than you. Why? Please do not ask.


The 1947 partition of Punjab between India and Pakistan resulted in intercommunal violence that was the worst, and most indiscriminate, that the Indian subcontinent had experienced for centuries. Widespread massacres occurred between Muslims and Sikhs (the latter occupying the western portion of Punjab, the latter the eastern regions). As many as half a million people died, and two million more were left homeless and destitute. Eventually, western Punjab was incorporated into the new Pakistani state, while eastern Punjab became part of India.

Growing alienation from, and claims of exploitation by, Indian authorities spawned a powerful militant movement in the early 1980s, calling for the creation of an independent Sikh state of Khalistan. As in many such conflict situations worldwide, the economic and societal plight of younger males figured prominently the uprising. "Central to the present Sikh unrest is the excess numbers of young male Sikhs over the amount of honorable employment available," wrote Conor Cruise O'Brien in 1988. "To own even a tiny farm is honorable, but the subdivision of the farmland appears to have reached its limit. ... What career is open to a young male Sikh who doesn't have a farm of his own and hasn't been able to get a place in the defense forces or any other branch of government service? That question remains unresolved, and in the meantime there are too many young [male] Sikhs who find no suitable outlet within the law for their abundant energies." (O'Brien, "Holy War Against India", The Atlantic Monthly, August 1988.)

As in Kashmir, "disappearances" have been central to the Indian state's counterinsurgency strategy in Punjab:

The scenario for a disappearance case is familiar. Plain-clothed police officers or members of the paramilitary forces stop a man in the street (disappearance victims are almost always young men who are suspected of being members or having support for one of India's many armed militant groups), or they may pick him up from his place of work or his home. Often the abduction is done at night, but the disregard for the law and the lack of political will to eradicate these practices means the security forces are equally protected if the abduction takes place in broad daylight. ... Many cases of disappearances result in death, disfigured bodies found in canals, by railway tracks and roadsides are testimony to the cover-up of state murder that is so much a part of everyday life in some parts of India. If suspicion of the killing is successfully laid at the feet of the police, it is often denied or invalidated by one of two improbable excuses; that whilst trying to escape he was shot or that he died in an encounter. (Khalsa Human Rights, "'Disappearances' in Punjab".)

According to Joyce Pettigrew, "many young people killed have not been engaged in armed combat. They have been ordinary boys who have disappeared on an errand for their parents, visiting relatives, or while working in their fields, or who have been picked up from their own or their in-laws' home. ... Disappearances occurred primarily in the under-thirty age group. Some villages had lost more than forty young men. Sursinghwala in Amritsar district had lost seventy young men. Buttar Kalan, in Gurdaspur district, lost twenty. Each village has not kept a separate account of its losses. Erring on the conservative side ... it is highly probable that most villages in the Amritsar district would have lost on average ten young men." (Pettigrew, "Parents and Their Children in Situations of Terror: Disappearances and Special Police Activity in Punjab," in Jeffrey A. Sluka, ed., Death Squad: The Anthropology of State Terror [University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000], p. 211.)

Patricia Gossman cites the comments of an Indian police officer who claimed that when armed conflict broke out between Sikh militants and Indian security forces in the early 1980s, "a profile was developed of who was considered to be antigovernment and pro-Khalistan. Based on that profile, young Sikh men between the ages of 18 and 40, who have long beards and wear turbans, are considered to be pro-Khalistan. Whenever the police receive a report from an informant or any other individual that Sikh militants have visited the home of a Sikh family, the police are dispatched to raid the home of that family. Pursuant to that raid, any Sikh male who fits the profile described above is arrested." (Gossman, "India's Secret Armies," in in Bruce B. Campbell and Arthur D. Brenner, Death Squads in Global Perspective: Murder with Deniability [St. Martin's Press, 2000], pp. 266-67.)

The failure to turn up a sufficient quantity of young men for persecution and execution sometimes leads to the detention of female relatives. Though they are rarely killed, rape is common. "When mothers and sisters have been held in custody by the police, their ultimate fate unknown, not all fathers and brothers have been able to cope with the threat of what might happen to them and to remain underground to fight. As one old lady from Sabrawan village, Amritsar district, told me, referring to the many abductions of young girls by the police, 'In every village and each house there is sadness.' Hence, to protect their sisters or indeed some other family member, some young militants and their sympathizers have compromised and become informers." (Pettigrew, "Parents and Their Children," pp. 211, 219.)

In the December attack, "Hardeep Singh was playing cards in his railway compartment when the killers, all wearing distinctive khaki-coloured turbans, burst in. 'While all the Sikhs, women and children were ordered off the train, the others began pleading for mercy. The militants assured us that they would only be taking us somewhere and then letting us go. ... But then they bolted the doors and opened fire.'" Fifty-one people died in the attack. (Tim McGirk, "India Train Massacre Caps Year of Violence," The Independent (UK), December 29, 1991.)

Such tactics turned most of the Punjabi population against the militants, whose struggle has now subsided within the state itself. "The last few years of the Punjab conflict largely consisted of an inter-gang war of unprincipled thugs who had no legitimacy whatsoever in the community," notes Canadian scholar Hamish Telford. "In fact, most citizens in Punjab seem to accept the actions of the police and army because the insurgents became so unscrupulous in the end. The Khalistan option is now only advocated by fundamentalist Sikhs in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K."

The Delhi Massacre, 1984

On June 3-6 1984, in Operation Bluestar, Indian forces laid siege to the Golden Temple, Sikhism's holiest shrine, in the Punjabi city of Amritsar. The temple had been occupied by heavily-armed Sikh militants under the leadership of Sant Bhindranwale. In the massacre, and in dozens of other mass killings that took place simultaneously at religious sites throughout Punjab, thousands of Sikhs were murdered by Indian security personnel. At the Golden Temple, according to Human Rights Watch, "Indian government forces were guilty of outrageous violations of fundamental human rights -- deliberately attacking the temple at a time they knew thousands of religious pilgrims were inside, not offering an opportunity for surrender, and summarily executing those it captured." ("India: Arms and Abuses in Indian Punjab and Kashmir", September 1994.) Many children and women were killed in the assault, along with a preponderance of Sikh men. "Civil liberties organisations, such as the Movement Against State Repression, have claimed that the total number killed in Operation Bluestar exceeded ten thousand. Thousands of young men also went missing in the period after Bluestar." (Joyce Pettigrew, The Sikhs of the Punjab: Unheard Voices of State and Guerrilla Violence, p. 24 [n. 10].)

On October 31, 1984, the Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, who had ordered Operation Bluestar, was assassinated in a revenge attack by her two Sikh bodyguards. Over the following five days, one of the worst gendercidal massacres of modern times took place in the Indian capital, Delhi. The victims were Sikh males of all ages. At 10 p.m. on the evening following the Prime Minister's assassination, widespread killings broke out across Delhi, apparently organized by the Hindu extremist parties that have become prominent players in Indian politics. Hindu men roamed the streets, declaring an open season on Sikh males (those who were religiously observant were easily identified by their long hair and turbans). The gendercidal character of the killings was indeed almost total. According to the Indian feminist Madhu Kishwar,

The nature of the attacks confirm that there was a deliberately plan to kill as many Sikh men as possible, hence nothing was left to chance. That also explains why in almost all cases, after hitting or stabbing, the victims were doused with kerosene or petrol and burnt, so as to leave no possibility of their surviving. Between October 31 and November 4, more than 2,500 men were murdered in different parts of Delhi, according to several careful unofficial estimates. There have been very few cases of women being killed except when they got trapped in houses which were set on fire. Almost all the women interviewed described how men and young boys were special targets. They were dragged out of the houses, attacked with stones and rods, and set on fire. ... When women tried to protect the men of their families, they were given a few blows and forcibly separated from the men. Even when they clung to the men, trying to save them, they were hardly ever attacked the way men were. I have not yet heard of a case of a woman being assaulted and then burnt to death by the mob. (Kishwar, "Delhi: Gangster Rule," in Patwant Singh and Harji Malik, eds., Punjab: The Fatal Miscalculation [New Delhi, 1985], pp. 171-78.)

A typical account of the atrocities was provided by a female witness whose "husband and three sons ... were all killed on 1 November." As investigators summarized her testimony:

When a mob first came the Sikhs came out and repulsed them. Three such waves were repulsed, but each time the police came and told them to go home and stay there. The fourth time the mob came in increased strength and started attacking individual homes, driving people out, beating and burning them and setting fire to their homes. The method of killing was invariably the same: a man was hit on the head, sometimes his skull broken, kerosene poured over him and set on fire. Before being burnt, some had their eyes gouged out. Sometimes, when a burning man asked for water, a man urinated on his mouth. Several individuals, including her sister's son, tried to escape by cutting their hair. Most of them were also killed. Some had their hair forcibly cut but were nevertheless killed thereafter. (Quoted in Khalsa Human Rights, "Cases of Victims".)

The estimate of 2,500 dead offered by Kishwar (above) is almost certainly too low. The New York Times in 1996 cited the research of Sikh activist Gurucharan Singh Babbar, who "has piles of affidavits from victims' families that prove, he says, that 5,015 Sikhs were killed, more than double the official figure ..." Whatever the exact death toll, it was "one of the darkest chapters in [India's] half-century of independence." (John F. Burns, "The Sikhs Get Justice Long After A Massacre," The New York Times, September 16, 1996). Throughout the massacre, Indian police and security forces stood by or assisted in disarming Sikhs, rendering them defenceless. An Indian Supreme Court Justice, V.M. Tarkunde, stated in the aftermath of the slaughter that "Two lessons can be drawn from the experience of the Delhi riots. One is about the extent of criminalisation of our politics and the other about the utter unreliability of our police force in a critical situation." (Quoted in Khalsa Human Rights, "The Delhi Massacre: An Example of Malicious Government".)

It is important to note that while few if any Sikh women were intentionally killed, hundreds, if not thousands, were raped -- sometimes repeatedly -- by rampaging Hindu men. Many of the female survivors of the massacre today live in Tilak Vihar, a quarter of Delhi that has become known as the "Widows' Colony." Since 1984, they have pressed for justice in the killings, and finally achieved some success in 1996, when "a magistrate ... imposed a death sentence on a butcher found guilty of two Sikh murders in the riots. Evidence presented in court indicated he was also involved in at least 150 other killings." The justice in question, Shiv Narain Dinghra, has led a "personal crusade" of his own, sentencing dozens of rioters to five years' "harsh imprisonment." Nonetheless, official Indian attitudes toward the slaughter reflect a belief that "the massacre was necessary to teach a lesson" to the Sikhs, according to Dinghra. (Burns, "The Sikhs Get Justice.")

Gendercide Watch - case studies: Kashmir/Punjab/The Delhi Massacre
I am not saying this. The youtube video says it all. I just found the video on youtube and I posted it here. If you want to threaten someone, go to the video uploader. Your threatening to me will not work, very gently I am saying this.

That bollywood kind threatening can be counter productive. Remember.

Well i can post load of stuff regarding thianmen sq massacre...but prob is u wouldnot be acess as ur govt does not think can make judgement for ur self....

poor U

OMG.....our PM is a sikh....somebody pls hury and tell him...his religion is in danger....lol.....Well i can assure U one thing whenever there will any prob on this nation...Sikhs wil be on the forefront to take the enemy head on....

OMG.....our PM is a sikh....somebody pls hury and tell him...his religion is in danger....lol.....Well i can assure U one thing whenever there will any prob on this nation...Sikhs wil be on the forefront to take the enemy head on....


Did you notice, I used the question mark just on the left side of the thread title? Because I have been shocked by watching the video. And one Indian member has himself admitted the facts shown in the video.

Indira Gandhi made biggest blunder of in history of India by launching operation blue star. Even president of India didn't even knew about operation blue star.

Militency took over Punjab which was against indian government not Hindus.
But government turn that into Sikhs and against Hindus to stay in the power.
Government had thier operatives all over the Punjab know as "Black-Cats" who will kill some hindus and then leave notes that it has done by Babar Khalsa or KLF.

For example if 8 shops were burned in Amritsar and 6 of them belonged to Sikhs and 2 Hindus, the news cast on delhi doordarshan will say that Sikhs burned Hindus shops.

It's true that there was police officer Gobind ram who ran operation Shudhi Karan.

So truth always wins.
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