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Altaf Hussain converts to Hinduism!

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We need to repeat what Ayub Khan did in karachi in 1960s .He encouraged Pashtuns migration to Karachi to offset the Muhajir population as he had the foresight to know that someday this fitna would rise. There already are 3 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan. Atleast a million of them should be settled in karachi imo. This would help offset the MQM supporting populace. If Muslim refugees from India (who till this very day call themselves Muhajir btw) can live in Karachi, then so can the Muslims from Afghanistan live in Karachi.
Aek aek karkay suwar ke bachay bahir ahrahay hain.... itna pyaar hai Afghaniyon se tou apni ma bhen deh do onhein
Aek aek karkay suwar ke bachay bahir ahrahay hain.... itna pyaar hai Afghaniyon se tou apni ma bhen deh do onhein
If i am not wrong, those at the border in FATA, had this concern “Don’t close borders, we have relatives in Afghan”, which eventually build up TTP and mass refugee from afghan
Aek aek karkay suwar ke bachay bahir ahrahay hain.... itna pyaar hai Afghaniyon se tou apni ma bhen deh do onhein

No our love is for Pakistan, and Afghaniyo ki behnay or hamari behnay or ma ek he Hain, it's time you realised eye of suspicion is on you & your community, traitors.

Send them to Balochistan. And not only Afghans also Sindhis,Punjabis send everyone. Its 46% landmass and with 6% population.

They are all welcome as they natives, but no riff raff migrants please.
Mods do not seem to be taking any actions with regards to open racism despite repeated tagging, then don't blame me if I start showing these chutiyas their auqaat.
Mods do not seem to be taking any actions with regards to open racism despite repeated tagging, then don't blame me if I start showing these chutiyas their auqaat.

Yes the racism towards patriotic native Pakistanis is unbelievable I agree with you admins should be impartial & Ban racists of Karachi for their racism.
Pakistan Zindabad, Natives Zindabad no political correctness here death to traitors.

If i am not wrong, those at the border in FATA, had this concern “Don’t close borders, we have relatives in Afghan”, which eventually build up TTP and mass refugee from afghan

No different from how you people still marry & bring wives and have many relatives in the gangaland.
How do you know ? You have any idea what Zardari did ? or Nawaz Did ? Altaf out right calls for division and order people to kill , Zardari and Nawaz did something which pulled through would result in break-up of Pakistan , Altaf was criminal and hence his support was mainly due to Fear , take that from someone who lived whole life In Karachi, my father saw rise and decline of MQM , from the times where they have power to call for strikes within Hours to a party who nobody wants to own or associate with, and guess what who did that ? You think Rangers alone responsible ? if Karachi people worship Atlaf than MQM was still a powerful Party with Altaf as leader and we still have blood shed and strikes, without the resolve and help from Urdu speaking people and Karachi citizens MQM downfall was not possible, it was fear that ruled Karachi, once Ranger removed that power they become Powerless .
As for hater, blah blah we heard that from Indus Pakistan many times, I don't hate Muhajir or Urdu speaking its just they are all traitors and criminals , no difference there . If we started Judging all Pashtoon's for their doings, or Baloch for their doings , or Sindhi for their doings or Punjabi's for theirs, we can easily called them Criminal , terrorists , uncivilized creatures . As for the city who accommodate all other ethnicity and provide for them and Pakistan calling its citizen Criminals for voting Altaf Hussain , is pathetic . Usually I don't get in conversation with such people I just simply put them in my ignore list, well I gave you enough time and energy, now Welcome to my Ignore List :)

Pakhtoon yum is a chutiya that dreams of combining Afghanistan with Pakistan.. Talk about making a disaster.. He claims Muhajirs are racist but clearly ,, he is oblivious to his racist tendencies.

If that's the case then why dont all of you get up and move to Somalia. Whither that logic you can make one of their villages into a "great metropolis" too.

Karachi was the capital of Pakistan. Every industry and business shifted there. No immigrant from india brongt their while factory to Karachi with them.

Since you want to play that game then you should really thank the sindhis for letting you stay in their land.

@seven0seven look at this mentality, they prove my point. These people should apologize for destroying Karachi and bring scum like altaf into power.

The only reason Karachi got developed was because of muhajirs... You bacha bazi , terrorist qoum is good for nothing except blowing things up.

We developed karachi that feeds Pakistan... It is not FATA where no one pays taxes.

We were? Are you retarded? The pakhtoons of kpk tossed aside bacha khan when Quaid called on us. We couldve merged with Afghanistan and we were being pushed to but we didn't. Shame on you for twisting and lying

Should have merged with Afghanistan. There would have been less bacha bazi , child rape , terrorism , naswar , shuttle cock burkha and retarted customs.

Well why didn't you jungle buddies of Bihar have the same nationalism, I enjoy it with a grin knowing your creed is the new untouchables of India, you should thank us for giving you refuge.

Haha... Refugee ? You didn't give us refugee . We made spaces by ourselves. Btw , no one is dying to get into balochistan.. A land infested by Balochi Thugs/nationalist in the name of BLA who kill non-balochi and where there is no economic development.

How can there is development where balochis are busy killing everyone except themselves...

What did you do? Coming to Pakistan and becoming a burden on the newly created nation. That what you did.

We protected pakistan from Afghanistan when they attacked fata. We liberated azad Kashmir and GB.

What's your contribution namak haram?

This country runs on tax generated by Karachi.. Agar hum na hote ... This country would have been worse than somalia.

You created TTP , housed Al-qaeda and were source of major terrorism and child rape.. That is your biggest countribution.. Not to mention tax chori..

You did not liberate GB... You should thank those gilgit scouts that rebelled. Those were native shias and gilgit-baltistanis..

Your pakhttoon tribes man were busy looting.

First stop raping childs, londay bazi and throwing acids on girls, give income tax and then talk about move here and there. Whole Pakistan is feed by Karachi income tax and you talking like besharam standing in front of us and saying go here and there. Haraam khoori choro aur ask all to pay income tax. Hamaray paisey per pal kar ham ko hi boltay ho sab se baray besharam ho

In logon se bas batain karwa lo... Karachi par palte hain our batain dekh

are you on high, Baluchistan was the first province that decide to Join Pakistan in 1947 and don't spread racim, Baluch peoples as much loyal as Muhajir of the country

Yeah as loyal as BLA thugs.

There is a reason that almost 80% of Pakistan Army recruitment comes from Punjab and KPK. We Punjabis and Pashtuns defends and fight for this country and love this country. The same can't be said about MQM and its supporters in Karachi who not only were actively doing terrorism until army cleaned up Karachi but these POS still to this day hate Pashtuns and Panjabis in their heart.

Haha.... Your 80% lost East Pakistan.. Lost in siachen , lost in sir creek and did a piss poor performance in kashmir war of 1947.

Go on @Eagle kick the native patriotic Pakistanis in the balls, because a migrant is complaining oh please do something oh please ,it'so they can abuse our hospitality, our culture, our nation, our land but that's ok, but soon as we show our love for our glorious land we are racist.

Well in that case I am a racist to the bone.

Beta No one is dying to come to balochistan because there is nothing in balochistan... Ap chup kar ke beth jao.
Yes the racism towards patriotic native Pakistanis is unbelievable I agree with you admins should be impartial & Ban racists of Karachi for their racism.
Pakistan Zindabad, Natives Zindabad no political correctness here death to traitors.

No different from how you people still marry & bring wives and have many relatives in the gangaland.
Did i even mention my background that you declared me ? Or shall i trace my centuries old lineage back to a well known city of Punjab ? But I don’t deem it necessary as scums like you don’t deserve a cent. Unwatching thread, you are BANNED !!!
@Dubious Please take a look at this thread. Some racists from "Karachi" are barking and using abusive language to the posters here. These "Karachiite posters" have been posting abusive/hate language against other ethnicities for past few months. Please take some action against them.
Pakhtoon yum is a chutiya that dreams of combining Afghanistan with Pakistan.. Talk about making a disaster.. He claims Muhajirs are racist but clearly ,, he is oblivious to his racist tendencies.

The only reason Karachi got developed was because of muhajirs... You bacha bazi , terrorist qoum is good for nothing except blowing things up.

We developed karachi that feeds Pakistan... It is not FATA where no one pays taxes.

Should have merged with Afghanistan. There would have been less bacha bazi , child rape , terrorism , naswar , shuttle cock burkha and retarted customs.

Haha... Refugee ? You didn't give us refugee . We made spaces by ourselves. Btw , no one is dying to get into balochistan.. A land infested by Balochi Thugs/nationalist in the name of BLA who kill non-balochi and where there is no economic development.

How can there is development where balochis are busy killing everyone except themselves...

This country runs on tax generated by Karachi.. Agar hum na hote ... This country would have been worse than somalia.

You created TTP , housed Al-qaeda and were source of major terrorism and child rape.. That is your biggest countribution.. Not to mention tax chori..

You did not liberate GB... You should thank those gilgit scouts that rebelled. Those were native shias and gilgit-baltistanis..

Your pakhttoon tribes man were busy looting.

In logon se bas batain karwa lo... Karachi par palte hain our batain dekh

Yeah as loyal as BLA thugs.

Haha.... Your 80% lost East Pakistan.. Lost in siachen , lost in sir creek and did a piss poor performance in kashmir war of 1947.

Beta No one is dying to come to balochistan because there is nothing in balochistan... Ap chup kar ke beth jao.
I don’t know who you are, but don’t fall for these petty scums. They are playing with you people. Leave this thread and go. Not doing so will bring down your level as well and infest hate in hearts.
Did i even mention my background that you declared me ? Or shall i trace my centuries old lineage back to a well known city of Punjab ? But I don’t deem it necessary as scums like you don’t deserve a cent. Unwatching thread, you are BANNED !!!

Well you are with Pakistan or you are not, obviously you are not no native will let 2 Bob migrant bad mouth this land, if it needs to be bad mouthed then that is our job.
I don’t know who you are, but don’t fall for these petty scums. They are playing with you people. Leave this thread and go. Not doing so will bring down your level as well and infest hate in hearts.

Bhai... These supermacist tendencies of Punjabis/Pakhtoons/balochis should be put down from time to time...

One must show them the mirror .
Pakhtoon yum is a chutiya that dreams of combining Afghanistan with Pakistan.. Talk about making a disaster.. He claims Muhajirs are racist but clearly ,, he is oblivious to his racist tendencies.

Woah woah , No no no that is not the right way , confront them with proper arguments not racial insults ..
Bhai... These supermacist tendencies of Punjabis/Pakhtoons/balochis should be put down from time to time...

One must show them the mirror from time to time..
He is just another illiterate, inherited hate from parents, leave him alone. Try to look at positives and ignore all the negatives. These rascist scums are rare. I have actually never had any chance of facing one in real life. Most of my circle is from punjab and KPK, all are more than brother to me and i to them. Leave this kid, he will
Be eventually banned. Pakistan has good hearted Pakhtuns, punjabs and others in MAJORITY.
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