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Altaf Hussain converts to Hinduism!

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Buddy, what are you even talking about ? It’s really justifiable of Army having majority of Punjabis due to the major active people in this country being from Punjab.
Karachiites are a minority, and yet we had a Karachiite General who remained in power for a decade. Please don’t fall to this propaganda of Karachiites being ignored by army.

I have a specific reason to make this claim of lesser karachiites in army , reason being :
Karachiites are bit lazier, being urban, more involved in trade, use brains more than hands, play best at shops and trade. Punjab, background and centuries of irrigation, Kheti baari, this all requires activeness and good physique, plus, punjab people are quite cunning if they use brain correctly.

Pakhtuns, really amazing people, educated one’s, far better than rest of Pakistanis in terms of brain usage and IQ.

We gave a muhajir a top job, what did he do with it, abused it, betrayed the trust of the land & the people, commited treason and a man who lacked courage decided to run to dubai.

Army recruits those who are loyal, brave & put their country first, you won't find that in Karachi.

Hell if these guys had any courage they wouldn't have migrated.
My dear brothers,
@seven0seven @Areesh @Pakhtoon yum @AZ1 @Mangus Ortus Novem

Let me clear it down.

Issue of Karachi.

I strictly don’t support any party or any so-called party leader throughout Pakistan. I just see the Goods and Bads of every leader regardless of Their Political Background or Stature or criminal background. Further more, i am not one of those who fall prey to MQM propaganda of No-Rights for Karachiites. It’s just a PROPAGANDA and baselessly imposing it on a WHOLE DIFFERENT SITUATION THANKS TO PRESENCE OF ILLETRATE SINDHI LORDS HERE UNFORTUNATELY. All cities i equally respect and pray for development, really Proud of the Lahore development by Mian SS, Peshawar Development by KPK Gov, Islamabad dev by Federal and the ongoing dev’s in Gwadar by CPEC. So don’t consider me just another one of those who calls Karachi a LONE victim. Nope, Karachi is home to various ethnicities, backgrounds. All equally deserving security and infrastructure with development.

So, let’s start. Karachi today is a huge mess, those who live here can only understand what i am saying.

Above, i saw some who tried to appreciate the “GOOD’S” of MQM being declared as being supporters of the Party/Ex-leader AH.

Nope, Karachi development we see at the moment, happened during various regimes. Ayub Khan, then Musharraf in coordination with MQM and the front lead was by Mustafa Kamal which is really appreciable. Had that not happened, Karachi would be worse than Thar by now.

Karachi is home to mainly Karachiites who are people commonly declared as “Muhajirs” (another prevailing MQM propaganda), but they logically aren’t muhajirs now as Grand Fathers or Great Grandfathers are the ones who left their businesses and homes and properties, lost loved ones for the sake of supporting the Pakistan Movement by our One and Last Quaid, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Many of those migrants went to Punjab as well, lahore, and other places since the constant traveling “Pre Pakistan” between Punjabs both sides was frequent.

Since the Outnumbering of PPP in sindh assemblies, and Fall Of MQM (both parties have equally killed and robbed civilians (Examples - Karachi situation post Benazir death as ref for PPP and MQM’s destruction of a generation of boys and killings of people and controlling of all markets) , Karachi has been left to a group of Villagers who as Benazir once said in a meeting with sindhis “Government jobs milengi apko, tankhuwahh” waghera waghera, and she was speaking to none other than some illiterate peoples, giving them hope and dreams, dropping their jaws. And this is what happened. Every where you go, every civil department, you see nothing else except for unprofessional sindhi people with poor education background backed by Parchi of Passing and Job. They roam around in Corollas/Civics/Revos (stupid vehicles but well...), while having nothing more than mere jobs while those having businesses in karachi are lesser in numbers of possessing such.

Come to Police department, unprofessional officers in wardi, no books or etiquettes, consider themselves above law, rishwat all day.

Sifarish : “Mera bhai aara hai karachi, usko ‘jaab’ lagwa do police mein, falaan saeen ne bheja hai”

Such a havoc the roads are, fast lane, you are at 90-110, suddenly a bump arrives, suspension/axle GONE !!!

Bump remains for months and months.

Traffic police ? “International driving laws gaye bhaar mein, ap mujhe mat simhaen”

Is this any sane city ? You tell me @Areesh , would any of us As PAKISTANIS or let’s come to Punjab or islamabad bare this BLEAK FUTURE AND HOPELESSNESS and the GOTHAM-Ness of the metropolitan of Pakistan ? The business Hub, THE PORT ? Karachi if provided better infrastructure has triple the potential as it is now or even more to boost the economy.

And, Now please, i am not anti-ethnic, but please, Saraikis, they come loaded in buses, before eids, with millions of their uncountable small babies and children, without dress “shehr mein bheek mango, bohat scope hai”, they buy rickshaws, and all sorts of crazy vehicles, more rickshaws than cars in karachi. A 3 lane road gets converted to 7 lanes as “sab ko jaldi hai khaas taur pe rickshaw walon ko”. A rickshaw wala trying to merge in between 2 lanes hit my friend’s 2 month old Audi A4, the white beauty, suddenly had a horizontal long dent and paint was rubbed off. Upon him getting into argument with the rickshaw wala “sir ghareeb hain, jaib mein paisa nai”, he spent 14000 himself to get it repaired, plus the devalue of car. Rickshaw wala was a saraiki as well as expected.

MQM had robbers, yes, those were fearful times, but karachi has no less robbers in the name of Afghanis, saraikis and rural sindhis nowadays. Violence is back, it’s going an upward trend. My question is, just like MQM was rubbed from the city of lights, why other similar elements are not being dealt similarly? Was all that a personal grudge ? Why even let afghanis who are external elements rob the local people ? What have they given us that we have served them food for 4+ decades ? Why is karachi always ignored by everyone ?
Karachi needs attention, it’s people be it punjabi, Karachiite, pathan, sindhi, all need standards to live, security and functioning infrastructure and law & order. Everything in karachi is under sindhi influence.
Come to article 149, all these same sindhis suddenly start barking “Karachi is the heart of sindh”. Ok, I understand, if that is what satisfies you, But please, if internal sindh has loyal and well educated people, please bring them on in all departments, replace them with the existing parchis, if its all about sindhi leadership, Develop karachi, thats the end goal. Soo many CSS passed people, polished, experienced from overseas as well, ignored on the basis of parchis, sindhi dominance.

And here comes Imran Khan, proves one OF HIS FAILURE as he bowed down In front of PPP and all the 149 fuss goes back to graveyard.

What can i say further ? And yet if anyone makes counter statement on my above extremely neutral case study, then you need a brain check.
very long read ,but let me summarize for you ,mess in Karachi is equally created by MQM+PPP+Establishment ,,they are the only and only responsible for this, nor general Sindhi ,nor general Urdu speaking Sindhi ،nor any other language speaking group so there should be no hate among the common people speaking different languages and they should not be punished for the sins which they never committed, hatred and differences between the peoples only serve the cause of PPP mqm and establishment,, keep dividing people keep rolling people simple formula no PhD degree required to understand this,
We gave a mugajir a top job, what did he do with it, abused it, betrayed the trust of the land & the people, commited treason and a man of no courage decided to run to dubai.

Army recruits those who are loyal, brace & put their country first, you won't find that in Karachi.

He'll if these guys had any courage they wouldn't have migrated.
Now if you are coming down to being “we gave him job”, can i say the same for Gen niazi ? Or the recently court martialled brigadier ?
Yes he did, before it was even called Pakistan.
Ohh, i remember that word, wait let me recall, as before Pakistan, ohh yes, British India was the name. You can go kiss your father’s boots

So you a anti Pak muhajir or a muhajir lover?
I am a neutral, i see above all you petty scums. The big game that you all blinds can’t. World has far greater issues than the simple muhajir punjabi sindhi drama. I judge people on the basis of their IQ, education and respect regardless of religion, ethnicity, country.

@The Eagle , enough have i beared, someone calling me anti pak, can’t bear that. Either ban him or i really leave this forum brother.
Reading these comments, I would agree with you. Look at all these Indians

We need to start a nationalist movement, like minded people patriotic people of this land to expose and eliminate traitors who native but support those who abuse our soil theand native inhabitants of this land.
We need to repeat what Ayub Khan did in karachi in 1960s .He encouraged Pashtuns migration to Karachi to offset the Muhajir population as he had the foresight to know that someday this fitna would rise. There already are 3 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan. Atleast a million of them should be settled in karachi imo. This would help offset the MQM supporting populace. If Muslim refugees from India (who till this very day call themselves Muhajir btw) can live in Karachi, then so can the Muslim refugees from Afghanistan live in Karachi.
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It's a fact, you probably hail from kpk, I hail from Baluchistan, even though you and me are similar but my love for Baluchistan will be more then any other part of Pakistan because I am native to it.
People like you are eventually the goons of Indian movements like BLF. This thinking of “my state MORE than Pakistan” is the core reason why Pakistan is not advancing as a singular entity @Mangus Ortus Novem
We need to start a nationalist movement, like minded people patriotic people of this land to expose and eliminate traitors who native but support those who abuse our soil theand native inhabitants of this land.
Lol u mean PPI (Punjabi Pakhtun Ittehad)? It failed in Karachi after MQM was formed
Ohh, i remember that word, wait let me recall, as before Pakistan, ohh yes, British India was the name. You can go kiss your father’s boots

I am a neutral, i see above all you petty scums. The big game that you all blinds can’t. World has far greater issues than the simple muhajir punjabi sindhi drama. I judge people on the basis of their IQ, education and respect regardless of religion, ethnicity, country.

@The Eagle , enough have i beared, someone calling me anti pak, can’t bear that. Either ban him or i really leave this forum brother.

We all know who the admins favour & trust me it's not us patriotic native Pakistanis.
He will grant you your wish because me & the other guy defended Pakistan & Pakistanis, which is a sin to admins & Traitor natives.
We need to repeat what Ayub Khan did in karachi in 1960s .He encouraged Pashtuns migration to Karachi to offset the Muhajir population as he had the foresight to know that someday this fitna would rise. There already are 3 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan. Atleast a million of them should be settled in karachi imo. This would help offset the MQM supporting populace. If Muslim refugees from India (who till this very day call themselves Muhajir btw) can live in Karachi, then so can the Muslims from Afghanistan live in Karachi.
Send them to Balochistan. And not only Afghans also Sindhis,Punjabis send everyone. Its 46% landmass and with 6% population.
We need to repeat what Ayub Khan did in karachi in 1960s .He encouraged Pashtuns migration to Karachi to offset the Muhajir population as he had the foresight to know that someday this fitna would rise. There already are 3 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan. Atleast a million of them should be settled in karachi imo. This would help offset the MQM supporting populace. If Muslim refugees from India (who till this very day call themselves Muhajir btw) can live in Karachi, then so can the Muslims from Afghanistan live in Karachi.
Itna hi pyar hai afghanion se to apne gharon mein paalo. Islamabad is supposed to be the safest city and yet a precious SSG jawan fell prey to afghani
We need to repeat what Ayub Khan did in karachi in 1960s .He encouraged Pashtuns migration to Karachi to offset the Muhajir population as he had the foresight to know that someday this fitna would rise. There already are 3 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan. Atleast a million of them should be settled in karachi imo. This would help offset the MQM supporting populace. If Muslim refugees from India (who till this very day call themselves Muhajir btw) can live in Karachi, then so can the Muslims from Afghanistan live in Karachi.
Lol Chanda tmhe Sindhi maar maar kar bhagayenge wahanse
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