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Alliance With PML(N) Would Be Death To PTI, Hassan Nisar

spot on , PTI - PML have a conflict of interest under no circumstance they can form a coalition even a one point agenda to eliminate ppp is out of the question. Thus ppp enjoys power and will complete its tenure
spot on , PTI - PML have a conflict of interest under no circumstance they can form a coalition even a one point agenda to eliminate ppp is out of the question. Thus ppp enjoys power and will complete its tenure

Absolutely, Not only this tenure but i'm afraid the next as well....the combine pool of their electables are easily surpassed PMLN's let alone one talk about PTI, the full dress rehersal of it would be seen by all in NA-151 elections on July 19.....stay tuned!!
Imran Khan has already made it amply clear that an alliance with "status-quo parties" was not feasible. His argument was that he wants to be able to implement his agenda and change things, and these parties would constantly pull his leg and create hurdles.

If you read his book, he details how Nawaz Sharif was eager to offer him over thirty NA seats in the late 90's, and Imran Khan still refused; The man's got standards.
Imran Khan has already made it amply clear that an alliance with "status-quo parties" was not feasible. His argument was that he wants to be able to implement his agenda and change things, and these parties would constantly pull his leg and create hurdles.

If you read his book, he details how Nawaz Sharif was eager to offer him over thirty NA seats in the late 90's, and Imran Khan still refused; The man's got standards.

What??????? When Pmln won by the largest margin in recent history. At that time??????
If you read his book, he details how Nawaz Sharif was eager to offer him over thirty NA seats in the late 90's, and Imran Khan still refused; The man's got standards.

Standards can be seen by his choice of politicians (= everyone can join) and His followers like (=if he joined PTI then he is to be liked).

But this conflict will return what Tameem (& many others) are predicting for some time now.
PMLN is responsible for all the mess in the country, they're in bed with PPP always and eveywhere - end of story. People who even hint to mark an alliance with PMLN are out of their minds since PTI plans to fly solo in the coming elections.

Standards can be seen by his choice of politicians (= everyone can join) and His followers like (=if he joined PTI then he is to be liked).

But this conflict will return what Tameem (& many others) are predicting for some time now.

Some people have the habit to prematurely assumes things. Only time will tell what's coming next.
PMLN is responsible for all the mess in the country, they're in bed with PPP always and eveywhere - end of story. People who even hint to mark an alliance with PMLN are out of their minds since PTI plans to fly solo in the coming elections.

Some people have the habit to prematurely assumes things. Only time will tell what's coming next.

Prematurely, yeah right... here is a hint for next election..

Raja Pervez Ashraf elected PM with 211 votes
What??????? When Pmln won by the largest margin in recent history. At that time??????

PML-N won because Leghari colluded with them. Here's an excerpt from Imran Khan's book, which should answer your question:

On 5 November 1 996, President Farooq Leghari dissolved
Benazir Bhutto ' s government and announced elections in three months' time. When I
met with Leghari, he told me that Sharif and Benazir had each siphoned off US$ 1 . 5
billion from the country and pledged to hold them accountable.
My party was only six
months old by then and I had lost two months in the UK because of the court case.
Nonetheless we decided to participate in the election campaign. We felt it would be the
perfect opportunity to organize ourselves as a national party. Plus I felt it was an ideal
way to really get the issue of corruption debated publicly in the run-up to the polls. I
realized that there was no way we could make much of an impact as far as votes were
concerned as we had no organization at the grass-roots level. So it was already quite
clear in my mind that we would campaign all over Pakistan and then withdraw a week
before the polls. When I started our campaign everyone was amazed at the huge crowds
that came to my rallies. The youth especially came to listen to me in droves, as this was
the section of the population most hungry for change. When the Tehreek-e-Insaf's
rallies, which were bigger than those for Sharif or Benazir, were shown on television,
there was a rush of candidates keen to stand on our party ticket.
We formed a board to
select our prospective candidates. In our zeal to make sure that nobody who had any
blemish on their character was given our party ticket, a lot of good people were lost.
Anyone who had a political background was given extra vetting.

Seeing the potency of my attack, Sharif started making overtures to me. First he
offered me the most senior position in his party after him, then he offered my party an
electoral alliance with twenty seats in the national assembly.
Everyone knew at this
stage that Sharif was going to win the elections simply because there was no other
national party apart from Benazir ' s now discredited PPP. For us it was a huge
compliment that a party that was just a few months old should be considered enough of
a threat to be made such an offer. However, I had no hesitation in rejecting him as I
considered him just as corrupt as Benazir. An alliance with Sharif would have
compromised my principles.
I had only come into politics to oppose unscrupulous
politicians like him so how could I align myself with his party? While I believe we all
have to make compromises in life, they should be made to attain your vision, not on the
vision itself. I was also fortunate in that, unlike professional politicians, I did not need
power for its perks and privileges. I was very clear about the fact that unless I could
implement my agenda of reform, there was no need to be in politics, as I already had
everything I could possibly desire in life. I felt it would be much better to be in the
opposition and be a check on the government than be part of the power structure and
have my hands tied. Joining Sharif would not only have meant I became part of the
status quo, but I would have also lost all my credibility.

The next development was that Benazir turned on Leghari, accusing him of being
a traitor to the PPP. The ferocity of her attacks clearly rattled him and he threw his lot in
with Sharif, forgetting his pledge to try him and Benazir for corruption before allowing
them to contest elections.
A month before the polls it became clear to everyone that
Leghari ' s caretaker government had entered into an agreement with Sharif's PML (N) ,
compromising what should have been a neutral administration. The entire establishment
from then on began to bat for Sharif. Administrative officers chosen by him were posted
in crucial positions in his political stronghold of Punjab.

Standards can be seen by his choice of politicians (= everyone can join) and His followers like (=if he joined PTI then he is to be liked).

But this conflict will return what Tameem (& many others) are predicting for some time now.

When Musharraf came, tons of politicians quit PML-N and joined him to form -Q. No similar mass-quitting movement occured in the PPP, despite Musharraf trying. The reason was - Nawaz tried to grab even more power than military dictators; he passed the the 13th and 14th ammendments clipping the powers of the Presidency(previously, Nawaz and Benazir had both been ousted by Presidents, when they tried to loot) and appointed his puppet President(Rafique Tarrar). Then Nawaz tried to pass the 15th ammendment using his 2/3rd majority in the parliament. This amendment declared Nawaz Sharif "Ameer-ul Momineen" for life. Even military dictators hadn't had the audacity to try a stunt like this, and this and many other Shahain-Shah moves clearly disturbed PML-N's political cadre.

Then when Nawaz Sharif only made a deal for himself with Musharraf, leaving all his political leaders at Musharraf's mercy, clearly the people were fed up. Nawaz Sharif was to enjoy life in Saudi palaces, leaving them in jails under Musharraf. So they quit in droves. Does that make them "lotas"?

The media makes foolish arguments, and most of us have no understanding of history, and easily get fooled by their lies and half-truths. We don't know the other side of the picture, and can't see the blatantly false conclusions they try to peddle on us.

If you notice, most of the politicians who joined Imran Khan, are rural politicians. In rural politics(where most voters are), a "clean candidate" has no chance of winning, there are feudal/political families on whom people depend for their livelihood, and these people always get the vote. Independent candidates CAN'T win rural constituencies where majority of Pak lives. It's either get some rural power, or stick it out. Imran Khan's already said that for rural politics he'll go with newer faces/younger people from political families, and field new candidates for urban areas.

So I don't understand how the rural candidates are "lotas". When Nawaz Sharif was trying to grab power like a maniac, these people were right to abandon him. They tend to have cleaner records than the current Punjab govt, with Hamza Shahbaz sending Punjab Police to drag a girl out from her parent's house into a police "dalla", to the pathetic way Nawaz Sharif embarrassed Pakistan, asking Kim Barker for a date and insisting he buy her an iPhone.

I really hope Pakistan wakes up soon. PPP is Inshallah going to be a non-entity after this rule, won't matter in the next election. Only one province(Punjab) has seen that PML-N is not much better, with rampant corruption and mis-management here as well. Other three provinces might see Nawaz as an alternative. But the fact of the matter is, Nawaz has already ruled FIVE times. This is his fifth government, and nothing has changed, some police system, same bureaucracy. Infact, it's deteriorated during his rule, because of mis-management.

What will he do different, the SIXTH time around?? PML-N fans should think about this. Pakistan's future, perhaps it's very existence, depends on this.
PML-N won because Leghari colluded with them. Here's an excerpt from Imran Khan's book, which should answer your question:

Imran’s Book:hitwall: in which he fondly shared how successful gambler is he:hitwall:

When Musharraf came, tons of politicians quit PML-N and joined him to form -Q. No similar mass-quitting movement occured in the PPP, despite Musharraf trying. The reason was - Nawaz tried to grab even more power than military dictators; he passed the the 13th and 14th ammendments clipping the powers of the Presidency(previously, Nawaz and Benazir had both been ousted by Presidents, when they tried to loot) and appointed his puppet President(Rafique Tarrar). Then Nawaz tried to pass the 15th ammendment using his 2/3rd majority in the parliament. This amendment declared Nawaz Sharif "Ameer-ul Momineen" for life. Even military dictators hadn't had the audacity to try a stunt like this, and this and many other Shahain-Shah moves clearly disturbed PML-N's political cadre.

Then when Nawaz Sharif only made a deal for himself with Musharraf, leaving all his political leaders at Musharraf's mercy, clearly the people were fed up. Nawaz Sharif was to enjoy life in Saudi palaces, leaving them in jails under Musharraf. So they quit in droves. Does that make them "lotas"?

The media makes foolish arguments, and most of us have no understanding of history, and easily get fooled by their lies and half-truths. We don't know the other side of the picture, and can't see the blatantly false conclusions they try to peddle on us.

If you notice, most of the politicians who joined Imran Khan, are rural politicians. In rural politics(where most voters are), a "clean candidate" has no chance of winning, there are feudal/political families on whom people depend for their livelihood, and these people always get the vote. Independent candidates CAN'T win rural constituencies where majority of Pak lives. It's either get some rural power, or stick it out. Imran Khan's already said that for rural politics he'll go with newer faces/younger people from political families, and field new candidates for urban areas.

So I don't understand how the rural candidates are "lotas". When Nawaz Sharif was trying to grab power like a maniac, these people were right to abandon him. They tend to have cleaner records than the current Punjab govt, with Hamza Shahbaz sending Punjab Police to drag a girl out from her parent's house into a police "dalla", to the pathetic way Nawaz Sharif embarrassed Pakistan, asking Kim Barker for a date and insisting he buy her an iPhone.

I really hope Pakistan wakes up soon. PPP is Inshallah going to be a non-entity after this rule, won't matter in the next election. Only one province(Punjab) has seen that PML-N is not much better, with rampant corruption and mis-management here as well. Other three provinces might see Nawaz as an alternative. But the fact of the matter is, Nawaz has already ruled FIVE times. This is his fifth government, and nothing has changed, some police system, same bureaucracy. Infact, it's deteriorated during his rule, because of mis-management.

Typical, Musharraf’s Baqiat’s Argumentation which used as well in legitimizing unconstitutional act of 12th Oct, 1999.

However, No one denies that there are some mistakes in past even NS himself accepted that numerously after returning from exile as the bottom line is he learns from his mistakes as his intentions was always true, and besides that was PMLN transition period to maturity too and by the grace of God it passed out successfully as PMLN placed on the throne by the people of Pakistan once again:cheers: You are missing 2008 Election results, that's why its easy for me to place you correctly as "Musharraf's Baqiats":bunny:

What will he do different, the SIXTH time around?? PML-N fans should think about this. Pakistan's future, perhaps it's very existence, depends on this.

Dear, IK / PTI is just in kindergarten at this very moment, the “Painda” PMLN has already passed out successfully, PTI yet to put their first foot in that endeavor, Just imagine the people accompanying IK/PTI now are the same who once famously called by Zia “Faslee Batairay”….So watch out next step PTI there is a long long way to nirvana!!
death ????? party who has no seat now and won only one seat in 17 years.
Imran’s Book in which he fondly shared how successful gambler is he

Not at all. That was just some propaganda started by the Nawaz and co. We shouldn't parrot the propaganda other people feed in our ears. We should have original thinking, and form our own opinions. Read the book, so you can make an informed comment.

However, No one denies that there are some mistakes in past even NS himself accepted that numerously after returning from exile as the bottom line is he learns from his mistakes as his intentions was always true, and besides that was PMLN transition period to maturity too and by the grace of God it passed out successfully as PMLN placed on the throne by the people of Pakistan once again.

What has Nawaz learnt from past mistakes? When Zardari came along and tossed everyone a bone, Nawaz couldn't resist. It was his role to stand up to Zardari and stop him from this loot, as the main opposition party in the assembly. Instead he just sat around getting fat and rich, while the country went to the ground. The only time he came out in force and took out a long march, was when his Punjab goverment was removed. And even then, one phone call from the US made him stop.

There is also the point of Punjab Police dragging Ayesha Ahad into the streets by her hair and tossing her into a police dala, when her parents kept making noise about Hamza Shahbaz Sharif's 6-month marriage to Ayesha Ahad. What kind of beghairat people get their police to drag someone's daughter into the streets like that. We don't need leaders like this.
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