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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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Well talon,

Even though you may not like his comment but his comment regarding "Bigotry taught to kids" is correct.

If you fail to teach bigotry to a child,the child would never become natural in it.He/She may learn it later on but it would be learned bigotry which is similar to non-religious people using grammar of religion for political ends.

@anonymus define bigotry because honestly speaking before coming to this forum I never thought people could actually use it in sentences...Then again maybe I come from a place where such crap isnt used in conversations hence, From my point of view, using your theory, you have been thought trash!

Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot: someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with hatred, contempt, and intolerance on the basis of a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, language, socioeconomic status, or other status.

Now your fascination for the word bigotry made me want to give you the explanation...It is a state of a mind who is prejudice like some of your friends when they drag ISLAM in!
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The Wahabization of Punjab, under the great leadership of Arba stooges PMLN's Ganja bradrans, following in the footsetps of demon Zia's version of purification of the pure seems to be JUST ABOUT complete. Welcome to the capital of New-Wahabistan.

Congratulations... a glimpse of the New Wahabistan...

Safriz, a counter argument bashing Pashtuns... go ahead :D

Wahabization of Punjab? Dont say that, for punjabis wahabi=pashtun/deobandi. The bareilvi or ahle sunnat of Punjab is very extremist than you can imagine. As bareilvis worship hazrat mohammad p.b.u.h in un-natural(unislamic) way, so their reaction to blasphemy is explosive. That qadri who killed salman taseer was barilvi...
These barilvis of punjab have reacted violently not only toward christians and qadianis but also shias.
I agree with your last point Sir and first understand Arabic Sir even Quran doesn't say that Alcohal is Haram but it is Haram Sir you need to understand How Arabic is and secondly read the Hadees too Sir

They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they should spend. Say, "The excess [beyond needs]." Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought.
Surah baqarah v.219

It says about intoxicants
Allah has described it as "Rijs"and al-Rijs means disgusting *****.
When Allah mentioned all these abominations, He said: "Eschew it".This expression is more significant than just " It is forbidden" as it means, deliberately avoid doing or using something. So, this last meaning is an order not to approach such a thing, let alone use it.
Allah then says : (Will you not then abstain ?)

And spend in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad of all kinds, etc.) and do not throw yourselves into destruction (by not spending your wealth in the Cause of Allah), and do good. Truly, Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers).
Surah baqarah v.195
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mare than 2 million hindu women were raped and killed in punjab and east bengal in 1947 before mahatma went there and then almost same happened to hindu and bengali muslims in 1971 and now after hindus christaians seem to be the latest target so much for land of the pure

And sikhs and hindus were distributing sweets to migrating muslims?
And sikhs and hindus were distributing sweets to migrating muslims?

definitely better than vampires of other side , this massacre was started by Muslims . when train containing dead bodies of Hindus and Sikh reached in India then violent reaction started in India against Muslims.

vampires still needs non-Muslim blood in 2013 . now sources reduced due decades of killing only 2% , so now vampires sucking blood of their own vampire brothers.
@Zarvan Surah baqarah v.219

It says about intoxicants

Surah baqarah v.195
I know these things I was saying exact word that is Alcohal is Haram these lines are not like this these lines are here because it is Arabic lady and in Arabic it is like that
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@anonymus define bigotry because honestly speaking before coming to this forum I never thought people could actually use it in sentences...Then again maybe I come from a place where such crap isnt used in conversations hence, From my point of view, using your theory, you have been thought trash!

Now your fascination for the word bigotry made me want to give you the explanation...It is a state of a mind who is prejudice like some of your friends when they drag ISLAM in!

What i meant was this that for a person to become true fundamentalist,he/she should be trained from childhood.Most of the inclinations regarding race,religion and caste are formed within first 5-7 years .I was quoting a point which i have read.There was no reason for blowing up for that.
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definitely better than vampires of other side , this massacre was started by Muslims . when train containing dead bodies of Hindus and Sikh reached in India then violent reaction started in India against Muslims.

vampires still needs non-Muslim blood in 2013 . now sources reduced due decades of killing only 2% , so now vampires sucking blood of their own vampire brothers.

I believe sikhs started it. And martial race like sikhs carried out more deaths and rapes than meek punjabi muslims. But it doesnt matter who started it. Religous Violence and riots is deep rooted in whole subcontinent. I have contacts with some indian muslims and i know well about religous intolerance and suffocation in your country. This thread is not for an indian like you to put salt on our wounds.
So the incident has a political color as i was saying yesterday.

Today its in the open.

so fking rats want to use religious minorities' victim card for spreading unrest.

Stupid people.

It was drama by PPP.

The SC also took notice of this point.

the police is gloves in hands with some political groups against PML -N
:disagree: :disagree: no sir he have many uneducated wahabi friends but they all are same as he but yes i'm sure wahabi women are jahil once i went to their mosque and i was shocked and than i realized k inki autro ki education ki kitni zururt hai :hitwall:

You went to their mosque and you saw wahabi women? And you realized that wahabi women are jahil? Pi tu nahi raki.
I believe sikhs started it. And martial race like sikhs carried out more deaths and rapes than meek punjabi muslims. But it doesnt matter who started it. Religous Violence and riots is deep rooted in whole subcontinent. I have contacts with some indian muslims and i know well about religous intolerance and suffocation in your country. This thread is not for an indian like you to put salt on our wounds.

well History doesn't care what you believe , it's was all started by Muslims they sent trains with bodies of Sikh Hindus , raped women

Religious Violence and riots is deep rooted in islam which created Reactive violence in subcontinent non-Muslim to defend to survive to revenge.

it's not the case of only Pakistan it's all over Muslim world ,In Majority Muslims countries non-Muslim population is in vanishing path....

well India is open book you don't need "contacts" :lol: , though we r not perfect definitely we are in progressive direction. we don't have "blasphemy laws"

we Don't have institutionalized Discrimination of minority in system/constitution of country like you. Our constitution provide equal rights to all.
You went to their mosque and you saw wahabi women? And you realized that wahabi women are jahil? Pi tu nahi raki.

Yeah i went to their mosque and most of them were jahil(illiterate)
This is a sad incident that is a curse on the face of humanity. The terrorists have murdered a great number of people and these men who are their moral supporters should all be punished severely. LEJ, TTP and other terrorist groups are extremely dangerous adversaries who do not believe in Pakistan (Jinnah was Shia!!!)... since they believe Shias are not Muslim.

Christians are in Pakistan because they were sure we would provide them protection and have great ties with them. Cornelius would be turning in his grave if he saw what our Christian brothers are going through. We have to defend Pakistani citizens and treat them as equal regardless of race, ethnicity and religion. We are one and in this difficult time I stand with my Christian brothers. I do not lie here. Our bond is beautiful and we stand under one flag united.

A sad little day in the history of Pakistan. I can't believe after all our family and many others like it went through in India, the persecution, the bias, the discrimination... we are doing the same to our minorities
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