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Alleged attacks by Indian army kills another Pakistani soldier

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And you are a think tank here? 166 people were killed in cold blood by you Pakistanis and that was refuted he never said that! why is david headley behind bars huh? why did Pakistan raid the camp in Pak held Kashmir and arrest those culprits? what about the phone records? lol

denial has been the staple diet of pakistan since 1947
both sides fire at random.. without regarding civilians... its bs to think one side does and other side waits for order..
Both sides wont escalate beyond a level.

Thats the reality even media like ToI also knows. They however won't let ordinary public know that. They will publish what they are asked to.

If this is the situation, one method to reduce the number of casualty could be this:


(Meant for professionals)
say that on the Face of your Generals and see what they have to say - the moment your team goes to sleep you are dead, LoC was active battle ground - there were firing incidents prior to that, do not expect mercy from the enemy. Its the simple rule of Military.

okay then no one should complaint about any thing. our army has has begun retaliations and would continue doing so. More to come!! You do what you can do while we'll do what we can do. No mercy as you say!!! As for retaliations we don't even need to cross the borders!!
Pakistan has already admitted the 26/11 plot was hatched on your soil or is your govt lying? lol
And you are a think tank here? 166 people were killed in cold blood by you Pakistanis and that was refuted he never said that! why is david headley behind bars huh? why did Pakistan raid the camp in Pak held Kashmir and arrest those culprits? what about the phone records? lol

Read my post again & then again & then again .. until you are able to understand what is written in it .

Phone Records .... I can make better fake calls then those.. as i said before,, if you had any proof .. USA would not have t put a bound in hopes of getting one .
why the hell you sending a second judicial commission to India for the 26/11 trial then lol

Read my post again & then again & then again .. until you are able to understand what is written in it .

Phone Records .... I can make better fake calls then those.. as i said before,, if you had any proof .. USA would not have t put a bound in hopes of getting one .

The phone records were intercepted by satellite and verified by Interpol yes im sure u could do that lol and you are a think tank? u make me laugh
okay then no one should complaint about any thing. our army has has begin retaliations and would continue doing so. More to come!!

Who is Complaining ... ?

you wont even see the families of our soldiers who lost their lives crying ..

did we say anywhere India should Stop this ? .. you guys Carry on .. but then also be ready .. when we strike back ... show the same patience we did ...
why the hell you sending a second judicial commission to India for the 26/11 trial then lol

The phone records were intercepted by satellite and verified by Interpol yes im sure u could do that lol and you are a think tank? u make me laugh

Sorry Great Sir .. your level of intelligence & ability to understand logic is way beyond mine .. i mean i cant even see it .

you carry on .. i dont think i will survive if i get into an argument with you .
it may be that ur men were also sleeping and TTP killed them. a thorough inquiry should be conducted.

We are talkin abt unprofessional indian army tht sleeps on duty... and its fratricide cases.. keep on barking... i pitty fools like you... first indian statement:

Militants in PA uniform ambushed indian patrol.

Than imaginery BAT ambushed indian patrol.

Now "indian soldiers sleeping on duty" killed by PA..

Whats next they were in toilet when killed by PA?
why the hell you sending a second judicial commission to India for the 26/11 trial then lol
We are sending a Judicial commission to india to clear out the smoke screen created by you, it could be on the basis of any new evidence or statement which has emerged?
Do you know British Met Police is carrying out an investigation into the murder of Princess Diana just because a father wrote to his son - who was a British SAS Sniper , and wrote two lines about British military killing Princess Diana?......
Why did the French journo soon after 26/11 find Kasabs village in Pakistan and speak to his family members? or was he lying also lol

We are sending a Judicial commission to india to clear out the smoke screen created by you, it could be on the basis of any new evidence or statement which has emerged?
Do you know British Met Police is carrying out an investigation into the murder of Princess Diana just because a father wrote to his son - who was a British SAS Sniper , and wrote two lines about British military killing Princess Diana?......

Really? I would ask you do look into that a bit more lol of course his words mean Diana is killed huh
We are talkin abt unprofessional indian army tht sleeps on duty... and its fratricide cases.. keep on barking... i pitty fools like you... first indian statement:

Militants in PA uniform ambushed indian patrol.

Than imaginery BAT ambushed indian patrol.

Now "indian soldiers sleeping on duty" killed by PA..

Whats next they were in toilet when killed by PA?

Dont give them ideas ..
Who is Complaining ... ?

you wont even see the families of our soldiers who lost their lives crying ..

did we say anywhere India should Stop this ? .. you guys Carry on .. but then also be ready .. when we strike back ... show the same patience we did ...

how can you complain? PA started this.
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