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Allah’s (God’s) blessing to Bangladeshi land Crisis.

Hey listen mate don't want to hurt your nationalistic feelings but bangalis are radically different from other sub continental ehtncities and tribes. They are no fond of non Bangali people dictating Anglo Saxon idea of nationhood as there existence as a tangible sovereign state predates the post 1947 subcontinental reshuffle by centuries , history has proven it though.

As for the official status of Bangali language, well a constitutional cover doesnt make it familiar to other Indian folks. We can declare farsi to be offical language of our federal units but then what?

Moreover some odd film directors don't add much to your attempt at "unification". without any ill will Iam speaking from experience that bangalis do get projected as submissive jesters in Bollywood, always kissing up to Northern Indians. Which is inherently against there nature.
@Joe Shearer , a gem

Yes, I am.

Oh, you mean the note? OK, OK, I'll read it. :p:

Do you know Bengali is the second most spoken language in India after Hindi, state language of at least 4 states.
Do you know Bengali language is a sibling language of at least two other state languages in India.
Do you know we share similar food habit and culture with at least two states.
Do you know some of the prominent directors of Bollywood originated from West Bengal.
I can continue the list..

Who are those Indians, who knows only sweet and comic character from Bengal? Just a question.

I can't remember any prominent comic character from Bengal in Bollywood other Mr Dutta.

You are dealing with a WB Bengali who stayed all over India. I can guarantee you, West Bengalis are mostly treated with due respect in India.

Keshto Ghosh.

Have same experience regarding indian Muslims here. Dont like Pakistan and also think bd is a shit hole. They are too loyal to india and until very recently perspective are changing. I will say give it few more years of bjp rule i bet i wont find any indian Muslims say shit about bd or pak any more.

How I wish you were wrong.

Sorry I should rephrase. North Indian Muslims are the most anti Pakistani people I've met. South indian Muslim are completely different. Which is so weird. Every South Indian Muslims I've met has been nothing but kind to Pakistanis and never showed negative feelings. But that still doesn't change the fact that they're Indians and trusting then is a big risk.

You misunderstand the matter. That IS the inherent difference between north and south. The north is emotional, quick to take offence, and display their hostility very quickly on provocation. The south is rational, calm and generally stable and kindly to other profiles. Both, I am proud to corroborate your statement, were intensely loyal to India, until recent developments, that made them feel that their own soil and their own land was being torn from them.

If I was a religious person, I would have called down the wrath of God on the bigots who are driving apart our communities.

Bangladesh can't even stop Burma from violating Bangladeshi air space to massacre Rohingya's and you want Bangladesh to annex these lands. We don't even have an Air Force to counter Burma and you expect us to take these lands from India. Heck, even our PM will sell the country to India if it keeps her at power.

I don't see why the annexation of one by the other even comes up.

What interest would Bangladesh have to dissipate her hard-won economic gains to nurture many millions more along the same path? Why should she take on the additional burden of defending larger territories, before perfecting her hold over her existing land (and sea - her vast ocean resources are very ill-served)? What will these teeming masses bring her in exchange, other than a lower standard of living, and a population wholly uninterested in defending their common territory?

Why can't Bangladesh be left alone to prosper and to gallop along at the highest rate of growth in south Asia, as she has been doing? Why are Indians always thought to be eyeing that country as a fit place for domination and conquest? I would be happy going back to Dhaka, as I was used to do, meeting my friends, those who are still alive, alas, and visiting Jagannath College University for sentimental reasons, and our old house in Ganderia. Or, as a cousin has done, eaten the magical mishti doi of Bogra, my maternal grandmother's home, or seen the vast waters of Barisal, my maternal grandfather's home.

I think these suggestions spring from indigestion.

What makes you say there is no cultural or ethnic similarity between west bangal and the rest of India

Chhagole ki na khaye....

Hey listen mate don't want to hurt your nationalistic feelings but bangalis are radically different from other sub continental ehtncities and tribes. They are no fond of non Bangali people dictating Anglo Saxon idea of nationhood as there existence as a tangible sovereign state predates the post 1947 subcontinental reshuffle by centuries , history has proven it though.

As for the official status of Bangali language, well a constitutional cover doesnt make it familiar to other Indian folks. We can declare farsi to be offical language of our federal units but then what?

Moreover some odd film directors don't add much to your attempt at "unification". without any ill will Iam speaking from experience that bangalis do get projected as submissive jesters in Bollywood, always kissing up to Northern Indians. Which is inherently against there nature.


Weak with laughter.

@Mentee, my dear, you couldn't be more wrong.

@itsanufy, you're right. Let him come to Hyderabad, and see how Bengalis dominate the corporate world. Or Bengaluru, or Mumbai, or Delhi. Bengali doctors have always been at the fore; all over UP and northern India, you get these hopeful boards proclaiming Bangali Doktor, behind which the local Licensed Medical Practitioner lurks, waiting for a patient on whom to pounce. Ditto, ditto with Bengali accountants or journalists; just look at the masthead and the attributions in any of the media. Let it not be forgotten that The Knob is Assamese, NOT Bengali, and continue from there. And teachers? Professors? Ask me. And let's not get into culture and the film world.
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Yes, I am.

Oh, you mean the note? OK, OK, I'll read it. :p:

Keshto Ghosh.

How I wish you were wrong.

You misunderstand the matter. That IS the inherent difference between north and south. The north is emotional, quick to take offence, and display their hostility very quickly on provocation. The south is rational, calm and generally stable and kindly to other profiles. Both, I am proud to corroborate your statement, were intensely loyal to India, until recent developments, that made them feel that their own soil and their own land was being torn from them.

If I was a religious person, I would have called down the wrath of God on the bigots who are driving apart our communities.

I don't see why the annexation of one by the other even comes up.

What interest would Bangladesh have to dissipate her hard-won economic gains to nurture many millions more along the same path? Why should she take on the additional burden of defending larger territories, before perfecting her hold over her existing land (and sea - her vast ocean resources are very ill-served)? What will these teeming masses bring her in exchange, other than a lower standard of living, and a population wholly uninterested in defending their common territory?

Why can't Bangladesh be left alone to prosper and to gallop along at the highest rate of growth in south Asia, as she has been doing? Why are Indians always thought to be eyeing that country as a fit place for domination and conquest? I would be happy going back to Dhaka, as I was used to do, meeting my friends, those who are still alive, alas, and visiting Jagannath College University for sentimental reasons, and our old house in Ganderia. Or, as a cousin has done, eaten the magical mishti doi of Bogra, my maternal grandmother's home, or seen the vast waters of Barisal, my maternal grandfather's home.

I think these suggestions spring from indigestion.

Chhagole ki na khaye....


Weak with laughter.

@Mentee, my dear, you couldn't be more wrong.

@itsanufy, you're right. Let him come to Hyderabad, and see how Bengalis dominate the corporate world. Or Bengaluru, or Mumbai, or Delhi. Bengali doctors have always been at the fore; all over UP and northern India, you get these hopeful boards proclaiming Bangali Doktor, behind which the local Licensed Medical Practitioner lurks, waiting for a patient on whom to pounce. Ditto, ditto with Bengali accountants or journalists; just look at the masthead and the attributions in any of the media. Let it not be forgotten that The Knob is Assamese, NOT Bengali, and continue from there. And teachers? Professors? Ask me. And let's not get into culture and the film world.

Are you bangladeshi? Which country are residing now? Or are you an Indian with bangladeshi roots?
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Hasina needs to go though.
Hasina and China are true allies . You like it or not it's true . On the other hand you see the dramatic problem between Hasina and India . Unfortunately you have failed to notice many major changes as you always fail to notice what happening inside the curtain. May Allah open up your inner eye!
Hey listen mate don't want to hurt your nationalistic feelings but bangalis are radically different from other sub continental ehtncities and tribes. They are no fond of non Bangali people dictating Anglo Saxon idea of nationhood as there existence as a tangible sovereign state predates the post 1947 subcontinental reshuffle by centuries , history has proven it though.

As for the official status of Bangali language, well a constitutional cover doesnt make it familiar to other Indian folks. We can declare farsi to be offical language of our federal units but then what?

Moreover some odd film directors don't add much to your attempt at "unification". without any ill will Iam speaking from experience that bangalis do get projected as submissive jesters in Bollywood, always kissing up to Northern Indians. Which is inherently against there nature.

Don't think so buddy :p: ...even down and far away in TN we have greatest respect for Bengalis and their stoic contribution to Indian nation and culture....in fact the very push for Indian nationhood itself. We in TN have a number of well-founded stereotypes (academicians, philosophers, math-wiz) about Bengalis more generally on it too....because of them being the (arguably) primary source and repository of the Indian awakening/renaissance in the modern period....vested in so many big well known Bengali names I need not list here.

National anthem (among many other things) is testament to it.

They also provide a very nice nuanced balancing weight (like we do and also marathis/deccanites) to hindi belt/delhi. Something that very much defines Indian nation intrinsically.

West Bengalis know this too, they have cultural kinship with Eastern Bengal for sure....but they are well integrated into Indian nation (probably the most in many ways).

These kind of things are not mutually exclusive. Just because I can take stock similarly in the literary treasures and cultural spots of Sri Lankan Tamil area...does not mean I (or other ppl in TN) automatically have clarion call to separate from India and join them. Indian nation is imprinted on us from some of the greatest poets and leaders we had in modern era when there was much strife they were forged in...some of the greatest hope and sadness known to mankind...the inertia/legacy (in so many things we take for granted now) is very credible.
Overpopulation rather than land shortage is the cause of our poverty. BD with 161 million people has three times more agriculture land than Japan's with about 126.5 million people. Not shortage of land but producing too many children has caused our poverty.

Although large three rivers bring about 1.2 billion tons of silt from India every year it is of limited help to enlarge the land area drastically. Nature has its limitations. So, the country"s population themselves will have to balance between population and land area.

It is no long-term solution that BD keeps on producing many mouths and sending excess young population to the ME Muslim countries where they are regularly insulted for being from a poor and unworthy Muslim from BD.
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Number of population rather than land shortage is the cause of our poverty. BD with 161 million people has three times more agriculture land than Japan's with about 126.5 million people. Not shortage of land but producing too many children has caused our poverty.

Although large three rivers bring about 1.2 billion tons of silt from India every year it is of limited help to enlarge the land area drastically. Nature has its limitations. So, the country"s population themselves will have to balance between population and land area.

It is no long-term solution that BD keeps on producing many mouths and sending excess young population to the ME Muslim countries where they are regularly insulted for being from a poor and unworthy Muslim from BD.

Are you talking about birth rate annexing an area?
Bangladeshis form one of the largest immigrant community in Italy after UK in EU. Bangladeshis are all over the world. I think God will bless us. With new technology, Bangladesh can easily make islands and reclaim some of the lands from the sea and perhaps even creating an artificial islands. Perhaps in the future BD can also achieve and gain those lost territories from Sultanate of Bengal as well.

Part of the problem, from my understanding, when Bangladeshis migrate in other countries, they do not feel close to other communities, at least I guess learning Hindu Urdu would help them get assimilated well with other south Asian immigrants abroad. Also I think also most migrants who go to Gulf countries should also learn Arabic. When it comes to immigrating to foreigns lands you need communities that you will feel close to to be mentally and emotionally well with support structures. Look at all those countries North Africa, they all speak Arabic and French even though they were not originally Arabic and French but adapted the language for opportunities, this is even true for west African countries so when traveling abroad they find it easier to navigate and get on their feet.
Bangladeshis form one of the largest immigrant community in Italy after UK in EU. Bangladeshis are all over the world. I think God will bless us. With new technology, Bangladesh can easily make islands and reclaim some of the lands from the sea and perhaps even creating an artificial islands. Perhaps in the future BD can also achieve and gain those lost territories from Sultanate of Bengal as well.

Part of the problem, from my understanding, when Bangladeshis migrate in other countries, they do not feel close to other communities, at least I guess learning Hindu Urdu would help them get assimilated well with other south Asian immigrants abroad. Also I think also most migrants who go to Gulf countries should also learn Arabic. When it comes to immigrating to foreigns lands you need communities that you will feel close to to be mentally and emotionally well with support structures. Look at all those countries North Africa, they all speak Arabic and French even though they were not originally Arabic and French but adapted the language for opportunities, this is even true for west African countries so when traveling abroad they find it easier to navigate and get on their feet.

but yes I totally know what your are saying and how inhumanly they are treated in the Middle East
Have same experience regarding indian Muslims here. Dont like Pakistan and also think bd is a shit hole. They are too loyal to india and until very recently perspective are changing. I will say give it few more years of bjp rule i bet i wont find any indian Muslims say shit about bd or pak any more.
I think this is right as the perception is like that, however disillusionment has started as laws are coming and the institutions are not gonna help. Though many cling to the believe that the institutions gonna save them even though it proved otherwise in many instances . However these are the same group who cheered for the things happened in Kashmir little did they know that not to cheer in someone' misery but they are fools and it seems the payback is coming for them and it is much more than they ever anticipated and even the sarkaris won't be spared.
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Bangladeshis form one of the largest immigrant community in Italy after UK in EU. Bangladeshis are all over the world. I think God will bless us. With new technology, Bangladesh can easily make islands and reclaim some of the lands from the sea and perhaps even creating an artificial islands. Perhaps in the future BD can also achieve and gain those lost territories from Sultanate of Bengal as well.

Part of the problem, from my understanding, when Bangladeshis migrate in other countries, they do not feel close to other communities, at least I guess learning Hindu Urdu would help them get assimilated well with other south Asian immigrants abroad. Also I think also most migrants who go to Gulf countries should also learn Arabic. When it comes to immigrating to foreigns lands you need communities that you will feel close to to be mentally and emotionally well with support structures. Look at all those countries North Africa, they all speak Arabic and French even though they were not originally Arabic and French but adapted the language for opportunities, this is even true for west African countries so when traveling abroad they find it easier to navigate and get on their feet.

but yes I totally know what your are saying and how inhumanly they are treated in the Middle East

LOL :rofl:

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