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'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

Stupid ruling if Christian missionary tactics are a concern kick out ngos they usually follow them anyway. Although any real Muslim knows enough about their faith to talk off missionaries.
Creating almighty god and protecting him with all might .. Everything looks childish to me .. Religion is becoming just a way of life in todays world .. Everyone is guarding the border ..no one care for salvation even if its offered for free
Good decision.

Praying to 'Allah' is used by Christian missionaries to fool people into coming into their church and try converting them.

Correct me if i'm wrong but Allah is simply the Arab word for god, so now Arab Christians are supposed to not use their mother tongue? Should they invent some other word?

This simply illustrates your intolerance.
Thank God ! I can freely chant "Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram, Patit Pavan Sita Ram. Ishwar Allah Tero Naam; Sabko Sanmati De Bhagwan"; and I am not dragged to court :)

lol even i here in mumbai use words like subhanallah and inshallah quite often while adressing to my fellow muslim frnds.

Quite true. Pick randomly non Muslims who work in Gulf and you will notice they often used "Inshallah" for which they don't become less Hindus/ or Christians whatever.
Correct me if i'm wrong but Allah is simply the Arab word for god, so now Arab Christians are supposed to not use their mother tongue? Should they invent some other word?

This simply illustrates your intolerance.

Arab christians is an extinct species - they are wiping them out faster than they are able to wipe out the shias.

You would have seen the few Iraqi churches the sunni ISIS burnt in Iraq. Syrian christian churches were burnt in 2012 already.
Not just that, we have no business meddling in affairs of the Almighty.......... religion, first and foremost, is about free will..........

I don't think you know the meaning of will. religion (islam) is about free choice not free will
Correct me if i'm wrong but Allah is simply the Arab word for god, so now Arab Christians are supposed to not use their mother tongue? Should they invent some other word?

This simply illustrates your intolerance.
And hypocrisy. The man will scream bloody murder and weep rivers if even a perceived slight is towards the Muslims, but now he sees nothing wrong with regulating the Christians just because they might say something that might be construed as seducing the Muslims from their faith.
I have just decreed that Malaysians must use the word 'heinie' when referring to themselves in English in America. So let it be written, so let it be done.:ph34r:
Regulate the Christians. The word 'missionary' is irrelevant. Every believer of every religion have an obligation to be a missionary at any time an opportunity arise. Thanks for opening the door for the rest of the world to regulate the Muslims in our countries.

The word 'missionary' using deceptive advertising is the key component of this debate.

But I don't expect people like you to do anything less than deliberately misinterpret words to suit your agenda.

Correct me if i'm wrong but Allah is simply the Arab word for god, so now Arab Christians are supposed to not use their mother tongue? Should they invent some other word?

We are not talking about Arabs, but Malaysians. Allah is nor a native Malay word; it was imported along with other Arabic concepts into the country as part of Islam.

This simply illustrates your intolerance.

This simply illustrates your inability to grasps the context of the discussion.
We are not talking about Arabs, but Malaysians. Allah is nor a native Malay word; it was imported along with other Arabic concepts into the country as part of Islam.

Allah is a common word that is used in Malaysia to refer to god, so why does it bother you so much? Many Muslims speak about Jesus to persuade Christians to join Islam, so what? You think that bothers me? I'm not that insecure.

Do you know that most languages barrow words from other languages? The Russian language, for instance, borrowed a fair share of words from the German language and some from French, oops i better stop speaking my native tongue i might offend someone.

So now the question is, how does someone offed you if they are speaking their mother tongue?
Allah is a common word that is used in Malaysia to refer to god, so why does it bother you so much? Many Muslims speak about Jesus to persuade Christians to join Islam, so what? You think that bothers me? I'm not that insecure.

Do you know that most languages barrow words from other languages? The Russian language, for instance, borrowed a fair share of words from the German language and some from French, oops i better stop speaking my native tongue i might offend someone.

So now the question is, how does someone offed you if they are speaking their mother tongue?

Jesus is a part of Islam.

I have no problem with people promoting their religion, as long as they are up-front about it.

The fact is, and your denial won't change reality, that there are unscrupulous missionaries who use the word 'Allah' to lure unsuspecting villagers into their camps, under the impression that they are attending Muslim prayers.

If the missionaries were up-front and said they were recruiting Christians, that would be a different matter.
i just cant believe that ..... LOLZ

dont we believe in the same god ? what the difference between using "allah" or "lord" or "God" ?

jesus :D

if a muslims faith is so weak that he/she will convert to other religion by talking to other ppl from other religions , so be it . lol

a muslim , is a person who's faith and logic and knowledge is so strong that not even a an army of christians can make him convert by talking to him/her .

I agree the ban is useless. Muslim faith strong enough. A muslim can ddie but wont convert. So let them practice their either if its a scam or just a trivial tradition ..because the people acquiring Islam is only increasing..so no need to fear silly dramas.
However if the majority population of Malaysia agrees to it then. There should not be a problem executing it.
Well if you are right then the knowledgeable muslims should educate their brethren about it.. Fighting over "Allah" is nothing smart
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