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'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

i just cant believe that ..... LOLZ

dont we believe in the same god ? what the difference between using "allah" or "lord" or "God" ?

jesus :D

if a muslims faith is so weak that he/she will convert to other religion by talking to other ppl from other religions , so be it . lol

a muslim , is a person who's faith and logic and knowledge is so strong that not even a an army of christians can make him convert by talking to him/her .
deception! Works on all people who are not weak but who are naive!
What if some Saudi Arabian Court decides that Allah should be only used by Arabs to refer God, and all others, malaysians included, should refrain from plagiarizing Arabic vocabulary?:ph34r::partay:
Christian Arabs also refer to God as Allah right? I don't understand what the problem is. Maybe the western world should ban all technology. Lets see hypocrites use stones to store data.
What is fundamental difference between keeping an exclusive name for god and form for god ?
Christian Arabs have been using the word "Allah" for 400 years before the advent of Islam. In actual fact the ancient tongue of Christ i.e. Aramaic the word for God is iliya, the similarities are plain to see.
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I have heard Arab Christians use the the salutation "Asalaam O Alaikum" quite often
Good decision.

Praying to 'Allah' is used by Christian missionaries to fool people into coming into their church and try converting them.

We dont recieve an automatic ticket to jannah for converting a muslim to our religion, so dont worry - we wont be wasting our time on a worthless affair - so u r safe because there is no 72 virgins waiting for us even if we kill the non believers.
the Koran is in Arabic so its right to call God - Allah but the Bible in Malaysia is either Malay or English, and the Malay /English equivalent should be used for God and not use an Arabic name . this is a deceptive tactic employed by the Christian missionaries to cheat and con Muslim

Is god in the Hindi Bible also referred to as Allah ?

It is referred to as bhagwan by many and we don't mind as bhagwan means god . Thats all about it .
It's spelled Alla, but there is no real difference between the two since it is pronounced the same.

But is it not written as А́лла ?
I would have read that as Anna
Yup that is why your co coreligionists resorted to rape and plunder in Ahmadabad

Killing terrorists is not a crime - go and fight the Americans or the Israelis who have done thousands of ahmedabads(even in yr country) if you have the balls. Or send your mujahid army to avenge gujarat if you have the balls.
What I meant by 'abstract' in that context was referring to the way missionaries deliberately try to fool people into thinking they are joining Muslim prayers when, in fact, they are being led into a canvassing session for other religions.

The term 'abstract' v/s 'concrete' referred to the tactics used by missionaries. not about the content of their message. The use of these tactics is not an abstract possibility, it is a concrete fact.

PS. I agree that there are many innocent Malaysian Christians who would use Allah in an innocuous way, but it is also true that missionaries abuse it in the way I mentioned. It is unfortunate that a few bad apples have to spoil it for the majority. Perhaps a better solution is to allow 'Allah' for everybody and use some other means to regulate missionaries.
Regulate the Christians. The word 'missionary' is irrelevant. Every believer of every religion have an obligation to be a missionary at any time an opportunity arise. Thanks for opening the door for the rest of the world to regulate the Muslims in our countries.
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