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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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Most of the people in the videos are Uighurs, it seems that you have trouble telling the difference.
Eh? They look chinese to me! Except couple of old guys can't see people with turkic feature and customs! And I cant recognize turkic words in the background noice, they seems chinese!
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This is the point, you seem to know very little about central Asia, if you go to Kazakhstan, you may think everyone is Chinese.
Ah, fair point...

BTW, I also noticed no women with Hijab or Abaya. Did chinese government baned islamic clothing? Even in Azerbaijan you will find some women with Islamic dress code...
Ah, fair point...

BTW, I also noticed no women with Hijab or Abaya. Did chinese government baned islamic clothing? Even in Azerbaijan you will find some women with Islamic dress code...

Rural Bazar ( market ) 2021, it's people's own choice whether to wear traditional clothes or head scarves, but I guess more and more people choose to wear casual clothing nowadays. Some older generations still tend to keep traditional ways for everything, but I highly doubt any younger population still choose to stick to them.

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BTW, I also noticed no women with Hijab or Abaya. Did chinese government baned islamic clothing? Even in Azerbaijan you will find some women with Islamic dress code...
Don't listen to stupid western propaganda, they claim China bans everything, destroys UIghur homes and even their tombs, harvests Uighur organs, takes away Uighur kids from their parents and sends officials to sleep with Uighur women, how pathetic..
Don't listen to stupid western propaganda, they claim China bans everything, destroys UIghur homes and even their tombs, harvests Uighur organs, takes away Uighur kids from their parents and sends officials to sleep with Uighur women, how pathetic..
Well, at least you should permit OIC delegation to "independently" investigate.
Well, at least you should permit OIC delegation to "independently" investigate.
China always welcomes foreingers to come to visit and see Xinjiang with their own eyes, see how people live, see how this place develops, seeing is believing.
Well, at least you should permit OIC delegation to "independently" investigate.
Funny, if China just randomly made some wild claims like US is committing genocide in California and demand "independent" investigation in California including their state prisons, do you think US will allow?
Its a very positive development as long as you are not harming the people as in that case it will all backfire.
It is sad what is happening to Muslims both in Muslim countries and in non-Muslim countries. It is very difficult to be a Muslim and practice your religion today.

Poor uighurs, at least the Jews had a voice....the Uighurs holocaust is not even acknowledged meanwhile they suffer same or worst fate than Jews.
Warning: please ignore the video if you feel uncomfortable at pool partying as of some disagreement coming from your personal choice of faith.
Big pool parties in Xinjiang Aksu 06/2021
"Poor uighurs, at least the Jews had a voice....the Uighurs holocaust is not even acknowledged meanwhile they suffer same or worst fate than Jews"


This is The West

A gigantic kindergarten

The reality is that in all normal countries the population of the territory controlled by a state is the citizenry ... But Biblical ideology establishes a brutal distinction between a "people (of lords)" and "the people of the land" who must be subdued.

So things that the US has been doing at Guantanamo Bay, right?

What kind of a Muslim defends the oppressors of Muslims? What America has done is wrong but it is limited in scale compared to what China is doing to Uighurs. Just because China has thrown a few pennies to Pakistan as "LOANS" doesn't mean that Muslims should side with the oppressors against Muslims.

Chinese are the most vicious and brutal people alive on earth today, they even make the Mongols look like good people. Mongols never tortured people for their religious beliefs or forced them to give up their religious beliefs

Chinese are the parasites of the brain going after the religious belief of Uighurs and the MEGA pig XinPIG feels threatened from unarmed Uighurs.
Oh shut up, I’m a Muslim and I don’t buy into this garage pumped out by Western media. The world isn’t that old we all forgot about the trained Kuwaiti Ambassador daughter and her drama of Iraqis soldiers taking babies out of incubators, and throwing them out the window. Lol.

Go to Kashgar and try to pray in a mosque (if you can find one) until then you should shut up and stop defending the mushrikeen who are forcing Muslims to become atheists. Uighuristan is right next to border of Pakistan and it won't cost anything, you can travel by car.

You are a Muslim but you don't represent all Muslims


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