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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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I suggest you take a trip up to Turkestan yourself and see. Take footage of mosques - you will have a policeman follow you and have the footage deleted.
That will be another first hand experience, but if I were rich, I wd have done so. But my interactions with Chinese is totally different. They admit that govt censor things a lot, but they are traditional people. They respect elders and women. They also help each other like they are relatives.
In fact, not only in Xinjiang or Ningxia, but also in other regions, there are Muslim communities. Eid al-Fitr in Yunnan Muslim community.
That will be another first hand experience, but if I were rich, I wd have done so. But my interactions with Chinese is totally different. They admit that govt censor things a lot, but they are traditional people. They respect elders and women. They also help each other like they are relatives.
Yes they do; chinese civilians are different; it is the policy of their communist party which is at play here especially under Xi; they have gone hell bent against religion.

I suggest you look up the prior posts which i did, moderators convinently put it into the overloaded Uighur thread to hide it - you will see 2 videos by a blogger - there mosques are empty; a police fellow is following him and then deletes his footage; he is accompanied by a Chinese minder as well. Everything is clearly labelled.

Have a look for yourself.

As my good chinese friends have said - this included former 1st secretary to the consulate who is a close family friends - 'We chinese are cowards when it comes to our government'. These are his exact words. He is very true.
I suggest you look up the prior posts which i did, moderators convinently put it into the overloaded Uighur thread to hide it - you will see 2 videos by a blogger - there mosques are empty; a police fellow is following him and then deletes his footage; he is accompanied by a Chinese minder as well. Everything is clearly labelled.
Yeah, I watched your threads. That is why in my post I said that Lanzhou is not in Xinjiang and a little or no news is coming from Xinjiang which adds to doubts..
So, Chineses Govt should publish/broadcast themselves news/coverage from Xinjiang about mosques/Muslims celebrating their festivals.

Anyway, I hope relaxation and normalisation may follow soon in Xinjiang.

So she is a Pakistani girl showing a functional mosque in China (not Xinjiang), but in central Chinese city, Lanzhou.
So what can we get out of it @denel @Indos @aziqbal and @striver44

I argue that before that Chinese are traditional people who respect their parents, women, etc. I hope all the news of Chinese officials sleeping with Uighur/Uigyur women is not true as it seems fictional. Because, west know how to stir Muslims sentiments on women/religion etc. They also know how to pave their own people point of view on freedom/women empowerment. So west publish different stories in their own country and in the Muslim world.

I know Chinese from my personal experience from my stay in Italy/UK that they are hard working and love family values. They can be tough on policy, but not barbarians as west paints them.

However, Chinese govt them selves publish news in Turkish/Eng/Urdu/Arabic about Uighur celebrating Eid Festival/Ramadan in Xinjiang. As if a little or no news come out, people tend to believe the enemy propaganda.

@Beast @beijingwalker @IblinI

Chinese gov do good with China Muslim community but Xi Jin Ping piss off with recent Uigyur terrorist attack, so the condition is different, my mother and sister have also visited China for vacation late 2019 but not Xin Jiang.

We dont know for sure what happened there since China gov limit access in Xin Jiang to any Muslim fact finding mission.

At least we can heard some from Uigyur refugess and this Indonesian girl dont talk nice about China gov treatment on Uigyur, and latest Idul Fitri prayer in Xin Jiang can be done due to pressure form Western countries, so you must thank them that have concern on our Muslim brothers and sisters despite we should be critical as well to their accusation

You can contact ACT Indonesia since they are objective NGO who will not talk lies and has connection with Uigyur refugee community in Turkey

The sterilization program is happening, our Chinese Indonesian friend @Reashot Xigwin who can read Mandarin has found the China government document talking about the program
Xi Jin Ping piss off with recent Uigyur terrorist attack
Yeah that is the reason, but the west supplied them the weapons at first place. We know how RAW and CIA tried to disturb our northern and western regions. Just because they can create lawlessness and create a training ground for separatists in China.
China gov treatment on Uigyur, and latest Idul Fitri prayer in Xin Jiang can be done due to pressure form Western countries
Sure, if western countries are raising the voice for Uighur, then it is a blessing. If they are not raising for Palestinians, which is a hypocrisy, but their choice.
The sterilization program is happening
I can only pray it is not true. If yes, then I hope that central govt realise that it is not a solution. The injustice memory travels through generations and erupt later somewhere else.
Yeah that is the reason, but the west supplied them the weapons at first place. We know how RAW and CIA tried to disturb our northern and western regions. Just because they can create lawlessness and create a training ground for separatists in China.

Sure, if western countries are raising the voice for Uighur, then it is a blessing. If they are not raising for Palestinians, which is a hypocrisy, but their choice.

I can only pray it is not true. If yes, then I hope that central govt realise that it is not a solution. The injustice memory travels through generations and erupt later somewhere else.


I had a quick look on the links..
It talks about very diplomatically about birth control, women and baby safety. I hope, it is not a mass sterilisation campaign.
I had a quick look on the links..
It talks about very diplomatically about birth control, women and baby safety. I hope, it is not a mass sterilisation campaign.

Of course, who will be too fool to say it bluntly and name the program as sterilization campaign in the official government program document ??

At least the program show correlation with huge drop on XinJiang birth rate

Yes they do; chinese civilians are different; it is the policy of their communist party which is at play here especially under Xi; they have gone hell bent against religion.

I suggest you look up the prior posts which i did, moderators convinently put it into the overloaded Uighur thread to hide it - you will see 2 videos by a blogger - there mosques are empty; a police fellow is following him and then deletes his footage; he is accompanied by a Chinese minder as well. Everything is clearly labelled.

Have a look for yourself.

As my good chinese friends have said - this included former 1st secretary to the consulate who is a close family friends - 'We chinese are cowards when it comes to our government'. These are his exact words. He is very true.
i replied you in that thread with a video of muslims attending mosque during Ramadan to which you said i have nothing to show for eid.
here you go, the video from this eid
I suggest you take a trip up to Turkestan yourself and see. Take footage of mosques - you will have a policeman follow you and have the footage deleted.
Where are the police as you claimed? when was the last time you were in Xinjiang?
Of course, who will be too fool to say it bluntly and name the program as sterilization campaign in the official government program document ??

At least the program show correlation with huge drop on XinJiang birth rate

View attachment 744308
Why XInjiang's birth rate is twice as high comparing to China's average? are you suggesting that the Chinese government has been persecuting Han Chinese all these years?
Xinjiang is completely back to normal and covid free, Kashgar girls invite tourists back to Kashgar old town.

i replied you in that thread with a video of muslims attending mosque during Ramadan to which you said i have nothing to show for eid.
here you go, the video from this eid

Just because people are dancing doesn't mean they're happy. This is why I never understand chinese propaganda & their use of dancing uighur in their propaganda push. Is this a mainland chinese things that you have to be a part of to understand?

The CCP even uses dancing in their propaganda film. Beside obvious propaganda being obvious who the hell do they think they're fooling with this?
Where are the police as you claimed? when was the last time you were in Xinjiang?

Why XInjiang's birth rate is twice as high comparing to China's average? are you suggesting that the Chinese government has been persecuting Han Chinese all these years?

Uighur Birthrates literally dropped by half in 2018 in the span of one year. I don't know why are you even gaslighting when literally your government own sources confirm this
Just because people are dancing doesn't mean they're happy. This is why I never understand chinese propaganda & their use of dancing uighur in their propaganda push. Is this a mainland chinese things that you have to be a part of to understand?

The CCP even uses dancing in their propaganda film. Beside obvious propaganda being obvious who the hell do they think they're fooling with this?

Uighur Birthrates literally dropped by half in 2018 in the span of one year. I don't know why are you even gaslighting when literally your government own sources confirm this
Well put, did we see the full prayers; also literally all have no beards; most dont even wear caps - it is a compulsory tradition - the ccp bots forgot i guess. where are the children? Not seen. It is very possible these are paid actors to stage a potemkin scene for the outside world.

The dancing is fake as well. Where is the videos from Urumqi or smaller cities? None.
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