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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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Assume for a minute that is correct, does that justify the Chinese state forcing people to abandon their religion and culture?
It's more like de-Wahhabilization in Xingjiang. Traditionally Uyghur muslims were very different from Arab Muslims. Uyghur men usually drink wine. And Uyghur women don't wear Arab style cloths. But from 1990s, there was a trend that Uyghurs became Arabs. China tries to stop this trend.
It's more like de-Wahhabilization in Xingjiang. Traditionally Uyghur muslims were very different from Arab Muslims. Uyghur men usually drink wine. And Uyghur women don't wear Arab style cloths. But from 1990s, there was a trend that Uyghurs became Arabs. China tries to stop this trend.
as i noted, please take your dressing and fashion arguement - a deliberate derailment tactic known to be a favourite tactic.

Stick to the topic. If you cannot contribute, just shooo off.
From human right watch ,the remnant of Coldwater era's anti communism propaganda cutout ,stacked by ex cia ,the so called human rights watch that's worth 250 million usd?.Kenneth Roth the chairman of hrw involved in US led neo colonial hijack of Myanmar.
Big words coming from a nation that drinks cow urine and bathes in cow dung...
stop derailing the topic.
The best part is the Chinese show their hate openly towards Pakistani and Muslims on this forum

So it proves what’s happening to Uighurs is true

Also UN commissioner for human rights has been refused entry to Xinjiang 27 times

So all is proof of mass genocide
@WebMaster @LeGenD @waz @The Eagle This guy opened several separate Xinjiang related threads every day, so Can I also do the same or only Xinjiang smearing threads are allowed to be opened separately?
Last time I did it , I got banned for 2 weeks.

These are valid threads and valid reports of gross human right violation. You have no right to label these as smearing.

Yet - just like this forum allows you the privilege to spam entire fake news reports left/right; yet you cannot defend any of these reports with single valid argument except cry out.

Kindly feel free to add your notes under each of those threads. Just like you feel the need to promote propaganda spam; real world injustices need to be highlighted. This forum allows valid discussions to be hand. There is no insult but facts to be discussed.

Kindly participate.
Big words coming from a nation that drinks cow urine and bathes in cow dung...

That's mostly done near Chinese refugee camps by some people so that the Chinese don't feel homesick. Lol but none of bad Indian hygiene and gastronomical activities have caused a pandemic.
Mods this guy always wants to have all Uighur posts added to Uighur threads because they want all Uighur related info to disappear and be lost and get lost in the hi jacked Uighur thread

Because they don’t want to see and answer any of the Uighur related questions they want all Uighur related posts to be combined into the rubbish Uighur thread which they fill with fake YouTube and twitter accounts

This way good info like this thread is lost

So I kindly request @waz @Foxtrot Alpha to allow us to openly discuss all Uighur related issues with new threads where one of warranted

Also this is one very special so warrants it’s own thread
Mods this guy always wants to have all Uighur posts added to Uighur threads because they want all Uighur related info to disappear and be lost and get lost in the hi jacked Uighur thread

Because they don’t want to see and answer any of the Uighur related questions they want all Uighur related posts to be combined into the rubbish Uighur thread which they fill with fake YouTube and twitter accounts

This way good info like this thread is lost

So I kindly request @waz @Foxtrot Alpha to allow us to openly discuss all Uighur related issues with new threads where one of warranted

Also this is one very special so warrants it’s own thread
I wholely concur, this is a serous human rights issue and needs to be highlighted outside the buried thread.

Each aspects deserves a valid thread.

These state actors want to make this disappear as though it does not exist.
Mods this guy always wants to have all Uighur posts added to Uighur threads because they want all Uighur related info to disappear and be lost and get lost in the hi jacked Uighur thread
I honestly don't, I want I can post separate Xinjiang threads myself.
I honestly don't, I want I can post separate Xinjiang threads myself.

There is a big Difference between trolling and posting genuine information

Opening new threads with fake YouTube and Twitter accounts does not count as information
There is a big Difference between trolling and posting genuine information

Opening new threads with fake YouTube and Twitter accounts does not count as information
You must be talking about yourself, I never post twitter based contents.
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