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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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Where is the proof we need proof

Millions of foreign visitors came to Xinjiang
Where is the proof ?

If millions can come why UN human rights commission cannot ?


Didn't I warned you that I don't debate with dishonorable trolls.

BTW before more lies emerged China is elected to UN HRC.

And the reply to your silly childish allegation has already been given and debunked without any response from you previously.

To repeat the same thing shows that you are as usual just trolling.
That is annoying.
You should be banned.

Didn't I warned you that I don't debate with dishonorable trolls.

BTW before more lies emerged China is elected to UN HRC.

And the reply to your silly childish allegation has already been given and debunked without any response from you previously.

To repeat the same thing shows that you are as usual just trolling.
That is annoying.
You should be banned.

Stick to the topic and don’t cry

So I am correct you don’t have any link or proof?

Show me where millions of foreign visitors came to Xinjiang

You made a claim now prove it
A very good summary. Basically the Chinese now have laws where anyone who opposes governments opinions, or appears as Muslim is being re-educated. They're being forced to accept Chinese culture and reduce their own.

The law in China applied for everyone and all religions not just Islam alone.

No one is allowed to propagate or force his/her religion to an adolescents until he reached a mature age of 18.
After that he can decide what religion he/she wishes to follow.

There is nothing cultural in here as alleged.

I think it is a great law and it promotes harmony and security for everyone in China. Some may not agreed but IMO the law is fair.
Stick to the topic and don’t cry

So I am correct you don’t have any link or proof?

Show me where millions of foreign visitors came to Xinjiang

You made a claim now prove it

This troll continue to bark incessantly and at the wrong tree if anyone bother to read all my posting in here.

And once again I don't debate with trolls.

I like to watch positive video like this.
Like all humans, she is just wishing for better life for her family and herself.
She is also entitled to have dreams.
Many Uyghurs are not brave enough to follow their dreams like this brave girl.
The law in China applied for everyone and all religions not just Islam alone.

No one is allowed to propagate or force his/her religion to an adolescents until he reached a mature age of 18.
After that he can decide what religion he/she wishes to follow.

There is nothing cultural in here as alleged.

I think it is a great law and it promotes harmony and security for everyone in China. Some may not agreed but IMO the law is fair.

The law is the same for everyone, unfortunately some of your laws are discriminatory.

Take the law you have stated for example - I could understand if it was limited to the term force, but it also includes the term propegate. This means that people of any religion cannot teach their children about their religion. That is an intrusion on their human rights, it restricts them from freely practising their faith. It is a religious duty of a Muslim parent to teach their child their faith.

In your home you went to bed when your parents told you to - not the state. You ate what your parents cooked, not what the state mandated you eat. In your free time you learnt whatever your parents told you to - not the state.If you did not go to bed on time, if you did do your piano lessons, if you refused to eat your vegetables, your parents had the right to discipline you. They also had the right to make you take piano lessons, or make you eat vegetables, or make you go to sleep at 9pm.

Muslim parents consider it a religious duty to raise their children to understand their religion and to carry out their religious practices, dress in accordance to religious regulations, pray, prepare meals in accordance to religious value. These religious values form a part of muslim culture. By denying them the right to propgate their religion to their children;

1. You limit their freedom to practice their faith,
2. You discriminate against their ability to raise their children in accordance to their wishes
3. You limit their freedom to pass on their culture and their values to their children.

These do not apply to people who do not have a religion. A non religious chinese can make their child practice piano, but a religious chinese cannot make their child read the Quran.

A non religious Chinese can make their child eat cabbage, but a religious chinese cannot tell their child to only eat meat that has been slaughtered in the halal method.

A non religious chinese can make his child get up at 5am for exercise, but a religious chinese cannot make his child get up at 5am for prayers.

As you can see this is clear discrimination.

The law would not be a problem if it was restricted to the term force. If a child was being forced to do something against their will and was being harmed by the parent by not doing it, you could argue the law is in place to protect the child, but currently the law limits the child from their own religion and culture.
:coffee: :sarcastic::sarcastic:
So who can stop any parents from educating their own children at home? There is no violation of any human right in the law in this case?
No one has been charged in a court in China in violation of this law.

What about the parent or followers of a derivative religion that preach extremism at home?
Nobody will know unless someone including the adolescent himself reported this to the Police then they are in trouble.
Kids have human rights too.

But to propagate religion to any adolescents in any religious place of worship is definitely against the law and it is working well there in Xinjiang and elsewhere.

As I say, some of you may disagree but a law is a law and it is not confined to one religion. Most of all it is a law in China. No one in China is unhappy about it.

No suicidal terrorism is reported in Xinjiang for many years now.
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A rather neutral and factual checked assessment of what's actually going on. Not your everyday CCP sponsored crap you keep seeing from the CCP mouth pieces here, nor the BBC/CNN propaganda bullshit.

P.S: It might not be for mentally imprisoned folk.
And I hope it can explain to our Chinese members, why you can't comprehend when people like me question the stupidity in what you share on the subject and those who blindly support you on it. You have to carry the ability to think freely to be able to carry a neutral perceptive. From the looks of it, that ability to think "freely" does not happen to exist any more in your conscious part of the brain. Good job CCP.
Makes lot of sense. Thank you for posting

I like to watch positive video like this.
Like all humans, she is just wishing for better life for her family and herself.
She is also entitled to have dreams.
Many Uyghurs are not brave enough to follow their dreams like this brave girl.

Video China posting pro China news ? Really ?

This is not a source of information

Rather it’s bias propaganda
When one is in denial, one is in denial. No point trying to convince him and very soon he will arrived at the angry stage.

I predicted India present condition, approx 9 months ago but they were interpreted as an anti-India rant by a China fanboy as one dude puts it.
Am I happy about it?
Certainly not as it may spread to the entire neighbourhood.

But the worst thing that happened is when he thinks all the rest of the readers and viewers are just like him, filled with silly anti-China notions and brainless.

Why are they so scare of the truth from another angle?

I just heard over TV today that Pfizer claimed that its vaccine is 95% effective against the new India variant.

USA has been actively promoting this to India.

Then how did US Infectious Disease Expert Rajendra Kapila who received all his 2 shots of Pfizer vaccines died after he contracted the new India Virus variant in India on May 4, 2021.

Stop believing all this Western MSM nonsensical reports, it may proved fatal and now Dr Kapila is a victim of US disinformation. :coffee:
Please stop your deliberate nonsense of pfizer. Stick to the point.

If you are that open, let human right watch or Amnesty internatonal or even an independent committee using South African Human rights - Ms Pillai or Hon Judge Goldstone who have done critical work without bias.

Bottom line you wont - instead you post bs from paid bloggers and use it to santise your fake narrative.

If you are that amazing at human rights - bring in our Truth and Reconciliation Commission - we will see what the reality is.

Until then, go back to the dark room and read more east is red; red is great; tomato is red, tomato sauce is east.
Not their fault most of the time. Some of them lack a brain to process these kind of things in a logical way. These are the same folk who will follow some maulana or party leader blindly and never use their mind to do research on what they follow or who they support.
Other times, they are just a victim of following the media and the government on what they say about China. Or they simply do not care as long as they are benefiting from the existing state of affairs and their own lives are not affected by the opinion they carry.

When you drop in to troll my thread without going through the data shared in OP and without having to say anything on what's being presented there which is also factually checked. What do you expect from me? Praise your for dropping in?

P.S: Only dumb folk believe making woman go around half naked or less covered makes them free. Instead of letting them chose for what they want for themselves.
But when people come from an authoritative regime and the mindset it propagates. You can't expect them to know what having a "CHOICE" and freedom of life and faith actually means.

But then again, that's a different subject and irrelevant to the topic at hand.
You must remember, these are deliberate tactics to spread fake narratives and divert any discussion.

Allow independent observers, Ms Pillai/judge Goldstone, Amnesty International
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