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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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Without industrialization, southern Xinjiang cannot support such a large population, and without the help of the central government and developed regions, they cannot achieve industrialization on their own.
It’s ridiculous, you’re stupid. Southern Xinjiang has long been a Malthusian trap. According to the Malthusian law, turmoil and famine should have occurred long ago, eliminating the excess population. The Syrian population quickly expanded three times before the turmoil. The most obvious example is Yemen, Yemen’s population. The growth is extremely fast, and Yemeni men have been chewing on the soft drug KHAT all day long, planting khat trees, which are extremely water-consuming, instead of growing food. As early as 2008, when I saw Yemeni men eating KHAT video in YOUTUBE, I remembered the flood of opium in the late Qing Dynasty in China. I guessed that there will be turmoil and famine in Yemen. The wars and turmoil in these countries that caused the death of a large number of people are all operating in accordance with this historical law.

The southern part of Xinjiang is surrounded by deserts and mountains, transportation costs are extremely high, and the quality of labor is extremely low. Uyghurs have no sense of discipline and order. Only fools try to industrialize southern Xinjiang regardless of economic laws. You read too many articles by Chinese domestic industry party scholars

China now maintains a stable method in Xinjiang, which is extremely costly, and the effect is not good, and it has been discredited and slandered by the United States. It only temporarily suppressed Uyghurs’ racist discrimination and attacks against the Chinese. You have not mistaken what I said. Uyghurs consider themselves to be of Caucasian descent and discriminate against East Asians, especially Han, because the Chinese Hans do not rule them as cruelly as the Zhungeer Mongols. In the barbaric and cruel grassland nomadic culture, anyone with gratitude and tolerance cannot survive. Therefore, the race of nomadic culture cannot form a culture of gratitude and tolerance. Others are hell.

I personally think that Xinjiang will no longer be stable. As long as the Chinese government relaxes its suppression of the barbaric Uyghurs, chaos will follow.
To be honest, if Xinjiang becomes Syria or Yemen, it can perfectly escape the Malthus trap. When the proportion of population and resources is right, order will be restored naturally
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The whole Uighur debacle is an attempt by the west to reuse Islam against China as they did before with the soviet union, this time with turkey and the muslim brotherhood taking the role that Saudi arabia did during the soviet time, a call of jihad against China for the so called unverified atrocities against the uighurs while turning a blind eye what is happening to muslims in India and yemen.

TLDR, China should recognize Turkey and the muslim brotherhood for what they are, an adversary.
Racism and Islamophobia, Soviet-type propaganda machines, systematic humiliation of the Uighurs, trying to prevent even the non-party states by demonizing them over fake claims, and all of these absurd arrogance that I see under this threads; all of these makes me understand better Chinese new generation. I've already started sharing some parts of these posts with my friends. Keep it up!

The current Turkey“s Turks and asia Turks are not genetically related, and modern Turkey“s Turks and Armenians are actually Hutu and Tutsi. The Turkization Armenians became Turkey“s Turks.
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There was NO ISIS... Just your govt's propaganda. Please stop putting lies to seek excuses.

You are totally clueless on guerilla warfare. go and read your own history.
The Chinese know guerrilla warfare better than anyone else, because the Communist Party of China first developed from the guerrillas. The deserts of Xinjiang divide the oasis, especially the southern Xinjiang where Uyghurs live. Xinjiang is a basin surrounded by the Pamirs, Tibet Plateau, and large deserts. Terrorists have no terrain conditions to fight guerrilla warfare with the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

I suggest you buy a topographic map and study it carefully to see who does not understand guerrilla warfare.
You say this now because you are confident you can eradicate Uyghurs and face no consequences to it

If the roles were reversed with Hans at Uyghur mercy, you would squeal and whine victimhood like how your people do in regard to Japanese atrocities during WW2
I was watching the Indian movie White Tiger recently and I learned about the Indian mentality
It’s ridiculous, you’re stupid. Southern Xinjiang has long been a Malthusian trap. According to the Malthusian law, turmoil and famine should have occurred long ago, eliminating the excess population. The Syrian population quickly expanded three times before the turmoil. The most obvious example is Yemen, Yemen’s population. The growth is extremely fast, and Yemeni men have been chewing on the soft drug KHAT all day long, planting khat trees, which are extremely water-consuming, instead of growing food. As early as 2008, when I saw Yemeni men eating KHAT video in YOUTUBE, I remembered the flood of opium in the late Qing Dynasty in China. I guessed that there will be turmoil and famine in Yemen. The wars and turmoil in these countries that caused the death of a large number of people are all operating in accordance with this historical law.

The southern part of Xinjiang is surrounded by deserts and mountains, transportation costs are extremely high, and the quality of labor is extremely low. Uyghurs have no sense of discipline and order. Only fools try to industrialize southern Xinjiang regardless of economic laws. You read too many articles by Chinese domestic industry party scholars

China now maintains a stable method in Xinjiang, which is extremely costly, and the effect is not good, and it has been discredited and slandered by the United States. It only temporarily suppressed Uyghurs’ racist discrimination and attacks against the Chinese. You have not mistaken what I said. Uyghurs consider themselves to be of Caucasian descent and discriminate against East Asians, especially Han, because the Chinese Hans do not rule them as cruelly as the Zhungeer Mongols. In the barbaric and cruel grassland nomadic culture, anyone with gratitude and tolerance cannot survive. Therefore, the race of nomadic culture cannot form a culture of gratitude and tolerance. Others are hell.

I personally think that Xinjiang will no longer be stable. As long as the Chinese government relaxes its suppression of the barbaric Uyghurs, chaos will follow.
To be honest, if Xinjiang becomes Syria or Yemen, it can perfectly escape the Malthus trap. When the proportion of population and resources is right, order will be restored naturally

The Chinese Communist Party actually protected the Uyghurs. If blood is used for blood, the Uyghurs would have been wiped out long ago. The Chinese Communist Party has treated the ethnic minorities better than the feudal dynasties. The Han people have always complained that CPC is too soft to the Uyghurs, but they can maintain stability at present.
Turkey may have been more supportive of Uighur independence back in the 90s and 00s. But they've backed off a bit in the past few years because they need to cooperate with China economically.

Actually Chinese tourism is booming because Chinese tourists, who are the world's biggest spenders, are keeping their money at home and domestic tourism is soaring. China was never a huge international destination of foreign tourists anyways because of negative propaganda in the West, so domestic tourism is booming.

Don't take my word for it. This Venezuelan guy works in China as a hotel manager.

Chinese YouTube videos are not credible source of information
the way to avoid bloodshed is to modernize them. let them take off their burka, put on swimsuit. take off their taqiyah caps, put on baseball caps. stop listening to chanting, start listening to rap.

when they learn how liberating and fun it is to be part of the Chinese mainstream, they will forget all about the preachings of old, far away fanatics.

Modernization is not Westernization, you need to remember this.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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