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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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China should divide Xinjiang into the Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Han Chinese Autonomous Region, so that we will not hire Uyghurs in all the factories and farms in the Han Autonomous Region. Now, any product with the Uyghur workers is a big mistake and will be To stigmatize, all china need to do now is stop losses. Uyghurs can continue to do their traditional work, selling lamb skewers, selling cakes, farming, herding sheep, making Yingjisha knives, and making handmade copperware. My remark was published on the China Observer.com message board, and it was banned from being published by Editors on duty, so I publish it here.

Without industrialization, southern Xinjiang cannot support such a large population, and without the help of the central government and developed regions, they cannot achieve industrialization on their own.
To be honest, in 2015, when ISIS was most rampant, ISIS issued a map, including Xinjiang, China. At that time, I hope ISIS will enter Xinjiang so that we can use the army instead of the police to completely suppress terrorists. According to the terrain of Xinjiang’s desert oasis, we only need to control the roads and water sources to completely eliminate the rebel terrorists. Then, there is no need for education and training centers now.
There was NO ISIS... Just your govt's propaganda. Please stop putting lies to seek excuses.

You are totally clueless on guerilla warfare. go and read your own history.
Fake Muslims are probably Taiwanese
In fact, many Muslim countries ,especially Arab country do not mind China's suppression of Uyghur separatist terrorists. These Muslim countries are themselves victims of minority Muslim separatism. More importantly, the Uyghurs are part of Erdogan’s big Turan dream, and the Arab nation will never want to see the Turks re-establish the Ottoman Empire. What's more, Indonesia killed half of the population of East Timor before agreeing to the independence of East Timor .The main reason why Indonesia abandons East Timor is that Indonesia was threatened by Australia. Until now, there is still Papua independence movement in Indonesia. There are many videos posted by Papuans on YOUTUBE. Indonesia directly used the army to kill Papuans blacks. There is serious skin color racism. You fake Indonesian, don’t even know this,
What’s more amazing is that East Asians, whether they are Japanese, Han or Korean, hate against each other, butThey generally discriminate against Malays. East Asians think malay are shorter and darker, and malay IQ is lower than the average IQ of the East Asian population. I’m the most honest person in this forum, so I don’t mind making some people unhappy

Chinese fanboy listen here

You attack islam we will destroy you like we did USSR

once USSR tried to this now people say there used to a country called USSR

Spain tried and after 400 years now Spain has huge growing muslim population

we will conquer you sooner or later, islam wins every time and its the youngest of the monotheistic religions
are you a fundamentalist? why do you hate freedom?

Han Chinese fanboys like you are fundamentalist and in the West you are being targeted because of COVID

but you dont have any self respect so I know it will keep happening

It is a despicable thread title and entry msg that targeting both Uighur diaspora and Turkey.

According to Sibel Edmonds, the reason of Pakistan's nuclear deterrence was Turkey's active assistance. Do you believe this? A former FBI translator and a new type of whisperer(!), err, I mean manipulator, mostly defending the Turkish American axis.

Turkey is trying to stay away as possible from the US propaganda activities. We discussed the reasons for this under different threads. - for example, https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/turk...esponse-to-uighur-claims.707169/post-13057855

It is my call from here to all fifty cents that trying yo demonize Turkey will not have any gain to your interests, please Review your propaganda activities.
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The USA and Turkey have successfully shaped Islamic sentiment against China ,They spend a lot of money to train terrorists and send them to Xinjiang
Watch this video

only the video from a Chinese fanboy youtube and not a reliable source of information
are you a fundamentalist? why do you hate freedom?
I am a fundamentalist - whatever you coin from that. Now if most of China is irreligious and generally have no other aspect than materialistic goals to offer that is fine, but don’t expect anyone else to agree to calling ethnic cleansing of culture and religion as “freedom”.
I think China should learn from Indonesia’s racial discrimination program and completely destroy the Uyghur savages in Xinjiang.

You say this now because you are confident you can eradicate Uyghurs and face no consequences to it

If the roles were reversed with Hans at Uyghur mercy, you would squeal and whine victimhood like how your people do in regard to Japanese atrocities during WW2
Without industrialization, southern Xinjiang cannot support such a large population, and without the help of the central government and developed regions, they cannot achieve industrialization on their own.
You are point blank painting everyone else like they are living in dark ages... .

Fanboy... your people were in the dark ages too all along. only now you are awakening. Your people will realise money does not buy the soul.
You say this now because you are confident you can eradicate Uyghurs and face no consequences to it

If the roles were reversed with Hans at Uyghur mercy, you would squeal and whine victimhood like how your people do in regard to Japanese atrocities during WW2
Right on spot
Chinese fanboy listen here

You attack islam we will destroy you like we did USSR

once USSR tried to this now people say there used to a country called USSR

Spain tried and after 400 years now Spain has huge growing muslim population

we will conquer you sooner or later, islam wins every time and its the youngest of the monotheistic religions

Han Chinese fanboys like you are fundamentalist and in the West you are being targeted because of COVID

but you dont have any self respect so I know it will keep happening

and we're defending ourselves.

btw, you know how you're bragging about Chinese "being targeted because of COVID"?

that's a US federal hate crime. I heard bragging about how you're so much better than the west is really popular in prisons filled with white supremacists.
I am a fundamentalist - whatever you coin from that. Now if most of China is irreligious and generally have no other aspect than materialistic goals to offer that is fine, but don’t expect anyone else to agree to calling ethnic cleansing of culture and religion as “freedom”.

Do not interfere with our internal affairs, and there will be no problems. In general, Chinese take little interest in the internal governance and politics of others - until they interfere with ours.
we Chinese are victims of racial discrimination. but It is a common human phenomenon to distinguish races by height, skin color, and IQ. the Japanese style racial discrimination is completely excluded foreigner from institutional arrangements and social life, Koreans are more arrogant and express racial oral attacks. we Chinese are tolerant and more friendly to people of different races, but we have firmness in our hearts. we will never allow our culture to be contaminated by foreign Abraham monotheism
In fact, Indonesians discriminate the Chinese the most. Indonesia prohibits Chinese education, Chinese writing, prohibits Chinese from using Chinese names, and forces Chinese to use Indonesian names. Chinese Indonesians no longer speak Chinese. Many Chinese Indonesians believe in Islam and exclude Chinese. This is why I think China must learn how the Islamic state suppresses ethnic minorities to ensure national unity.
Indonesia has been very successful in forced assimilation, depriving the Chinese of their property, and more importantly, destroying Chinese culture. The China has fallen into the trap of Marxist-Leninist discourse on ethnic groups. It over-protects and respects ethnic minority culture. that is more silly than American Black Lives Matter liberalism. I think China should learn from Indonesia’s racial discrimination program and completely destroy the Uyghur savages in Xinjiang.

Uyghurs are the people of the land. They have been living there since time immemorial. Han Chinese are not the people of the land. They were implanted by the Chinese authorities since 1950's or so.

Mao scrubbed Chinese culture a few decades ago with industrial quality bleach. Your great leader Mao thought Chinese culture was worth destroying.

Can you ever make up your mind ?
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