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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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I don't trust WESTERN media.
Do you believe baloch and pashtun genocide in Pakistan, if yes then i will believe this.
You can report yourself for spreading western lies. Not even one Muslim country believes the western lies and sides with the west.

Still remember that China pressured Pakistan into surrendering ''uyghur terrorists'' hiding in Pakistan many many years ago (long before re education camps and mr xi came to power) (at that time i didn't know china's issue with uyghur people), China blamed pakistan for making safe heaven for ''uyghur terrorists'' amid US WoT which was already demanding ''do more'' against haqqanis and talibans in pakistan. After the re education camp fiasco, the memories of uyghurs being pressurised to be handed over to china started making sense.

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So against China are a bunch of liberal women's and minority rights Catholic/Christian nations. All those nations have a VERY long history of conflict with and animosity towards Islam. Now, those nations suddenly pretend they care about Muslim safety. I highly doubt it. All must just be a way to attack China. Islam has been the enemy of European nations for a thousand years. Those nations do NOT care about Muslims.

Should also add even if something is happening there, it is China's internal affair. China has a shortage of women. If other men have women and are not able to protect them or destroy invaders then they lose those women. tough luck
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its interesting that a chinese can post separate threads on xinjiang in this forum and when others with ''other'' view post that its deleted or told to post in the sticky thread.

its interesting that a chinese can post separate threads on xinjiang in this forum and when others with ''other'' view post that its deleted or told to post in the sticky thread.


You can't honestly expect us to believe propaganda from the SAME people who claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins?.......... :disagree:
When did United Nations make this estimate?
This shill is just angry since everyone already knows about this US regime propaganda lie and how they made it up, so these shills just double down spamming that "the UN" or other actually independent real human rights organisation said so in spite.

It's the UN commission on human rights that made the claim ...not western media. Read before you ..place foot in mouth..
It's the US media that made the claim citing the US regime... not the UN commission on human rights.
You can stop lying. Everyone already knows about that "UN" story thats been fabricated by US regime propaganda mouthpieces and you liars have been called out often enough.
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It's the US media that made the claim citing the US regime... not the UN commission on human rights.
You can stop lying. Everyone already knows about that "UN" story thats been fabricated by US regime propaganda mouthpieces and you liars have been called out often enough.

I’m a liar, the UN is a liar, all non CPC sources are liars, Human rights watch, amnesty international ...liars...

GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations human rights panel said on Friday that it had received many credible reports that 1 million ethnic Uighurs in China are held in what resembles a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy.”

UNHCR joint statement below.

See as I said, it's the US media that made the claim citing the US regime ... not the UN commission on human rights or any other actual UN body. We all know about this US media fake report. You can stop lying.
UNHCR joint statement below.
I wonder why you are not quoting that and the names of the people who signed that letter. Maybe because they it says something completely different than you liars claim, because not even these Western government officials expressing "concerns" and citing US regime propaganda "reports" wanted to take any responsibility for the bold lies you spout about China. After all they have their "independent" state propaganda mouthpices for that.
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See as I said, it's the US media that made the claim citing the US regime ... not the UN commission on human rights. You can stop lying.

Reuters quoted a UN statement claiming credible reports of human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

1. Reuters in not US media, it is European.
2. Reuters did not provide any evidence to the UN.

The UN has its own agencies independent of western media to find evidence of rights abuses around the world.
Reuters quoted a UN statement
The US propaganda mouthpiece Reuters quoted a US government official and lied about it being a statement from the UN to feed into the US propaganda narrative about China.
The US government official cited US government agencies fabricating these baseless reports out of thin air to feed into the US propaganda narrative about China.

We all know about this US media fake report. You can stop lying.
The US propaganda mouthpiece Reuters quoted a US government official and lied about it being a statement from the UN to feed into the US propaganda narrative about China.
The US government official cited US government agencies fabricating these baseless reports out of thin air to feed into the US propaganda narrative about China.

We all know about this US media fake report. You can stop lying.

Again the report was produced by UN agencies and not Reuters.

The UN report is here...on the UN website.You are free to claim the UN is a US propaganda mouth piece ...:blah:

Unfortunately, Pakistanis are enslaved to not speak of this.
And are the Chinese enslaved not to speak of the atrocities in Balochistan & Sindh by the Pakistan government & military? Like the killing and dump policy where they take suspected political opponents, torture them and then dump their bodies in the open as a threat to anyone opposing their hegemony in the area
I don't trust WESTERN media.
Do you believe baloch and pashtun genocide in Pakistan, if yes then i will believe this.
I don't know about Pashtun but Baloch & Sindhi yes. Some Pakistani Pan-Islamists told me that since Baloch & Sindhis are Muslim they are not entitled to display any separatist tendencies. Guess what happens if the Han Chinese become Muslim tommorrow? Maybe these Pan-Islamist hypocrites will suddenly shut up.
I’m a liar, the UN is a liar, all non CPC sources are liars, Human rights watch, amnesty international ...liars...

GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations human rights panel said on Friday that it had received many credible reports that 1 million ethnic Uighurs in China are held in what resembles a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy.”

UNHCR joint statement below.

Amnesty is a joke. They call everything human rights abuse. As long as the Western media calls it.
correct; anyone on this forum who speaks up - gets their posts deleted. This is the extent of censorship and subservient to China. Between Tibet, HongKong and now Xinjiang(East Turkestan) and also in inner Mongolia the same pattern is showing but against Uighur - it is now true cultural genocide with other reports of mass rapes. This is akin to Bosnians where Serbs used rape as weapon of war against muslim bosnian girls and women.

Their paid trolls are immediately going to jump and start their lunatic attacks.

When I reported one of their fake news posts; the moderators reject it - "Let them be sir, don't loose cool over them. ".

This overall malaise is serious indifference from leadership which Pak needs to show.

I just point to the example of Mohammed Bin Qasim who came to the aid of a muslim woman who wrote of mistreatment. Who will the Uighur call out to?
Why is when Muslims commit atrrocities agaisnt other Muslims like within Pakistan or in Turkey against Kurdistan, we ignore it but hypocritically become vocal against the Chinese when they allegedly do it, even though it's not proven so.
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The United Nations estimates that the Chinese state has detained more than one million Uighurs, the ethnic Muslim minority in China, in camps. Some, have eventually been released. But notably, Communist Party officials have shown reluctance freeing Uighur intellectuals. And according to the Uyghur Human Rights Project based in the US, hundreds of scholars, historians, artists, writers, poets, musicologists, have disappeared. Activists call what's happened a cultural genocide. Correspondent Mathias Bölinger has this report spanning Germany and Xinjiang, as he tells the story of one missing professor from the city of Kashgar. For many years, a few scientific books have been Tahir Mutällip Qahiri’s only link to his family. His father, Mutällip Sidiq Qahiri had dedicated his life to linguistics specializing in the etymology of Uyghur names.
Let's all gather and worship Iron Brother. Our new abba. Pehle Amreeka tha. Ab China hai.
And are the Chinese enslaved not to speak of the atrocities in Balochistan & Sindh by the Pakistan government & military? Like the killing and dump policy where they take suspected political opponents, torture them and then dump their bodies in the open as a threat to anyone opposing their hegemony in the area

I don't know about Pashtun but Baloch & Sindhi yes. Some Pakistani Pan-Islamists told me that since Baloch & Sindhis are Muslim they are not entitled to display any separatist tendencies. Guess what happens if the Han Chinese become Muslim tommorrow? Maybe these Pan-Islamist hypocrites will suddenly shut up.

Amnesty is a joke. They call everything human rights abuse. As long as the Western media calls it.

Why is when Muslims commit atrrocities agaisnt other Muslims like within Pakistan or in Turkey against Kurdistan, we ignore it but hypocritically become vocal against the Chinese when they allegedly do it, even though it's not proven so.
Well said - In Darfur, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, KSA, Myanmar etc - The list gets longer and longer. What I saw in Yemen still haunts me today - I question at time the will of God to let his fellow beings harm others for the sake of power.

Unfortunately, you can only raise voice when you are yourself not the perpeturator of those same crimes.

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