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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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Who decides what is ‘prevented from probing too deep’?

The same Western outlets and governments that have a vested interest in preventing China’s rise and therefore retaining their hegemony over the global order? So they can go on continuing their wars resulting in perhaps millions dead, overthrowing regimes and cherry-picking despots (GCC & Arab monarchs & dictators) and regimes carrying out occupations and atrocities (Israel & India) and declaring them ‘Kosher’ and bolstering them with high tech weapons, aid, technology and legitimacy through support for memberships in prestigious international organizations?

When has China done anything even remotely close to that?

The message from US and EU has been consistent everyone needs to play by the same rules.
China does not, be it IP, trade, manufacturing and state interference in private enterprise....the list is long.

Western concern about China’s rise is legitimate principally because China have no system of checks and balances. Absolute power resides within one body (CPC) and its current leader for life. In contrast, Trump tried to ban TikTok and WeChat - he failed. The US system has prevailed against authoritarianism time and again, the architects of the US constitution build in safe guards against concentration of power and unhealthy obsession with ideals. The Chinese mock our constant internal strife - worker rights v big business, conservative v liberal values. But the beauty of this system is that a member of the Ku Klux Klan can go on to champion the first black president into the White House. No system is perfect, but the Chinese system is yet to evolve into something the world can trust.

It’s not about China’s past record, its about China’s potential to do harm. The CPC hasn’t held power outside its borders in the past. They are starting to exercise external influence and the signs aren’t good - China is demonstrably predatory so far.
It’s not about China’s past record, its about China’s potential to do harm. The CPC hasn’t held power outside its borders in the past. They are starting to exercise external influence and the signs aren’t good - China is demonstrably predatory so far.
But while you point to China's 'potential to do harm', we have in front of us decades of very real harm already done by the US and her allies and no sign of any end to the kinds of policies that led to such significant harm.
The US, based on past and current evidence, simply is not a responsible enough hyper-power to be left uncontested, which necessitates the rise of China as a counterweight in the global arena.

I'm not suggesting that China be the only power - that would have the potential of the Chinese taking on the same negative role the US currently plays - but that the rise of China is essential to balance the US and help prevent some of the US's reckless adventurism and stoking of conflict and support for regimes that continue to occupy and commit atrocities on millions of people.

The day the US stops supporting the Arab dictatorships/monarchies and Israeli & Indian occupation and atrocities in Palestine and J&K respectively will be the day I'll consider the US a responsible enough hyper-power to not require the rise of a second global power to provide balance. Till then, the US is just a hypocritical, irresponsible hyper-power, with a far longer list of actual crimes (versus the potential of crimes you argue to support your position of containing the rise of China), that is dangerous to global stability if left unchecked.
@waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM This guy is constantly refering to Muslim members are suicide bombers or bombs. I assume that doesn't violate forum rules or are there special rules for CPP bots?

I've been in your shoes before, there isn't enough time in the day to tackle it all, but someone has just removed two of my posts whilst leaving these 2 here. I've reported them both. @denel is right - these guys get a free hand to troll on our forum, and if we respond we get posts deleted and thread banned.

FFS gents - i expect better from you guys. You know that i'm not one of the regular trolls on this forum, but every time i post something about the Uiyghurs i get jumped on by CPP bots. These people are paid to be on our forum to do this - does that not bother anyone?

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View attachment 713570
Thank you my friend; just now 2 simple posts challenging their narrative; had posts deleted and marked as trolling. Yet these paid chinese bots are getting a free hand to get anything any everything deleted. Is this forum now becoming a paid mouth piece of china?

Please get a handle on this as it is not right. Crimes are crimes and we need to combat these paid trolls head on. I called for a volunteer force to take on the fight to these bots directly - let us level the playing field.

Mass incarcerations is a lie to them, torture of uighur muslims and mass rape is a lie to them, force feeding pork or even reading koran or in possession is now a crime or fasting is. Come on mods, wake up to the reality; are we now minions to these athiests?

Our scripts state - word of god is paramount to humanity; by siding with these athiests what are we doing on this forum. When Mohammad Bin Qasim was able to muster up to come over to the aid of a muslim woman in distress, what example are we setting on this forum. Food for thought for all us believers.

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Western concern about China’s rise is legitimate principally because China have no system of checks and balances.
Rise of China itself is check and balance to the west which has preyed on the world for centuries, time has come for a change.
Thank you my friend; just now 2 simple posts challenging their narrative; had posts deleted and marked as trolling. Yet these paid chinese bots are getting a free hand to get anything any everything deleted. Is this forum now becoming a paid mouth piece of china?

Please get a handle on this as it is not right. Crimes are crimes and we need to combat these paid trolls head on. I called for a volunteer force to take on the fight to these bots directly - let us level the playing field.

Mass incarcerations is a lie to them, torture of uighur muslims and mass rape is a lie to them, force feeding pork or even reading koran or in possession is now a crime or fasting is. Come on mods, wake up to the reality; are we now minions to these athiests?

Our scripts state - word of god is paramount to humanity; by siding with these athiests what are we doing on this forum. When Mohammad Bin Qasim was able to muster up to come over to the aid of a muslim woman in distress, what example are we setting on this forum. Food for thought for all us believers.

Sensation accusations to stir up Muslim emotional to achieve your agenda. We have seen american and ISIS using such trick to recruit members for them to do dirty job...

I am deeply disturbed by the millions of Muslims the americans have killed since August 1990 and the countless number of Iraqi and Afghan women that have been raped and murdered by american soldiers.............
Members like @denel will never tell you that. He will insist the Muslim are killed by Chinese and American are angels. You shall 100% trust US media and their narrative.
But while you point to China's 'potential to do harm', we have in front of us decades of very real harm already done by the US and her allies and no sign of any end to the kinds of policies that led to such significant harm.
The US, based on past and current evidence, simply is not a responsible enough hyper-power to be left uncontested, which necessitates the rise of China as a counterweight in the global arena.

I'm not suggesting that China be the only power - that would have the potential of the Chinese taking on the same negative role the US currently plays - but that the rise of China is essential to balance the US and help prevent some of the US's reckless adventurism and stoking of conflict and support for regimes that continue to occupy and commit atrocities on millions of people.

The day the US stops supporting the Arab dictatorships/monarchies and Israeli & Indian occupation and atrocities in Palestine and J&K respectively will be the day I'll consider the US a responsible enough hyper-power to not require the rise of a second global power to provide balance. Till then, the US is just a hypocritical, irresponsible hyper-power, with a far longer list of actual crimes (versus the potential of crimes you argue to support your position of containing the rise of China), that is dangerous to global stability if left unchecked.

I didn’t say China should be or can be contained. While you believe China is an effective counter weight to US - I think China is a partner in crime. Chinese exploitation of the regions of the world disturbed by US violence is too much of a coincidence in my mind.
I didn’t say China should be or can be contained. While you believe China is an effective counter weight to US - I think China is a partner in crime. Chinese exploitation of the regions of the world disturbed by US violence is too much of a coincidence in my mind.
I can agree with that. The level of dependence Pakistan has on China, for example, would not exist had the US played a more balanced role in the region. That said, Pakistan made a conscious decision to engage with China at the level it did after the US, once again, became an unreliable 'partner' (if it can even be called that - the US relationship with Pakistan has almost always been transactional, tactical and event driven) and I would place blame solely on the Pakistani leadership for entering into any contracts or agreements with China that allowed alleged 'exploitation'.

But we are where we are and US foreign policy is unlikely to change, and this whole situation has turned into a self-sustaining vicious cycle. US/Western paranoia, suspicions and policies towards China in turn drive further Chinese paranoia domestically and regionally. The US continues to pursue the building of 'blocs' to 'contain China', which drives the creation of yet other 'blocs' aligned with China, with some countries trying their best to straddle the middle ground.

Pakistan, despite its strong relationship with China, actually falls into the 'middle ground' category. There remains a strong desire at various levels of the Pakistani government, military & intelligentsia to engage with the US constructively and build long term sustainable ties and leverage a strong relationship with both China and the US to enhance Pakistan's standing globally, but the US is too caught up in propping up India to 'contain China' for that to amount to anything in the near future.
I can agree with that. The level of dependence Pakistan has on China, for example, would not exist had the US played a more balanced role in the region. That said, Pakistan made a conscious decision to engage with China at the level it did after the US, once again, became an unreliable 'partner' (if it can even be called that - the US relationship with Pakistan has almost always been transactional, tactical and event driven) and I would place blame solely on the Pakistani leadership for entering into any contracts or agreements with China that allowed alleged 'exploitation'.

But we are where we are and US foreign policy is unlikely to change, and this whole situation has turned into a self-sustaining vicious cycle. US/Western paranoia, suspicions and policies towards China in turn drive further Chinese paranoia domestically and regionally. The US continues to pursue the building of 'blocs' to 'contain China', which drives the creation of yet other 'blocs' aligned with China, with some countries trying their best to straddle the middle ground.

Pakistan, despite its strong relationship with China, actually falls into the 'middle ground' category. There remains a strong desire at various levels of the Pakistani government, military & intelligentsia to engage with the US constructively and build long term sustainable ties and leverage a strong relationship with both China and the US to enhance Pakistan's standing globally, but the US is too caught up in propping up India to 'contain China' for that to amount to anything in the near future.

It's very simple, really. Every nation pursues its own respective national interests, as best as they can, and with other nations where such interests may align for a period of time. Remember, there no permanent friends or foes in international geopolitics, only abiding national interests. After all, Pakistan played a key role in opening up China to the US, which led to the economic miracle we see today. The next phases will be just as significant.
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Rare footage of former model held for “re-education” in China’s detention system - BBC News

more pressure on China

and all Muslims nations should join this movement

China should not attain any power until its respects the religion of its citizens
more pressure on China

and all Muslims nations should join this movement

China should not attain any power until its respects the religion of its citizens
LOl, you sound like the president of the world... but the real situation is China going up and the west coming down.

The United Nations estimates that the Chinese state has detained more than one million Uighurs, the ethnic Muslim minority in China, in camps. Some, have eventually been released. But notably, Communist Party officials have shown reluctance freeing Uighur intellectuals. And according to the Uyghur Human Rights Project based in the US, hundreds of scholars, historians, artists, writers, poets, musicologists, have disappeared. Activists call what's happened a cultural genocide. Correspondent Mathias Bölinger has this report spanning Germany and Xinjiang, as he tells the story of one missing professor from the city of Kashgar. For many years, a few scientific books have been Tahir Mutällip Qahiri’s only link to his family. His father, Mutällip Sidiq Qahiri had dedicated his life to linguistics specializing in the etymology of Uyghur names.

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