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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

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The United Nations estimates that the Chinese state has detained more than one million Uighurs
When did United Nations make this estimate?
Unfortunately, Pakistanis are enslaved to not speak of this.
Not only Pakistan, Most of the non western world is siding with China

Countries that criticized or defended China’s xinjiang policies
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Unfortunately, Pakistanis are enslaved to not speak of this.
correct; anyone on this forum who speaks up - gets their posts deleted. This is the extent of censorship and subservient to China. Between Tibet, HongKong and now Xinjiang(East Turkestan) and also in inner Mongolia the same pattern is showing but against Uighur - it is now true cultural genocide with other reports of mass rapes. This is akin to Bosnians where Serbs used rape as weapon of war against muslim bosnian girls and women.

Their paid trolls are immediately going to jump and start their lunatic attacks.

When I reported one of their fake news posts; the moderators reject it - "Let them be sir, don't loose cool over them. ".

This overall malaise is serious indifference from leadership which Pak needs to show.

I just point to the example of Mohammed Bin Qasim who came to the aid of a muslim woman who wrote of mistreatment. Who will the Uighur call out to?
it is now true cultural genocide with other reports of mass rapes. This is akin to Bosnians where Serbs used rape as weapon of war against muslim bosnian girls and women.
When I reported one of their fake news posts; the moderators reject it
You can report yourself for spreading western lies. Not even one Muslim country believes the western lies and sides with the west.

The United Nations estimates that the Chinese state has detained more than one million Uighurs, the ethnic Muslim minority in China, in camps. Some, have eventually been released. But notably, Communist Party officials have shown reluctance freeing Uighur intellectuals. And according to the Uyghur Human Rights Project based in the US, hundreds of scholars, historians, artists, writers, poets, musicologists, have disappeared. Activists call what's happened a cultural genocide. Correspondent Mathias Bölinger has this report spanning Germany and Xinjiang, as he tells the story of one missing professor from the city of Kashgar. For many years, a few scientific books have been Tahir Mutällip Qahiri’s only link to his family. His father, Mutällip Sidiq Qahiri had dedicated his life to linguistics specializing in the etymology of Uyghur names.

The United nations also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins...... :disagree:
When did United Nations make this estimate?

Not only Pakistan, Most of the non western world is siding with China

Countries that criticized or defended China’s xinjiang policies
View attachment 714024

ALL the counties that criticised China are the SAME countries that are responsible for the deaths of over 3 million Muslims globally since August 1990..... .. the IRONY!.........:disagree:
correct; anyone on this forum who speaks up - gets their posts deleted. This is the extent of censorship and subservient to China. Between Tibet, HongKong and now Xinjiang(East Turkestan) and also in inner Mongolia the same pattern is showing but against Uighur - it is now true cultural genocide with other reports of mass rapes. This is akin to Bosnians where Serbs used rape as weapon of war against muslim bosnian girls and women.

Their paid trolls are immediately going to jump and start their lunatic attacks.

When I reported one of their fake news posts; the moderators reject it - "Let them be sir, don't loose cool over them. ".

This overall malaise is serious indifference from leadership which Pak needs to show.

I just point to the example of Mohammed Bin Qasim who came to the aid of a muslim woman who wrote of mistreatment. Who will the Uighur call out to?

So are we supposed to believe the SAME people who also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins?........... :disagree:
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The United nations also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins...... :disagree:

ALL the counties that criticised China are the SAME countries that are responsible for the deaths of over 3 million Muslims globally since August 1990..... .. the IRONY!.........:disagree:

So are we supposed to believe the SAME people who also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins?........... :disagree:
And samely their proofs are narratives only.
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‘Victim’ in BBC report found to have changed her anti-China story multiple times
By Global Times
Published: Feb 07, 2021 01:15 AM


ctors playing victims from Xinjiang who frequently appear in Western media Infographic: GT

The source in the BBC’s sensational report accusing China of “mass rape” in the training centers in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has been found to have changed her “testimony” multiple times in the past years, especially after she was found and “supported” by a US-based-and-funded anti-China organization when she began to make the latest “rape” accusation.

Tursunay Ziawudun, the “victim” in a BBC report who recently claimed to have been gang-raped in a training center in Xinyuan county, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, first appeared in the media in October 2019. She was in Almaty, Kazakhstan at the time, and the interview she gave included no allegations of rape or harsh treatment.

Then, in an interview released on October 15, 2019 by Radio Free Asia, one of the US government’s overseas broadcasting agencies, Tursunay made no direct claim that she had been raped. On February 15, 2020, when BuzzFeed News interviewed her, she said she was “terrified she might be raped,” but that she “wasn’t beaten or abused.”

According to materials from a website named moonofalabama.org, in September 2020, the US-based Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) picked Tursunay up and began to “use her for their agitation against China.”

The BBC’s report released on Wednesday said the UHRP helped Tursunay get to the US where she is applying to stay.

The UHRP is part of the US-backed World Uyghur Congress, which is generally believed to seek the fall of China. The project is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The NED granted the UHRP a "whopping $1,244,698 between 2016 and 2019," according to the Grayzone.

After the UHRP stepped in, Tursunay’s testimony changed and she claimed to have been raped in training centers. This claim appeared in the BBC report, along with some other small details that were different.

For example, she said her "earrings were yanked out," where previously she had said that Police “told the women to take off their necklaces and earrings." In the BuzzFeed interview she said: “I wasn’t beaten or abused.” In her later BBC account she said she was beaten and raped.

These reports of "camps," "forced labor," "genocide" and "sexual assault" show the West's escalating hype over Xinjiang. These media reports are aimed at future political moves, an old tactic used by the Western media and governments. This is why so many people in different countries have stood up to criticize the BBC reports, Jia Chunyang, an expert at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times.

Tursunay Ziawudun, the “victim” in a BBC report who recently claimed to have been gang-raped in a training center in Xinyuan county, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, first appeared in the media in October 2019. She was in Almaty, Kazakhstan at the time, and the interview she gave included no allegations of rape or harsh treatment.
What took her over two years to give her "mass rape" stories after she first appeared on media speaking against China in 2019?
Compare the re-education sites in China where there is no deaths, no rapes... to US sites where the US terror regime kidnaps people and sends them to rape cells. Kids raped by "prison guards" and men and women raped by guards and other "prisoners".

More men are raped in the US than women, figures on prison assaults reveal
In 2008 it was estimated 216,000 inmates assaulted in detention

If US can't protect people in detention centers (jails, prisons) from rape... they should not be there in the first place. More US citizens are raped in secure and protected "prisons" than are raped in the general public. There should be ZERO rapes in prison, yet US has more rapes than India. Making the US - rape-istan.
Slavery in the US of those kidnapped by the US "gov't" is "legal", according to the US constitution. Slavery/forced labour is still allowed in the US.

American Slavery, Reinvented

The Thirteenth Amendment forbade slavery and involuntary servitude, “except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.”

Slavery is "legal" in the US. And then the USA accuses China in giving adults job skills of forced labour.
There is a movement in the USA to defund the "police". Because the "police" in the USA are nothing more than slave raiders, picking up new slaves to be raped, abused and forced into labour in "prison". This is "constitutional" because slavery (legalized rape and torture and forced labour) is constitutional in the USA. USA = beacon of terrorism to the world.
correct; anyone on this forum who speaks up - gets their posts deleted. This is the extent of censorship and subservient to China. Between Tibet, HongKong and now Xinjiang(East Turkestan) and also in inner Mongolia the same pattern is showing but against Uighur - it is now true cultural genocide with other reports of mass rapes. This is akin to Bosnians where Serbs used rape as weapon of war against muslim bosnian girls and women.

Their paid trolls are immediately going to jump and start their lunatic attacks.

When I reported one of their fake news posts; the moderators reject it - "Let them be sir, don't loose cool over them. ".

This overall malaise is serious indifference from leadership which Pak needs to show.

I just point to the example of Mohammed Bin Qasim who came to the aid of a muslim woman who wrote of mistreatment. Who will the Uighur call out to?
Rape is a common tool and yes it has been done and is ongoing - unfortunately though, the (obvious )mixing of geopolitics with these issues means that news from both ends is to be unreliable and exaggerated. AP is generally a good source but these days agencies from all sides embed themselves within these places as well.
Western media alleged that 1 million Uyghurs were detained in China. But where did the number come from?

It's the UN commission on human rights that made the claim ...not western media. Read before you ..place foot in mouth..

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