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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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You underestimate China's friends, especially in the region. At the same time, you grossly overestimate NATO.

Why is USA so desperately trying to get India to aggressively posture against China and tie down Chinese forces on the LAC? The reason is quite simply that NATO has no teeth outside of Europe and North America. This isn't a simple stand off against the Warsaw Pact where a solid front line was established, sucking the life out of USSR's European strategy. NATO cannot and doesn't wish to assist USA in its Asian-Pacific misadventure.
Yes but they have QUAD. China don't have an equal for the QUAD:smokin:
Any military alliance is as lame as it can gets unless the real superpower behind it is fully committed. USA will only acts in its own interest.

Historical fact: USA only entered into Asia arena during WW2, not to save Asia but because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The other thing was, USA was never really got involved in the war until after Communist Army destroyed Japan War Machines manufacturing bases in North Eastern China hondering the ability to wage war.

Duterte remembers the Massacre of Manila. Where was USA then? Then General MacArthur landed in the Philippines lodly announcing his arrival: I have returned claiming FULL credit.
but what about those unknown resistance fighters who died fight the invaders.

IMO the members of the QUAD are merely chess pawns and like ants will be trampled when the elephants fight.

Philippines President appears so brilliant today in front of these Quad clowns.

:coffee: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Boris knows that the sob story of 2019 is just turkish propaganda issued as part of the protocols of the elders of Turan in order to look past the real turkish genocides against Syrian and kurds.
western media:

china destroying deserts
china destroying desert ecosystem
china forces desert to grow cotton
chyna baad
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Their ideology is similar to Nazis. They think they're some superior race. It's the reason why they're purging every other ethnicity.

They're extremely racist towards foreigners, something which we saw happen to Africans.

I watched a vlog of Chinese in Africa, the Chinese man teach black kids cooking Chinese food, the Chinese call a black boy little monkey, you may declare this is racism, but it's not a problem for both African and Chinese.
Another massive under construction concentration camp in Xinjiang spotted by western satelite
The west will report finding a new concentration camp for children in Xinjiang.
Dear, the West had won the cold war by propagandas, during 40 years cold war, the West propagandas targeting at Islam readers it simplify and emphasize communism as atheists, at rich nations readers it simplify and emphasize communism as robbing of private wealth, at new established nations reader, it simplify and emphasize communism as revolution, it has very deliberate views for each individual group and it continue to plant the propagandas in readers minds. In this case, Muslim just know communism is atheist, don't know other contents of communism; rich guys just know communism want egalitarianism, don't know other parts... You can only change it gradually now, waiting for West more and more failture. Focus on internal grows, and wait for the world changes.

Do you see any Korean, Japanese, Mongolian and South American posters in this forum? They have no Muslim problem, They don't care it at all. I have deeply think about it. We should try to report more and more Islam related news worldwide and analysis, not just post things about China. Afterall, it is Muslims forum platform.
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