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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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There is absolutely nothing to clarify. The totalitarian Communist dictatorship is running concentration camps. This is what the Nazis did in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

Here is video evidence of Communist China’s concentration camps. This is in Korla city. We are dealing with pure evil folks. Pure evil. These are human beings they are doing this to.

If you think this is just the behaviour of bunch of Chinese kids you really haven’t been around Han Chinese people. If you did, you would quickly realise Han Chinese are the most racist group of people you will ever come across. There is a reason Vietnamese, Japanese, Koreans all hate the Han Chinese with a burning passion. It’s due to the grotesque racism spewed by the Han Chinese. Han Chinese are racist to any non-Han Chinese especially people of brown and black skin colour and other Asians. Get to know a few of them and it will hit you like a bolt of lightning. There are racists, and then there are the Han Chinese racists. I’m speaking from experience of talking to Han Chinese at University and at work.

You can not expect these blind subverted lot to see any truth. They have grown up in an atmosphere of false propaganda and have develop a habit of lying. They will not only try to defend the dirty work of their dictatorial regime but will try to glorify it. They are regressed nations and will collapse at any time. They do not know the power of truth.
They have grown up in an atmosphere of false propaganda and have develop a habit of lying. They will not only try to defend the dirty work of their dictatorial regime but will try to glorify it. They are regressed nations and will collapse at any time. They do not know the power of truth.
There is absolutely nothing to clarify. The totalitarian Communist dictatorship is running concentration camps. This is what the Nazis did in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

Here is video evidence of Communist China’s concentration camps. This is in Korla city. We are dealing with pure evil folks. Pure evil. These are human beings they are doing this to.

If you think this is just the behaviour of bunch of Chinese kids you really haven’t been around Han Chinese people. If you did, you would quickly realise Han Chinese are the most racist group of people you will ever come across. There is a reason Vietnamese, Japanese, Koreans all hate the Han Chinese with a burning passion. It’s due to the grotesque racism spewed by the Han Chinese. Han Chinese are racist to any non-Han Chinese especially people of brown and black skin colour and other Asians. Get to know a few of them and it will hit you like a bolt of lightning. There are racists, and then there are the Han Chinese racists. I’m speaking from experience of talking to Han Chinese at University and at work.

Sit down Indian, you are not the voice which will convince us against our ally China.

Don't quote Hong Kong separatists to prove China wrong, they are CIA agents.

What is Modi doing to Indian Muslims and also Kashmiris (who are Pakistanis?) That is what genocide looks like.

Stupid like you can't understand the difference.

He is a typical racist anti-Pakistan poster. I have a strong feeling he is Indisn too.

We appreciate Chinese help on Kashmir, Palestine, Rohingya issues. Glad to see we are on the same point.

Indonesians murdered tens of thousands of ethnic Chinese in the 1960s and raped and murdered hundreds of Chinese girls in the 1990s.

The Chinese language was banned.

Unlike the Uighurs who slaughtered 100s of Chinese in terrorist attacks, the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia were not engaged in terrorism.

So should China ask Indonesia for an explanation?

Don't believe the words of Indian and Chinese expatriates in Malaysia and Indonesia, many complicated politics are at work there. They over exaggerate often.

I am sure @Indos can fill you in.
Sit down Indian, you are not the voice which will convince us against our ally China.

Don't quote Hong Kong separatists to prove China wrong, they are CIA agents.

What is Modi doing to Indian Muslims and also Kashmiris (who are Pakistanis?) That is what genocide looks like.

He is a typical racist anti-Pakistan poster. I have a strong feeling he is Indisn too.

We appreciate Chinese help on Kashmir, Palestine, Rohingya issues. Glad to see we are on the same point.

Don't believe the words of Indian and Chinese expatriates in Malaysia and Indonesia, many complicated politics are at work there. They over exaggerate often.

I am sure @Indos can fill you in.

Dear Communist China is perfect and can do no wrong. It’s a paradise.

Anyone that criticise the lovely Communists in China is an Indian, CIA or Anglo racists.

The little red book is perfect too.
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I disagree. I think AngloAmerican are the most racist. They have a superiority complex and think everyone is beneath them. They are also very violent. Anglo American society justified genocide through white supremacy. They have racist names for all nonwhite races. Very dehumanizing names. Chinese are so much tamer. Chinese doesn’t go around the world and promote their supremacy but Anglo white supremacy permeates through all their media.

The West are hardly racist, they are Affluencier and Opportunist, they sell their ideology simply because they can, and that would advance their interest and gain (Hence the Opportunist part), on the other hand, any country, if giving a chance would do the same thing, and that include China. This is because each country only look after its own interest. Nothing more, nothing less. So if given a chance to expand their influence, any country would get on that train as quick as you say "What"

That does not mean the West (And like you said Anglo-Saxon American, by the way, saying this itself is consider a racist and a racial profiling term) I will not argue there are racist people in the west, however, Western Society are build with Homogeneity in mind, or people would like to say "It's a melting pot" On the other hand, Chinese Society is build with Heterogeneity and Xenophobia, which mean they are build on one group of people. Now, some may say it (Xenophobia) is racist trait, I do not consider this as racist.

As for name, you think Chinese don't have racist name for Westerner? Again, people can be racist, but society cannot. Not in the west anyway.

Sit down Indian, you are not the voice which will convince us against our ally China.

Don't quote Hong Kong separatists to prove China wrong, they are CIA agents.

What is Modi doing to Indian Muslims and also Kashmiris (who are Pakistanis?) That is what genocide looks like.

Sit Down Pakistani, and you know about Hong Kong and China? Have you ever even been there? Can you point it out where it even is if I give you a map of China?

If you want people to mind their own business, you first need to do the same. Otherwise the word you are looking for is called "Hypocrite"
Dear Communist China is perfect and can do no wrong. It’s a paradise.

Anyone that criticise the lovely Communists in China is an Indian, CIA or Anglo racists.

The little red book is perfect too.

Get lost Indian. What alliance Pakistan and rest of Muslims choose is none of your concern.

You are our enemy and ally of our foe Israel, we don't value your opinion.

China is our friend and ally, their support allowed us to give you a black nose on Feb of this year. Whole of the West, Israel, and even Gulf are with you, but still you can't touch Pakistan.

Long live Pakistan China friendship. :pakistan::china:

Sit Down Pakistani,

I am a Pakistani in a Pakistani forum, what is your business here?

I can say as I feel and believe. None of your concern, you are welcome to leave if you hate Pakistanis.

I would not be surprised if you are another India , you people never get sick of fake IDs.

you know about Hong Kong and China? Have you ever even been there? Can you point it out where it even is if I give you a map of China?

If you want people to mind their own business, you first need to do the same. Otherwise the word you are looking for is called "Hypocrite"

Just because British stole Hong Kong from China, and refused to give it back until recently, it doesn't make Hong Kong independent. Same for Taiwan, Chinese emperor fled from there after Communist take over and they have become a Western base against China. Both are part of China and are Chinese.

British did the same with Pakistan, they gave our land of Kashmir to murdering, rapist Indians who killed 100,000 and raped 10,000 Kashmiris since 1947.

We won't forget their double games and 100% support China who suffered the same.
I disagree. I think AngloAmerican are the most racist. They have a superiority complex and think everyone is beneath them. They are also very violent. Anglo American society justified genocide through white supremacy. They have racist names for all nonwhite races. Very dehumanizing names. Chinese are so much tamer. Chinese doesn’t go around the world and promote their supremacy but Anglo white supremacy permeates through all their media.

I have good Chinese friends whom I have made, they don't care that I am Muslim and Pakistani. How can I say otherwise? Chinese are decent people and are not as West portray them.

Westerners are far more racist than anyone. Maybe their pawns and supporters are more racist like Serb, Greek, Armenian, Israelis, Black Christian Africans, Neo-Nazis, etc.
@WebMaster , @Horus , @waz , please take care of this multi-ID troll @jhungary now shamelessly acting as @KungFuLee @FedererExpress, i got banned for few yrs for the doing the same, justice should be serve as well sir, thankyou

Again, who is this @jhungary guy, this is the 4th time I have been accused of being him. And I don't think I have interacted with this person as well anyway.

Maybe it is for the better, please do look it up and clear this out once and for all, thanks.
Again, who is this @jhungary guy, this is the 4th time I have been accused of being him. And I don't think I have interacted with this person as well anyway.

Maybe it is for the better, please do look it up and clear this out once and for all, thanks.

It’s got absolutely nothing to do with any of that. This is another attempt by the CCP trolls to silence dissenting voices on this forum. Unless you kiss the CCP’s backside, you will get accused and threatened.

This is to bully the moderators into censoring our voices. Communists love censorship. They censor everything in China and now export their censorship to the rest of the world.

Imagine if they do these things to us what kind of monstrosity they do to the Uyghurs and Tibetans.
Don't believe the words of Indian and Chinese expatriates in Malaysia and Indonesia, many complicated politics are at work there. They over exaggerate often.

I am sure @Indos can fill you in.

Yup. Believing Indonesian murdered tens of thousand Chinese in 1960 and hundreds of Chinese in 1990's is similar like believing that there is concentration camp for 1 million Uigyur in Xin Jiang just like the Nazis do.

Indonesians murdered tens of thousands of ethnic Chinese in the 1960s and raped and murdered hundreds of Chinese girls in the 1990s.

The Chinese language was banned.

Unlike the Uighurs who slaughtered 100s of Chinese in terrorist attacks, the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia were not engaged in terrorism.

So should China ask Indonesia for an explanation?

Those who were death in 1960's is because of civil war between Communist follower against Anti Communist follower. Most of the victims are Native Communist Indonesian and some Chinese Indonesian that also become Communist sympathizer. The target is not Chinese Indonesian.

While in Mei 1998 that only happen within 3 days the riots are only targeting Chinese Indonesian businesses since Chinese Indonesian businesses are perceived at that time as Soeharto backer and get huge economic advantage during his rule. The riots are also happened because of the government action who killed university demonstrators in Trisakti university, the ones who burned the building are merely criminals.

The death victim are all with burned body who are the ones trapped in shopping centers trying to steal goods sold there. Most of them are natives. You can check into TGPF result in Wikipedia. That is an independent investigation set up after Soeharto resign. The chairman of the investigation is Marzuki Darusman who is respected world wide and also become the chairman of UN fact finding committe on Rohingya recently.
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