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All The World's Militaries...


Apr 28, 2009
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United States
United States
...Could not take on the US.

Put aside the nuclear perspective for now and focus on how to take on US conventionally.

Bottom line is: The world's militaries COMBINED could not.

I got in touch with Dylan Lehrke, Americas Armed Forces Analyst at IHS Jane's.

The amphibious assault capability of the world's militaries, excluding the United States, is simply too small.

...any attempted invasion of the US would first look like a rather motley caravan of vulnerable civilian ships and aircraft.

...an invasion would have to come via a land border, with the terrain of the southern border (that with Mexico) being most conducive to military operations. However, the fact that the largest US Army armor base happens to be in Texas naturally would hinder such an attack.

But the question you are really asking, if I am correct, is: Are the world's combined forces enough to conquer the United States? Here the answer is no, for it is much harder to project force. It requires logistical resources that the rest of the world simply does not have.

...US naval and air power would destroy any adversary, far before they sullied the US shore.

There are not enough aircraft carriers and amphibious warfare ships in the combined navies of the world to force an entry past the US Navy. There are not enough attack fighters to gain air superiority against the US Air Force.
 This is how amazingly out of balance the military might of the world is today.

I suspect you had hoped for a more Red Dawn-type possibility but I can’t offer one without stretching reality beyond the point of reason. We would have to bring in pure science fiction to make it feasible.
US military is the strongest in the world...no country can compete with it... no doubting tht... but this is pure BS..
A bold claim from the country where the gay pride parades are held instead of the military parades.
USA is incredibly powerful but forgot the whole world even Russia or china both Alone can give tough fight to USA.
I suppose that 10% of the Russian nuclear arsenal would be enough to flatten the entire United States.

But if we keep nuclear weapons out of the equation for a second and concentrate on a conventional invasion of America. Lets say that Russia, China, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, India and a beverly of other nations with the help of Mexico and Canada will attack the US. I would have a buildup of forces both in Canada and Mexico. Then there will be a total embargo on the US of EVERYTHING. So the US won't get access to raw materials and spare parts for its industry the live blood for a war. I would use ballistic and other missile's to strike at key US military production facilities and cyber attack them too and other utilities and military installations across the US. I will do hit and run attacks on the US borders with my forces make the US bleed resources that it cannot replenish. I will take the easy target first by occupying Alaska from the get go. To deny the Americans the resources that Alaska provides them. We can easily do that with Canada and Russia on our side. Once the US is weakend enough i will have a full scale military attack on two fronts both from the north (Canada) and from the south (Mexico). It will be a slogging fest but the rest of the world would win because of more man power, resources and production facilities spread all over the world that the US can't hit them all. The more territorry that the enemy forces gain the less and less resources there will be available to the American side.

The flaw in this article is that it talks about or a invasion from Mexico, or a invasion from Canada and or a cyber attack. But what if you replace the word or with and.
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USA is incredibly powerful but forgot the whole world even Russia or china both Alone can give tough fight to USA.
Tough Fight LoL even talibans are giving a tough fight to Mighty US forces But in all out war Weapons and networking can easily change the outcome of war In that Field No One even the combined China , Russia can match with US in this Field
In the End the only thing matters is how much enemy you can sweep in 1st wave ( Surprise attack )
First of all, for anyone who bother to read the article, it was saying in a case of a combine World force INVADE the continental US, US can expel it.

Second of all, the article is talking about a conventional warfare, not thermo nuclear war. That Radner some of the poster comment a moot point, especially when poster compare military parade and gay pride

It is true, even if you put the world combine, US can fend off an attack of world invasion, on the account there are no one can deploy as much troop and asset (General mobilisation) to a foreign land as quickly and as massively than the United States.

To invade some country, you need a combine sealift, airlift and assault ability, in a good day, you can probably reliever 10% of you total military power oversea, even US can only do 15%.

While troop and asset will not appear in battle by magic, one need to deliver them in battlefield, in case of and expedition force, with is without a land border connect, asset must be deliver by sea or air.

For that, you need to account for the massive navy and the US military process, again in a good day, you will need 5 : 1 attacker to defender ratio if you can overpower the defender both land and sea, if not, the ratio is 12 : 1 when you talk about the defender is the United States, you are talking about a country that have 800 warship, including. 10 carrier ground, 5 assault group with 8 fighter carrying LHD. 3000 combat aircrafts. Has the world combine have 12 times the military power the US had?

Then you need to count the massive ground power the US process. In short,
If the US cannot occupied 3 tier country like Iraq and Afghanistan, the same logic applies that the whole have no hope to occupy the United States
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I suppose that 10% of the Russian nuclear arsenal would be enough to flatten the entire United States.

But if we keep nuclear weapons out of the equation for a second and concentrate on a conventional invasion of America. Lets say that Russia, China, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, India and a beverly of other nations with the help of Mexico and Canada will attack the US. I would have a buildup of forces both in Canada and Mexico. Then there will be a total embargo on the US of EVERYTHING. So the US won't get access to raw materials and spare parts for its industry the live blood for a war. I would use ballistic and other missile's to strike at key US military production facilities and cyber attack them too and other utilities and military installations across the US. I will do hit and run attacks on the US borders with my forces make the US bleed resources that it cannot replenish. I will take the easy target first by occupying Alaska from the get go. To deny the Americans the resources that Alaska provides them. We can easily do that with Canada and Russia on our side. Once the US is weakend enough i will have a full scale military attack on two fronts both from the north (Canada) and from the south (Mexico). It will be a slogging fest but the rest of the world would win because of more man power, resources and production facilities spread all over the world that the US can't hit them all. The more territorry that the enemy forces gain the less and less resources there will be available to the American side.

The flaw in this article is that it talks about or a invasion from Mexico, or a invasion from Canada and or a cyber attack. But what if you replace the word or with and.

You have one major flaw on you post. That is you assume you can have Mexico and Canada as a launching pad.

In case of that,we will annex both Mexico and Canada as part of defence strategy, the thing is do you think a combine Russia, China and whatever country you include would be faster than US trying to occupy them? Then you must be dreaming.

In that case, there are no way anyone can be faster than US to annex Mexico and Canada, and don't forget, we can and WE WILL fight back
There's no any enternal empire in human history, the time will crush all.
Even the strongest military, no power to unify the world.
The Key here is the geographical location of US
Which is difficult to invade by China/Russia (only these two countries can stand for a few months in current scenario).

Yes but if conflict in taking place in other locations(Korea/Japan) then dynamics may change based on a lot of factors.
For example: If US invades Syria/Iran and Russia/China offer full military support to Syrian/Iranian Govt then I don't think it will be a cake walk like Iraq/Libya/Afghanistan for US.
USA is incredibly powerful but forgot the whole world even Russia or china both Alone can give tough fight to USA.
tough time....? are you kidding....? if untrained, un-armed or armed with century year old weapons, no air-force or naval force, no command and control system,... mean TALIBAN give a tough time to Americans and they accepted it, then what is the need to come face to face for fight to US with China and Russia? Of course, America used Talibans to crush that time power of Russia, now the same policy is adopted by them i.e. Russia and China is probably feeding Afghan Talibans to fight against Americans... I am not speaking of Pakistani pseudo-Talibans, of course every one knows that whose puppets are they and on whose interests they are working right now... but Americans are focusing wrong game right now,
tough time....? are you kidding....? if untrained, un-armed or armed with century year old weapons, no air-force or naval force, no command and control system,... mean TALIBAN give a tough time to Americans and they accepted it, then what is the need to come face to face for fight to US with China and Russia? Of course, America used Talibans to crush that time power of Russia, now the same policy is adopted by them i.e. Russia and China is probably feeding Afghan Talibans to fight against Americans... I am not speaking of Pakistani pseudo-Talibans, of course every one knows that whose puppets are they and on whose interests they are working right now... but Americans are focusing wrong game right now,

Controlling a country is difficult ... destroying it isnt..
Lol people act like they are 12 trying to sound important

Again, for people who bother to read the article, but not just the headline, it says IF THE WORLD INVADE THE US MAINLAND not if the world fought a random battle with the US on a random country.

People think we cannot control Afghanistan than US forces were useless, if you think so, I got news for you, you should get your head examined.

Do you know US is invading the 41st biggest country ( out of 196) in the world with less than 15% of their military might? Lets break it down shall we?

178,000 ground troop rotation ( from 2 million us military personnel)
1 CBG with 2 carrier ( out of 10)
300-460 ground/air attack craft ( out of 4000 combat aircraft navy + af)

The 15% is the maximum our sealift and aiift branch can afford to resupply, news flash, Chinese + Russia do not even reac that mark, especially Chinese sea lift and airlift capability virtually do not exist

But If you are invading the US like the article suggested, you are not just facing the 15% or less force of the US military, you will be facing 100% of the US force plus militia group, civil defence force, civil air patrol and national guards

If we can go out to the 41st biggest country, invade it form nothing, give taliban a run for their money, with just 15% of our force, go imagine what 100% + militia group + civil defence + national guard can do

And then, after all that, you are going to face some very pissed off, unhappy, armed citizen, 300 millions strong. Now tell me, do you think the world can conquer the US?

In case of a war, when invasion of the US is imminent, the US will annex both Canada and Mexico and take control of their coast with our USN and USCG, if both do not comply, then the US will invade both country and extend our air defence and coastal defence within these area.

We have more than enough fighter aircraft and naval ship to extend our patrol off Canadian and Mexican border, with that expansion, you are seeing whatever invasion force are facing a defence net of 5 carrier group and somewhere between 1000-1500 fighter aircrafts.

Now tell me a penetration is possible

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