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All stories on Ukraine airliner tragedy

Few important factor for our PDF kids ..
1. NTSB is going to Iran. Blackbox data will be shared per agreement.
2. Also once any weapon hit the plane, explosive traces always stay with plane structure AND with human body. So, nothing will be remained secret.

And please try to have some fact based discussion instead of chest thumping/bashing/kiddish response contest.
There are a couple of trolls on this thread from their rev guard; gross incompentence has no place. Here they were beating their chests and now they are murderers of their own.
147 Iranians were on boards & incident took place in Iran surly Iranian would be first whom commenting here ... who is from rev guard? can you prove it or just lies?
Investigation still is continuing & nothing confirmed yet...
Who proved it? Some clown Khamenai propagandist?

me ...

Fake ,you can easily add missile here 2 missiles hit it

Clearly something going on over here to blame Iran ... in this fake video (1 missile version) seconds after impact the plane crashed and you here explosion and no reaction from the one that filming and Q is why is he filming it?
while there are other videos filmed by people that show at least more than 1 minute of plane flying in fire and then crashed ...
So some try to spread rumors ...
58 seconds while it was already on fire while in missile one no fire before & after hit and in 10 seconds it crashs
147 Iranians were on boards & incident took place in Iran surly Iranian would be first whom commenting here ... who is from rev guard? can you prove it or just lies?
Investigation still is continuing & nothing confirmed yet...

me ...

Fake ,you can easily add missile here 2 missiles hit it
That does NOT prove that video is fake.

Clearly something going on over here to blame Iran ... in this fake video (1 missile version) seconds after impact the plane crashed and you here explosion and no reaction from the one that filming and Q is why is he filming it?
while there are other videos filmed by people that show at least more than 1 minute of plane flying in fire and then crashed ...
So some try to spread rumors ...
58 seconds while it was already on fire while in missile one no fire before & after hit and in 10 seconds it crashs
There were two missiles so he started filming after first.

If it was hit by a missile it would have exploded or broken up into pieces before hitting the ground.
Nonsense why would 80,000 kg two engine plane explode and break into pieces because of 14.5 kg warhead?
That does NOT prove that video is fake.

There were two missiles so he started filming after first.

Nonsense why would 80,000 kg two engine plane explode and break into pieces because of 14.5 kg warhead?
then explain timing and no fire ... & crushing in 10 seconds
Video with missile is fake ..
Where is fire here:

VS this
Pane crashed about 3 minutes after it was hit. The fire did not start immediately.
In missile video the plane crashes in 10 seconds after being hit while in other ones it took at least 1 minutes and was on fire... so by your logic plane was hit and crushed and then magically flew again for 3 minutes and fire started gradually ...
In missile video the plane crashes in 10 seconds after being hit while in other ones it took at least 1 minutes and was on fire... so by your logic plane was hit and crushed and then magically flew again for 3 minutes and fire started gradually ...
There is no any plane crash in missile video. Where from u got that??

There is a sound of missile hit 11 seconds after the flash. That means it happened some 3.7 kms from the place of filming.

There is no any plane crash in missile video. Where from u got that??

There is a sound of missile hit 11 seconds after the flash. That means it happened some 3.7 kms from the place of filming.

View attachment 599057
thx sound logical ... but as I said earlier we should wait to see result of investigations ..
the shrapnel ridden panel justify a missile hit...
The only problem is that is not shrapnel . I previously posted that photo and then put another photo from the same pannel beside it and showed everyone those are not shrapnel but trick of light on some pebbles from that angle.
Yes they are just some pebbles but from that angel they look like shrapnel .

Since when USA tell truth about iran

That does NOT prove that video is fake.
The fact that somebody walking in middle of night in ruins and filming dark sky that shows nothing talk a lot for itself.
Iran is already destroying the scene by cleaning up before anybody outside could study it close. Already using bulldozers.
Meanwhile in the crash of B737 MAX of Ethiopian airlines, but it was totally cool few months ago:

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