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Perfect coup de tat in progress for Pakistan

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Congrats to Pakistan...

As NA has said this was breach against article 5 and now is time to finish them off and make them defunctional. They desparately played their last card and this is probably the last time you will see stooges showing their head as they have danced their last tango. The Motion was thrown away....

I don't know whether this was always the game plan in order to bait them out of their caves and then seize them but they have had a mighty fall..

They were overly confident and they had no shame and were willing to eat from the ground. Imho the military should personally conduct a hunt down for them because these stooges are compromised invidivudals and it is to risky to have such individuals in our amidst. Imran Khan just tactically draw them out into the open so people could see who they are these people by giving them hope they outted themselves to early which was perfect tactics and they took the bait..

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Kasa dia hahaha

Honestly speaking these folks should be dealt with. Bilawal and co have no future in Pakistan period. They unwittingly played their last hand ever again and lost it by miscalculating.

They were sort of busted and lost everything today. They will lose Sindh and other key areas including wealth. I would prefer prison term for high treason for all involved
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Honestly speaking these folks should be dealt with. Bilawal and co have no future in Pakistan period. They unwittingly play their last hand ever again and lost it by miscalculating.

They were sort of busted and lost everything today. They will lose Sindh and other key areas including wealth. I would prefer prison term for high treason for all involved

Unfortunately with a corrupt judiciary and corrupt judges that just isn't going to happen.

For that to happen, you need to hang the judges first. And you can't do that unless there is dictatorship...
Perfect coup d'etat In Progress in Pakistan:

  1. SC Summarily quashed petition against No Confidence motion
  2. Army +Positively Neutral
  3. Army Chief harsh tone against Russian Invasion
  4. US backing of PDM

What is the Yes or No option in your poll?
Sheikh Imran Hossein makes several interesting points, especially with Yajuj and Majuj present in western civilization, but how on earth could Vladimir Putin possibly be Dhul Qarnain lol.
Unfortunately with a corrupt judiciary and corrupt judges that just isn't going to happen.

For that to happen, you need to hang the judges first. And you can't do that unless there is dictatorship...

We will do anything to get rid of the enemies of Pakistan starting with these inside our country but they just were not visible to us but now they are.. The Pakistani people are willing to go to any length to remove them in any shape of way. The stooges may have lost today but that is not enough they have shown their faces and appeared to the people of Pakistan who they are.. Their future in Pakistan is pretty much over..

I Assure you this was their last gambit which backfired on them
If you read quran in saudia. They dont have zer zabar.we non arab use zer zaber.

Sheikh Imran Hussain is a politically motivated and controversial Islamic scholar as I have pointed out earlier. He goes to great lengths to create pro-Russian narratives in eschatological context in his teachings which he is not supposed to do.

This forum have a member @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan who know much about this person. I have tagged him.
You mean these Australian soldiers killed poor Afghans to showed their manhood rit? What Australians were doing in Afghanistan. Did Afghans attacked Australia? Come on. you guys are shameless beyond any level.
So brave the Australians ran out as soon as the Taliban shot back.
We will do anything to get rid of the enemies of Pakistan starting with these inside our country but they just were not visible to us but now they are.. The Pakistani people are willing to go to any length to remove them in any shape of way. The stooges may have lost today but that is not enough they have shown their faces and appeared to the people of Pakistan who they are.. Their future in Pakistan is pretty much over..

I Assure you this was their last gambit which backfired on them

I love your enthusiasm. But it's a bit naive considering the history of Pakistan where the powerful corrupt are protected by the system and establishment.

The average citizen of Pakistan are disenfranchised.

But slogans are cute.

I do hope Imran Khan wins the next election with a majority and he is able to change this.... I guess I still have hope..
I love your enthusiasm. But it's a bit naive considering the history of Pakistan where the powerful corrupt are protected by the system and establishment.

The average citizen of Pakistan are disenfranchised.

But slogans are cute.

I do hope Imran Khan wins the next election with a majority and he is able to change this.... I guess I still have hope..

lol.. Any country can chase stooge elites what makes you think Pakistan can't.. It will and can do.. These people are finished they are no future in Pakistan period.. Even the motion rejected on the basis that it was foreign conspiracy..

Mark my words they are done!! :pakistan:
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