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All Churches must be destroyed! - Saudi Arabia

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Apr 30, 2012
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The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia has said that all churches in the Arabian Peninsula must be destroyed. The statement prompted anger and dismay from Christians throughout the Middle East.

Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah made the controversial statement in a response to a question from a Kuwaiti NGO delegation. A Kuwaiti parliamentarian had called for a ban on the construction of new churches in February, but so far the initiative has not been passed into law. The NGO, called the Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage, asked the Sheikh to clarify what Islamic law says on the matter.

The Grand Mufti, who is the highest official of religious law in Saudi Arabia, as well as the head of the Supreme Council of Islamic Scholars, cited the Prophet Mohammed, who said the Arabian Peninsula is to exist under only one religion.

The Sheikh went on to conclude that it was therefore necessary for Kuwait, being a part of the Arabian Peninsula, to destroy all churches on its territory.

In February, Kuwaiti MP Osama al-Munawar announced on Twitter that he was planning to submit legislation that would remove all churches in the country. However, he later clarified that existing churches should remain, while the construction of new non-Islamic places of worship would be banned.

Another MP, Mohamemd Hayef, backed al-Munawar, saying the number of churches in the country was already disproportionate to the number of Christians.

As for Saudi Arabia, all religions other than Islam are banned and there are no churches, although a small minority of Christians is theoretically allowed to practice their religion in the privacy of their own home.

The Grand Mufti’s words have caused a heated response from Christians living in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and other countries throughout the Middle East. A number of bloggers also wrote on the issue.

“Considering the hysteria that besets the West whenever non-authoritative individuals offend Islam – for instance, a fringe, unknown pastor – imagine what would happen if a Christian counterpart to the Grand Mufti, say the Pope, were to declare that all mosques in Italy must be destroyed; imagine the nonstop Western media frenzy that would erupt, all the shrill screams of 'intolerance' and 'bigot,' demands for apologies if not resignation, nonstop handwringing by sensitive politicians, and worse,” Raymond Ibrahim of Jihad Watch, a blog critical of extremist Islamic laws, wrote.


The Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City, Kuwait (Image from kuwaitdailyphoto.blogspot.com)
Despite the sensational news value of the story, the Western media has been remarkably silent. No major news services have covered the story yet. Ibrahim argues that the Grand Mufti gets a free pass even when he incites Muslims to destroy churches because Saudi Arabia is an ally of the United States.

Restrictions on Islam in the West

The Grand Mufti’s words seem to mirror what a number of US politicians have been calling for – only their words were aimed at mosques and Muslims. In January, Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain said Americans have a constitutional right to ban mosques, arguing that Islam combines church and state, which contradicts the US Constitution.

"They're using the church part of our First Amendment to infuse their morals in that community, and the people of that community do not like it,” Cain said on Fox News Sunday.

In November, Pat Buchanan, who vied for the Republican presidential nomination on a number of occasions, agreed with radio host Bryan Fischer in promoting limits to immigration from Islamic countries and the construction of new mosques.

In 2009 a constitutional amendment banning the construction of minarets was adopted in Switzerland following a referendum on the subject. Almost 58 per cent of the population said yes to the initiative, although the traditionally leftist French-speaking part of the country rejected it. The construction of new minarets is now banned throughout Switzerland, though the four existing minarets in Zurich, Geneva, Winterthur and Wangei bei Olten are to remain.

In 2010, French legislators banned face-covering headgear in public. The ban meant that women caught wearing the burqa in public could be fined up to 150 euros and/or be forced to participate in citizenship education. Proponents of the legislation argued that face covering was both an issue of security and social integrity, as facial recognition is important for communication. Opponents said the law encroached on personal freedoms.
It is a just a matter of time...Churches, Temples, Synagogues , Gurudwaras etc..will be slowly but surely destroyed in all Arab countries then followed by all other muslim countries...
Following another religion publicly is already outlawed in many arab countries..It will be followed by in all Islamic world...The ultimate aim to destroy all other religions in the whole world...
It is a just a matter of time...Churches, Temples, Synagogues , Gurudwaras etc..will be slowly but surely destroyed in all Arab countries then followed by all other muslim countries...
Following another religion publicly is already outlawed in many arab countries..It will be followed by in all Islamic world...The ultimate aim to destroy all other religions in the whole world...

The Lahore Resolution in 1940 promised rights to minority. Pakistan will never be able to follow the above said state of affairs, doing so will result in ideological suicide.
It is a just a matter of time...Churches, Temples, Synagogues , Gurudwaras etc..will be slowly but surely destroyed in all Arab countries then followed by all other muslim countries...
Following another religion publicly is already outlawed in many arab countries..It will be followed by in all Islamic world...The ultimate aim to destroy all other religions in the whole world...

lol there are not much temples,gurudwaras in arab countries to start with.....

anyway one more muslim shoots himself in the foot and we know what this means to image if islam in the western world..

I personally think the western christians as the most intolerant of all religions, atleast till the recent past...only now they have mellowed down a bit and these islamicans are doing everything to provoke the westerners...
We have not the knowledge to give a opinion about this.
The Lahore Resolution in 1940 promised rights to minority. Pakistan will never be able to follow the above said state of affairs, doing so will result in ideological suicide.

But sir, isnt it happening already? Many Ahmediyas are already leaving Pakistan under threat from right wing fundamentalist groups and also because of apathy from the gov..Their mosques(or prayer houses) are already being targeted and fatwas are being given against them every other day.

And then u have other minority groups like Hindus and Christians.. now i have observed their situation is not as bad as ahmediyas..and in recent times u have not seen any direct attacks on their temples and Churches..but the people are being targeted. either for money or their women, they are being systematically targeted. We have more than 200 Hindu families from Pakistan who have fled to India in last few years.

And not to forget Shias. Shias like Ahmediyas are having the worst deal. not only in Pakistan but in rest of the islamic world theyare facing the threat of being wiped out.

Now i agree, Pakistani state is not involved directly or even indirectly in most of the cases. But there has not been any serious attempt by the gov to find a solution for the safety of minorities.
What's wrong with the fatwa? It's a mild and innocuous fatwa.

The analogy drawn in the article is also invalid because Italy itself, in its entirety, is not holy to any religion. The Arabian Peninsula is includes the two holiest sites of only one religion. Besides, the Grand Mufti or other similarly well informed, educated and knowledgeable people could elaborate on the religious reasons behind such ruling.

In any case, it is not out of hatred for Christians or Christianity but due to the strong Saudi stance against Shirk (loosely translated as "Polytheism", or more accurately, as the "act of associating partners with Allah (SWT), even though such definitions may need further elaboration). As many people may know, most Christians believe in Trinity nowadays, which is considered Shirk by most scholars.
The Lahore Resolution in 1940 promised rights to minority. Pakistan will never be able to follow the above said state of affairs, doing so will result in ideological suicide.
Everything is already clear in Holy Quran and Hadees. Pakistan is created for the implementation of Holy Quran and Hadees laws. otherwise there is no basis for the creation or survival of Pakistan......Yes there is freedom of the minorities in their religions within their own boundaries as its principles or guidelines are already explained in the Islamic/Quranic/Hadiths rules. Pakistan must follow The orders of Allah SBWT and his beloved
Rasool (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) otherwise the coming storm of the punishment from Allah SBWT will destroy everything and everybody gonna be dead almost everybody cuz nobody can runaway from his punishment.Islam never discriminate the liberties of the non-Muslims and never forces them to abandon their religions everything is on free will. Infact Islam provides safety and security to the lives and businesses of the non-Muslims and their religious practices......:coffee:
Sometimes, some mullahs are really weird. But the Grand Mufti says this???

What's wrong with the fatwa? It's a mild and innocuous fatwa.

The analogy drawn in the article is also invalid because Italy itself, in its entirety, is not holy to any religion. The Arabian Peninsula is includes the two holiest sites of only one religion. Besides, the Grand Mufti or other similarly well informed, educated and knowledgeable people could elaborate on the religious reasons behind such ruling.

In any case, it is not out of hatred for Christians or Christianity but due to the strong Saudi stance against Shirk (loosely translated as "Polytheism", or more accurately, as the "act of associating partners with Allah (SWT), even though such definitions may need further elaboration). As many people may know, most Christians believe in Trinity nowadays, which is considered Shirk by most scholars.

If this is mild wonder what would be severe ?

This man is asking for the demolition of places of religion and it is acceptable ?

Why dont we shut down electricity and phones too , they were invented by Christians.
The Lahore Resolution in 1940 promised rights to minority. Pakistan will never be able to follow the above said state of affairs, doing so will result in ideological suicide.

Even Jinnah wanted a secular pakistan.. But his view of pakistan has been hijacked by future leaders...
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