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All Afghans must respect Pakistan flag otherwise no trade

This is humiliating. Not the act of kissing the flag itself but being forced to submit. Trust me, if any of those poor laborers had any respect and love for Pakistan, they lost it immediately and it converted to hatred.

I don't understand why are we in such an inferiority complex. If they burned the Pakistani flag in Afghanistan, so what. Who gives a crap.

Also this shows the state of Muslims today especially Pakistanis. They don't feel a thing when Islam is blasphemed against but all hell breaks lose when someone insults the army head or burn the flag.

I hate this nationalism bullshit because it's simply UnIslamic but Muslims are forced into this nationalism thinking so they dare not even think about invading other countries and stick to their own little space. Meanwhile, everyone but Muslim is expanding and taking over the world and new territories. All because Muslims don't even know Islam anymore, they love some little piece of land more than Islam.

Look at the world today. India is expanding into Kashmir and we're scared and want peace. Israel is expanding to Palestine. America has taken over the whole damn world almost. China has taken over East Turkmenistan by force and forcing Muslims to blaspheme against Islam and nobody, no general of Pakistan cares, heh not even many Muslims care.

If a Muslim tries to expand, he's called a terrorist and that shuts them down. Muslims have been put on the defensive, worst than that, they're scared to even defend themselves. They're scared of their existence. Meanwhile, anyone but Muslims wiping out millions of humans is not terrorism but a great gift to humanity.

Why doesn't Pakistan take over Afghanistan? Why is America allowed to but its a sin for Pakistan. We have damn well fought the war and our army can take it in a matter of days.

This reminds me of the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (saww) that goes something like this. Islam started as an unpopular opinion and it will become as an unpopular opinion near the end times. By Allah, i am seeing it happen. With what's happening to Uighur Muslims, it's unpopular to raise voice for them.

I am going to be called a terrorist now because i am preaching invading other countries. Whereas for a non Muslim it is okay because they're the bringer of peace by wiping out everything in that country.

This is how the end times are coming. Muslims are reduced to tiny pockets of countries, nationalism being made their religion and one by one, they're picked off. United we stand, divided we fall.

I hate Nationalism. I will burn the Pakistani flag today if i could be arsed and it wouldn't matter. Because the flag is useless piece of nothing, we should be changing our flag and merging other countries flags into it. I want to burn Pakistani flag and introduce the taranga into it after conquering India, India damn well dream of it and tried in February this year, China has plans to in future to dominate the whole Asia (they tried with Vietnam), why not us? Because we Muslim? . Too big a target? Why not take over Afghanistan.

Anyway, end of my rant. Let's teach those innocent Afghani laborers a lesson meanwhile the actual culprits probably weren't even Aghanis to begin with and RAW agents to create a divide between Pakistan and Afghanistan and at the same time, as America prepares documents proving Iran possesses weapons of mass destruction and is a threat to America thousands of miles away and we join hands in bombing Iran and then in the aftermath when Iran hates us and someone burns our flag, we will teach them a lesson too.
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This is humiliating.
That is exactly the plan time to show them who is boss once you cross Durand line
Trust me, if any of those poor laborers had any respect and love for Pakistan, they lost it immediately and it converted to hatred
Cool dont let the gate them on the way out
I don't understand why are we in such an inferiority complex. If they burned the Pakistani flag in Afghanistan, so what. Who gives a crap.
They wish to work in Pakistan after that well there will be consequences
They don't feel a thing when Islam is blasphemed
Hello Khadim Rizvi how was jail time
I hate this nationalism bullshit because it's simply UnIslamic but Muslims are forced into this nationalism thinking so they dare not even think about invading other countries and stick to their own little space. Meanwhile, everyone but Muslim is expanding and taking over the world and new territories. All because Muslims don't even know Islam anymore, they love some little piece of land more than Islam.

Why doesn't Pakistan take over Afghanistan? Why is America allowed to but its a sin for Pakistan. We have damn well fought the war and our army can take it in a matter of days.
That land has useless afghanis in it no need to take it over just control it from the sides and further our own interests
I hate Nationalism. I will burn the Pakistani flag today if i could be arsed and it wouldn't matter. Because the flag is useless piece of nothing, we should be changing our flag and merging other countries flags into it. I want to burn Pakistani flag and introduce the taranga into it after conquering India, India damn well dream of it and tried in February this year, China has plans to in future to dominate the whole Asia (they tried with Vietnam), why not us? Because we Muslim? . Too big a target? Why not take over Afghanistan.
Your everyday noon leagi @PakSword @BHarwana @RealNapster
Great way to teach the ungrateful fellows a lesson. I bet they will start respecting the flags of other nation now. :enjoy:
That is exactly the plan time to show them who is boss once you cross Durand line

Cool dont let the gate them on the way out

They wish to work in Pakistan after that well there will be consequences

Hello Khadim Rizvi how was jail time


That land has useless afghanis in it no need to take it over just control it from the sides and further our own interests

Your everyday noon leagi @PakSword @BHarwana @RealNapster

Himat hy tere, or velapan... ignore maar
Every #Afghan crossing the #Border must kiss the Pakistani flag if he wants to trade.
I think you just want to experience the pleasure of someone groveling at the feet of your "team"; you've felt victimized and now want to be a bully. :tdown::tdown:
This is humiliating. Not the act of kissing the flag itself but being forced to submit. Trust me, if any of those poor laborers had any respect and love for Pakistan, they lost it immediately and it converted to hatred.

I don't understand why are we in such an inferiority complex. If they burned the Pakistani flag in Afghanistan, so what. Who gives a crap.

Also this shows the state of Muslims today especially Pakistanis. They don't feel a thing when Islam is blasphemed against but all hell breaks lose when someone insults the army head or burn the flag.

I hate this nationalism bullshit because it's simply UnIslamic but Muslims are forced into this nationalism thinking so they dare not even think about invading other countries and stick to their own little space. Meanwhile, everyone but Muslim is expanding and taking over the world and new territories. All because Muslims don't even know Islam anymore, they love some little piece of land more than Islam.

Look at the world today. India is expanding into Kashmir and we're scared and want peace. Israel is expanding to Palestine. America has taken over the whole damn world almost. China has taken over East Turkmenistan by force and forcing Muslims to blaspheme against Islam and nobody, no general of Pakistan cares, heh not even many Muslims care.

If a Muslim tries to expand, he's called a terrorist and that shuts them down. Muslims have been put on the defensive, worst than that, they're scared to even defend themselves. They're scared of their existence. Meanwhile, anyone but Muslims wiping out millions of humans is not terrorism but a great gift to humanity.

Why doesn't Pakistan take over Afghanistan? Why is America allowed to but its a sin for Pakistan. We have damn well fought the war and our army can take it in a matter of days.

This reminds me of the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (saww) that goes something like this. Islam started as an unpopular opinion and it will become as an unpopular opinion near the end times. By Allah, i am seeing it happen. With what's happening to Uighur Muslims, it's unpopular to raise voice for them.

I am going to be called a terrorist now because i am preaching invading other countries. Whereas for a non Muslim it is okay because they're the bringer of peace by wiping out everything in that country.

This is how the end times are coming. Muslims are reduced to tiny pockets of countries, nationalism being made their religion and one by one, they're picked off. United we stand, divided we fall.

I hate Nationalism. I will burn the Pakistani flag today if i could be arsed and it wouldn't matter. Because the flag is useless piece of nothing, we should be changing our flag and merging other countries flags into it. I want to burn Pakistani flag and introduce the taranga into it after conquering India, India damn well dream of it and tried in February this year, China has plans to in future to dominate the whole Asia (they tried with Vietnam), why not us? Because we Muslim? . Too big a target? Why not take over Afghanistan.

Anyway, end of my rant. Let's teach those innocent Afghani laborers a lesson meanwhile the actual culprits probably weren't even Aghanis to begin with and RAW agents to create a divide between Pakistan and Afghanistan and at the same time, as America prepares documents proving Iran possesses weapons of mass destruction and is a threat to America thousands of miles away and we join hands in bombing Iran and then in the aftermath when Iran hates us and someone burns our flag, we will teach them a lesson too.

Patwari, what are you doing in your own country?

Forget Muslim Ummah for one minute.

Start first with the land you have been blessed with. You are support Nawaz and Co. who have robbed this country blind and crippled our generations. They want to sell us to india and its interests, and are willing to abandon Kashmiris.

Build Pakistan first as an example. Imran Khan is our best chance for that. Expand your influence as a genuine Muslim nation with a strong economic backbone.

The rest of the Muslim world will run after us, just like they do to Turkey and KSA.
That's a nice idea to improve trade and business around the world.:enjoy: Should implement in airports too.
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