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All aboard the crazy train? Pakistan’s railways minister threatens India with mini nukes

Some years back, a news broke out that Pakistan has developed world's smallest nuke.

It was the strategy of Israel to produce such briefcase size or pen size nukes, but program was abondoned without completion.

Yesterday, Sheikh Rasheed confirms it that Pakistan has 125-250gm nukes.


News link :
Spiked with tritium witch makes their yield x10.....

Poo ca booo.....India you doomed
Some years back, a news broke out that Pakistan has developed world's smallest nuke.

It was the strategy of Israel to produce such briefcase size or pen size nukes, but program was abondoned without completion.

Yesterday, Sheikh Rasheed confirms it that Pakistan has 125-250gm nukes.


News link :
Only terrorists will find it useful. Pakistan better dismantle them and submit report to UN that we no longer have such nukes.
With due respect brother, it is another thing to blast a bomb near the tank, and to target it with specialised tank busting nuclear tipped armament.
It will blow the tank to the smithereens if strike at the right place.

Do you think General Gafoor and General Bajwa know about it!!!
i dont know, my guess Gen bajwa must be knowing, lol cut him some slack he is the godfather, gen asif ghafoor, i dont know...since his job is altogether different.
I have been saying this but no one believed. Pakistan long ago was going for nano warheads.
Only terrorists will find it useful. Pakistan better dismantle them and submit report to UN that we no longer have such nukes.
This fool is most likely pulling things out of his large behind just to get some media attention as he does from time to time. I'm not sure if a nuclear bomb with that little of fissile material would even be effective. U need a certain amount of mass to keep the reaction sustained...this is known as the critical mass. Neutrons are fired at the uranium atoms(or whatever other fissile material)...which breaks up those atoms...which releases more neutrons...that further collide with other atoms breaking them up. This chain reaction needs to keep going...if one wants their nuclear bomb to be effective...the goal would be to theoretically release the energy in it's entirety by breaking up every single atom of the fissile material. Atoms are largely(about 99%) empty space. This means u have to fire lots of neutrons...before statistically by chance one would collide with the nucleus...if u don't have critical mass then the reaction would fizzle out bcuz the atoms that are being broken firing away their neutrons are too few.

In addition I doubt he is privy to such secretive information about Pak's nukes. With that I would like to request that mods shut down this useless thread that's a waste of time and space.
@The Eagle @waz @Dubious
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Even if we do have them, no one privy to such info will be moron enough to share it with a loud mouth idiot like shiekh rasheed, he has a habit of pulling things out of his arse just to remain relevant.
sometimes you have to tell them that dont stay in dark and small nukes are not like top secret thing in world. we have kept it secret now its time so i think stablishment want S rasheed to break out the news.
small nukes can damage more than anyone can imagin.
nukes Na Huey naswar Ki goli hogai.iss se Bari size Ki tou hum pathan naswar daalte Hain.
This fool is most likely pulling things out of his large behind just to get some media attention as he does from time to time. I'm not sure if a nuclear bomb with that little of fissile material would even be effective. U need a certain amount of mass to keep the reaction sustained...this is known as the critical mass. Neutrons are fired at the uranium atoms(or whatever other fissile material)...which breaks up those atoms...which releases more neutrons...that further collide with other atoms breaking them up. This chain reaction needs to keep going...if one wants their nuclear bomb to be effective...the goal would be to theoretically release the energy in it's entirety by breaking up every single atom of the fissile material. Atoms are largely(about 99%) empty space. This means u have to fire lots of neutrons...before statistically by chance one would collide with the nucleus...if u don't have critical mass then the reaction would fizzle out bcuz the atoms that are being broken firing away their neutrons are too few.

In addition I doubt he is privy to such secretive information about Pak's nukes. With that I would like to request that mods shut down this useless thread that's a waste of time and space.
@The Eagle @waz @Dubious

General masses are fool. If a big terror attack took place anywhere in developed world, news will be like that:
Today, Sydney hit by a small nuclear device, and Al Quiada took responsibility.
And in same news, newspaper will quote Shaikh Rasheed:
Earlier this year a Pakistani official claimed that only they have such bombs.

After few days, there will a video tape by Aiman Al Zawahiri in which he will say:
With the grace of Almighty God (Zionists in this case) we have achieved nuclear capability, and now we will blast every infidal on the face of earth(instead they will keep blasting Muslims).

The people sitting around Imran, and Imran himself, don't simply know what shit they are dealing with.
sometimes you have to tell them that dont stay in dark and small nukes are not like top secret thing in world. we have kept it secret now its time so i think stablishment want S rasheed to break out the news.
small nukes can damage more than anyone can imagin.

Sheeda talks about these things in a crass manner (Jattka tareeqa) on the request of his buddies. So what his buddies don't want to say "directly" themselves, they use their trusted donkey sheeda to do the job in his usual crass manner for them from time to time.
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General masses are fool. If a big terror attack took place anywhere in developed world, news will be like that:
Today, Sydney hit by a small nuclear device, and Al Quiada took responsibility.
And in same news, newspaper will quote Shaikh Rasheed:
Earlier this year a Pakistani official claimed that only they have such bombs.

After few days, there will a video tape by Aiman Al Zawahiri in which he will say:
With the grace of Almighty God (Zionists in this case) we have achieved nuclear capability, and now we will blast every infidal on the face of earth(instead they will keep blasting Muslims).

The people sitting around Imran, and Imran himself, don't simply know what shit they are dealing with.

That world has already fueled enough hated against Muslims in general and when they had to blame Pakistan; small or not, it is all about narrative they create. Iraq had none but do you see their current condition? Why shouldn't we keep few for the suffron terrorists? If the case could have been like you narrate; CIA & MOSSAd would have done so long ago but its not easy. You really need to think beyond tunnel and stop being victim of fearful propaganda.
General masses are fool. If a big terror attack took place anywhere in developed world, news will be like that:
Today, Sydney hit by a small nuclear device, and Al Quiada took responsibility.
And in same news, newspaper will quote Shaikh Rasheed:
Earlier this year a Pakistani official claimed that only they have such bombs.

After few days, there will a video tape by Aiman Al Zawahiri in which he will say:
With the grace of Almighty God (Zionists in this case) we have achieved nuclear capability, and now we will blast every infidal on the face of earth(instead they will keep blasting Muslims).

The people sitting around Imran, and Imran himself, don't simply know what shit they are dealing with.
brother every one knows how nuclear black market works in india we have exposed india before in multiple events so dont worry about news.
India is dangerous place for women and journalists do you think that news stop foreign tourism.
After fake bombay attack and OBL incident world sud have attacked Pakistan but did it happen?
So relax bro.
Only terrorists will find it useful. Pakistan better dismantle them and submit report to UN that we no longer have such nukes.
Or fire in rears of false flaggers and send them into hell next to their kins
General masses are fool. If a big terror attack took place anywhere in developed world, news will be like that:
Today, Sydney hit by a small nuclear device, and Al Quiada took responsibility.
And in same news, newspaper will quote Shaikh Rasheed:
Earlier this year a Pakistani official claimed that only they have such bombs.

After few days, there will a video tape by Aiman Al Zawahiri in which he will say:
With the grace of Almighty God (Zionists in this case) we have achieved nuclear capability, and now we will blast every infidal on the face of earth(instead they will keep blasting Muslims).

The people sitting around Imran, and Imran himself, don't simply know what shit they are dealing with.
So are u suggesting that Pak should officially announce its position everytime some idiot claims some made up stuff?

I get what u r saying...and that sort of propaganda is a very real threat...and it works on the masses. However I think that by having to tell "no we r clean" every time someone says some made up stuff that can make u look bad...is a bit foolish. Think of all the times those two bit Indian "journalists"(if we can call them that) accuse Pak about this and that on a daily basis. Instead of dignifying idiotic claims by having Pak government respond in an official capacity...they should be ignored.

In case of Sheikh Rasheed...bcuz he is somewhat of a political figure(unfortunately)...there should be strict laws against this behavior. While we can't control outside idiots(to our east) from claiming whatever they please...at the very least there should be consequences for our domestic idiots. For any unsubstantiated claims like the one he made about the state of Pakistan(having those weapons)...he should have to answer in court and given a chance to provide proof...if not then pay a hefty fine, hold a press conference where he is forced to apologize and resign(with some waiting period as penalty before he can run for whatever position again). This is more of a practical way to put a noose on the mouths of these barking dogs. Let's not give them the attention they seek by having the government run around making counter claims.
So are u suggesting that Pak should officially announce its position everytime some idiot claims some made up stuff?

I get what u r saying...and that sort of propaganda is a very real threat...and it works on the masses. However I think that by having to tell "no we r clean" every time someone says some made up stuff that can make u look bad...is a bit foolish. Think of all the times those two bit Indian "journalists"(if we can call them that) accuse Pak about this and that on a daily basis. Instead of dignifying idiotic claims by having Pak government respond in an official capacity...they should be ignored.

In case of Sheikh Rasheed...bcuz he is somewhat of a political figure(unfortunately)...there should be strict laws against this behavior. While we can't control outside idiots(to our east) from claiming whatever they please...at the very least there should be consequences for our domestic idiots. For any unsubstantiated claims like the one he made about the state of Pakistan(having those weapons)...he should have to answer in court and given a chance to provide proof...if not then pay a hefty fine, hold a press conference where he is forced to apologize and resign(with some waiting period as penalty before he can run for whatever position again). This is more of a practical way to put a noose on the mouths of these barking dogs. Let's not give them the attention they seek by having the government run around making counter claims.
Govt should call him in court and ask him, and he must deny that he ever passed such remarks, or, he was misinformed.

That world has already fueled enough hated against Muslims in general and when they had to blame Pakistan; small or not, it is all about narrative they create. Iraq had none but do you see their current condition? Why shouldn't we keep few for the suffron terrorists? If the case could have been like you narrate; CIA & MOSSAd would have done so long ago but its not easy. You really need to think beyond tunnel and stop being victim of fearful propaganda.
The issue is, very small nukes are of no use. Tacticals of midium size are OK. instead, Pakistan should go towards bigger ones, may thermo nuclear or hydrogen.

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