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All aboard the crazy train? Pakistan’s railways minister threatens India with mini nukes

shiekh Rasheed has no idea of this and is not nuclear scientists,I think he is talking about nuclear coated bullets which were used by u.s in afghanistan and iraq but are ineffective.Centurian tanks can sustain 10kt nuke blast as was tested in australia so these low yield nukes will be ineffective against such tanks of modern days
Did you even bother to watch it yourself ...or just lying is your forte?
Nuclear fission cant occur currently below 15 kg of fissile material. It wont gain the critical mass. So, thats that. Where do these people pull those numbers from? :what:
Errr... it can but it will be really really hard. The thing which does fission is neutrons. If you have a source of neutrons to provide a massive burst of neutrons of right energy, the fission can happen at any mass. Trouble is, to generate neutrons, mostly you need to do fusion, which requires a fission reaction in the first place. It is not however impossible to do fusion without fission.

It's a good approach by the government...that classic "good cop bad cop" tactic that scares the hell outta the world.
From where I stand, this is looking more like a comedy. Get some proper spokesperson folks. Mr Khan is a good face and can speak properly when given right script. Your bad cop is a joke! Get someone with proper credentials and aptitude to public speaking. And for the love of God, don't let them free-style speaking. Script them properly.

Sheikh Rasheed and anti matter what a combination !
Anti matter or whatever, the guy should be confident and look like business. This guy is talking like a failed stand-up comedian.
Nuclear grenades is the reason, why Indian army is hiding in Kahsmiri hills.
Indian Propaganda Media at it again Fake news... Do Google search and its all Indians news site sharing the same article word to word without a shred of any evidence.
This one is Russian. I cann't understand the language the guy was talking in. In the original video. Can anyone make a transcript of it?
shiekh Rasheed has no idea of this and is not nuclear scientists,I think he is talking about nuclear coated bullets which were used by u.s in afghanistan and iraq but are ineffective.Centurian tanks can sustain 10kt nuke blast as was tested in australia so these low yield nukes will be ineffective against such tanks of modern days

There is no such thing as nuclear coated bullet, what you wanted to say was Depleted Uranium bullets.
and no they are not at all ineffective, as a matter of fact, they are very effective.
An A-10 will destroy armor column with those bullets.
That is what happens when the Minister of Defense of the Government is missing and the Minister of Railways whose practically a certified moron tries to be the Minister of Defense and issues such ridiculous statements on nukes. I think that the recent electric current from the live mike has fried whatever was left of Sheeda's tiny brain
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Not really a moron just not a valid source for such secretive information ya retarded gangu.Sheikh rasheed is our pride putt punjab da
That is what happens when the Minister of Defense of the Government is missing and the Minister of Railways whose practically a certified moron tries to be the Minister of Defense and issues such ridiculous statements on nukes. I think that the recent electric current from the live mike has friend whatever was left of Sheeda's tiny brain
"The test seen up top had a yield equivalent of 18 tons of TNT, coming from a warhead that weighed only a little more than 50 pounds."

Thats 23 KG.

And it required few atmospheric testing to work.

LMAO. So the poster didn't read or didn't understand? Besides 50lbs of fissile material probably need an equivalent amount of explosives
"The test seen up top had a yield equivalent of 18 tons of TNT, coming from a warhead that weighed only a little more than 50 pounds."

Thats 23 KG.

And it required few atmospheric testing to work.

As I have said, 2kg of plutonium is enough for critical mass. But 200 gram is quite insane. Moreover, there is need for explosives to trigger the plutonium, casing to focus the explosive inwards without allowing explosive energy to escape and few other gadgets. So, total weight of smallest nuclear bomb ever built was 22kg.

LMAO. So the poster didn't read or didn't understand? Besides 50lbs of fissile material probably need an equivalent amount of explosives
No, total weight of bomb is 22kg. Fissile material is plutonium and is 2kg
Some years back, a news broke out that Pakistan has developed world's smallest nuke.

It was the strategy of Israel to produce such briefcase size or pen size nukes, but program was abondoned without completion.

Yesterday, Sheikh Rasheed confirms it that Pakistan has 125-250gm nukes.


News link :

Sheikh should have not spoken about it. He is an idiot.
But he is right. We have miniaturized nukes. We have depleted uranium ammo, etc. and far more.
But one shouldn't talk about it.
Pakistan is capable of creating havoc among Indian troops only if, and it is a big if, Pakistani Army is brave enough to show its hands. @MastanKhan
Don't ask my source, I can go right at the top of PA in a jiffy, if I ever so wish for something important. But it is not happening.
Some years back, a news broke out that Pakistan has developed world's smallest nuke.

It was the strategy of Israel to produce such briefcase size or pen size nukes, but program was abondoned without completion.

Yesterday, Sheikh Rasheed confirms it that Pakistan has 125-250gm nukes.


News link :
lol do you really think seikh sahab is privy to this information aand he is the right man to confirm this ???... be assured he knows jackshit about nukes, their numbers, their size, their yield...most of the generals except few does not know about these things.
shiekh Rasheed has no idea of this and is not nuclear scientists,I think he is talking about nuclear coated bullets which were used by u.s in afghanistan and iraq but are ineffective.Centurian tanks can sustain 10kt nuke blast as was tested in australia so these low yield nukes will be ineffective against such tanks of modern days

With due respect brother, it is another thing to blast a bomb near the tank, and to target it with specialised tank busting nuclear tipped armament.
It will blow the tank to the smithereens if strike at the right place.

lol do you really think seikh sahab is privy to this information aand he is the right man to confirm this ???... be assured he knows jackshit about nukes, their numbers, their size, their yield...most of the generals except few does not know about these things.

Do you think General Gafoor and General Bajwa know about it!!!

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